Chapter sixteen.

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Niragi's POV:
I smile at Akimi turning around as I see, oh my god, is that my fucking boyfriend!?

He walks up to me looking at my outfit smiling as I smile back. "B-babe, you look great!" I say as he smiles. "You look amazing." "Thanks to Kimi, she helped me pick the outfit." I say holding both of his hands looking deep into his eyes.

He has a long black coat with a black formal vest and fully black tie with a long sleeved white shirt under.

He has a long black coat with a black formal vest and fully black tie with a long sleeved white shirt under

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(Kind of like this)

He looks so fucking good. "Kuina begged for me to wear this." He says looking down as I bring him back up with hand kissing him softly. "I'll be on my way now, make sure you don't hurt the boy." Kimi says walking away. "Sorry about her." I say smiling as he kisses me again. "I thought she was into you?" "She's not, I promise." "How do you know?" "She told me she l-.." Fuck, I don't wanna out her out.

"Well?" "I'm sorry, I can't say." "Oh." He says looking away, fuck I made it awkward. "How about some drinks?" I say seeing his face light up. "Is that even a goddanm question?" "You're not drinking like last time though." "What? Whyy? We had so much fun last time!" He says pulling me by the collar whispering into my ear..

Chishiya's POV:
I had no idea Akimi had such fashion sense, she made my boyfriend look so fucking hot.

He has a white formal vest on with a long sleeved black shirt under with the sleeves rolled up and tight ass formal black pants that could easily rip.

He has a white formal vest on with a long sleeved black shirt under with the sleeves rolled up and tight ass formal black pants that could easily rip

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"Shiya." "Hm?" "Are you okay? It seems like you don't really need any drinks." "No-! I mean, yes! I need drinks!" "You're so fucking cute." He says as I I see him smile, god his smile is so adorable.

We walk into the bar ordering some drinks as we hear a familiar voice. "Well look who we have here." "Well if it isn't the pool hoe." I say turning around seeing the bitch that won't leave my boyfriend alone. "I'm surprised he's still even with you." She says yawning.

"Would you mind covering up? You look so fucking ugly with that top on." I say as he wraps his arm around my waist. "Don't you like my outfit Niragi?" She says smiling posing for him. "That's really cringe, leave me alone please." He says grabbing our drinks as we walk away. "I should've dragged her when I had the chance.." "Shiya, no. We will not be having drama." "Fine." I say taking a sip out of my drink.

He pulls me outside as we see everyone dressed up, that's weird. "I'm surprised." "You're surprised? I'm surprised! Why is everyone so formal?" "It's a part of the theme, didn't you know? We have all the spade cards!" Some girl says squealing as she runs into the crowd with her friends. "Oh, no wonder." I say taking another sip of my drink as he just leans against the pillar behind us. "I need a cigarette." "No cigarettes." "Why??" "You already had one today, no more." "Wow, okay." He says finishing his drink.

"Niragi!" Akimi says running up to us. "Yes?" "I need to talk to you, it's urgent!!" She says pulling him away, how dare she take my boyfriend away from me?

Kuina's POV:
I see Chishiya alone as I run up to him. "Why are you alone? Where is that ugly boyfriend of yours!?" "To be honest, I don't know." "Did he not like your outfit?" I say putting the most whiniest frown ever. "No no, he loved it." "Ooh!" I say having the biggest smile ever.

"Akimi pulled him away from me." "What!?" I say as He shushes me, he should not be this calm! "Before you get mad, let me tell you what happened." He says in a calm voice, I'm calm now.

"Fine..but this better be a good reason on why you're calm." "Okay well, when I saw him, he looked so fucking good." "Ew, I don't need to know about your gah thoughts." "That's not the point, he told me Akimi helped pick out his outfit." "So?" "What do you mean so? She helped him look good, for me!" "Ohh." I say losing my bad attitude.

I lean against the pillar with him as I look at everyone dancing. "Do they never get tired?" "I was thinking the same thing, how do they even start dancing?" "And do they not get embarrassed?" He says smoking a cigarette as I look away. "I bet in the real world they were all insecure." "Especially Niragi, you should see what he looked like in Highschool." He says smirking.

Now I'm curious. "What did he look like?" I say waiting for an answer. "He had short ass hair, glasses, so much wounds, I felt bad." "Is that why he's like this?" "Mhm, I should've helped him." "No, maybe if you did he wouldn't look like the boyfriend your obsessed over." I say as he nods.

"I still love the Niragi now, he can be an asshole, but I love him." "Aww, how gay," I say as he turns to me with a I will find out what you live the most and I'll break it staring deep into your eyes seeing you cry. "Sorry," I say seeing Niragi come back. "Well look who's here." I say as he looks at me. "Shiya, can I talk to you?" "Rude." I say walking outside looking for my beautiful girlfriend.

Niragi's POV:
She didn't need to know anyway. "What's so important that my best friend had to leave?" "Shiya, be a good boy." "I'm not a dog." "Of course not, but you're my cat." I say looking down at him as he looks up with that hot ass smirk of his.

"So?" "I talked with Akimi, and she said it was okay to tell you." "Tell me what?" I got I his ear whispering. "She's lesbian, she told me a month ago." "Oh shit." He says chuckling to himself. "Please don't tell anyone." "Why would I? With that cute ass face of yours I won't tell a single soul." He says pulling me by the collar softly kissing me.

I kiss back after 2 seconds cupping his cheeks waiting for him to open his mouth as he lets me slide in my tongue making him moan a little. "You're so fucking cute." I say as he pulls away. "Not now, it's too early." "Fine with me, as long as your in my bed it doesn't matter." I say smiling making him smile.

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