Chapter eleven.

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Chishiya's POV:
I open my eyes looking down at skin, I slowly tilt my head back seeing him snoring, I carefully get up opening the window doors leaning on the balcony seeing the sun peak out of the clouds as I hear someone yell my name.

I look down seeing Kuina wave as I wave back smiling. "Get back inside! You're gonna get sick!" She says walking inside as I go back closing the doors behind me as I hear shuffling.

"Shiya?" "I'm right here." "What are you doing up this early?" "It's only like, 2:00, besides, Kuina's awake too. "And how do you know." She was outside in her balcony. "Get back in bed, I wanna feel you." "That's gay." "Shut up and come here." He says as I get on top of him smiling.

"You don't wanna make out?" I whisper into his ear as he yawns kissing my neck softly. "Mm, yeah I do." He says as I kiss him sliding in my tongue as I keep going feeling the silver ball roll on my tongue as I pull away resting my head on his chest. "You wouldn't do this with that girl, right?" "Seriously? Babe, she's nobody, I promise." He says as I stretch. "She better be, you're all mine." "Mm." "Mmm."

3 months later

I knock on his door as he opens it not even kissing me. "Wow, no kiss?" "I'm looking for something, chishiyaaa, where are you??" "I'm right here." I say closing his door as I lean on it. "Not you." "Who else." "Found him." He says picking up a fluffy little white cat, oh my god.

"Babe." "Isn't he cute? Just look at him!" He says playing with the cats paws, I sit on the bed seeing the cat jump on it strutting up to me as he starts purring rubbing his head against my arm curling up into a ball. "Oh my god.." I say softly awing at him hearing him pur. "He's cute right?" "So fucking adorable, where did you find him?" "Some alley away from the beach, I was surprised still seeing him alive, I took him because, y'know, he's too adorable to die."

I'm so glad he bought the cat here, I'm now coming here for the cat. "He reminded me of you so, I named him after your last name." "Mm, he's so cute." I say petting him feeling his fluffy fur. "Hey, what about me?" He says sitting next to me as I look at him with no facial expression as he kisses me softly slowly making out with me as I moan.

"Fuck not in front of the cat.." I say as he picks me up placing me on his lap as the cat jumps off the bed going into a little house. "You like it? Made it by myself, with the help of Kimi." "Fuck why'd you bring her up? That was such a turn off." I say rolling off of him as he sighs.

Niragi's POV:
He can't be serious. "Baby, come on, you think I did this with her?" "Mm, yeah, that's exactly what I think." "Fine, have it your way." I say calling mini Chishiya as he struts out his house I made for him hopping onto the bed getting on top of me purring as I pet him. "You're so adorable." I say as he starts making biscuits on my shirt.

"Why does he love you more than me?" "Because I saved him, obviously." I say as he falls off making me laugh, I pick him up as he opens his eyes sticking out his tiny tongue. "Did he get that from you?" "Probably." I say sticking out my tongue back placing him down next to me as I feel Chishiyas arms around me. "I wanna cuddle." He says as I turn around. "Shiya, I have a kitten right now." "Mm." He murmurs picking up mini Chishiya placing him in the middle of us curling into a ball as he purs.

"Best thing that happened to me." I say tickling mini Chishiya's stomach as his paws mess with my finger licking my hand. "What about me?" "You too." I say as mini Chishiya clings onto my hand rubbing his head on my palm, I kiss his head holding him up with both of my arms slowly placing him on my stomach. "That could be me." He says getting closer to me kissing my neck. "You better not squeeze mini Chishiya." I say as he kisses me softly.

"Mm, you taste so good." He whispers sliding his hands down my stomach whispering. "Fuck.." I say looking down as I tilt my head back feeling him unzip my pants as- bang bang bang! "Niragi! Where is Chishiya!?" "Uh-! Which one!?" I yell back sitting up seeing mini Chishiya go into his house as I get up zipping up my pants opening the door seeing Kuina.

"Let me see him, now!" She says pushing me aside as I see mini Chishiya strut up to her. "Mm, I thought you came for the real one." I say sitting on the bed next to Chishiya as she awes. "He's so fucking cute!!" She says smiling.

He rests his head on my shoulder looking at me as I look down at him. "What's wrong?" "I miss you." "Ah, just wait until Kuina leaves, okay?" I whisper into his ear as he smiles. "I'm taking him with me." "Then you better feed him, if you don't feed him I'll literally kidnap your cat." "No! Please, Ann doesn't deserve to be cat napped." She says running out the door closing it. "She just stole you away from me." I say turning to him as he smiles.

Chishiya's POV:
I get up locking the door sitting on his lap cupping his cheeks softly kissing him, he slides his hands down to my ass squeezing it making me softly moan.

I kiss his cheek pushing him down wrapping my arms around him not letting go. "I'm so tireddd.." "Then sleep, I gotta take a shower anyway." "How about a bath." "I guess, I haven't had one in a while." He says as I roll off him laying on my back tilting my head to the open bathroom door seeing him get up going inside.

I get up unzipping my jacket walking inside as he turns on the water. "Mm, I don't feel like sleeping," I say taking off the rest of of my clothes as he turns around making me laugh. "You already saw what I looked like before?" "I know, just feel like I should give you some privacy." "I don't want any of it." I say turning him around kissing him. "Mm." He murmurs turning off the water still kissing me closing the door taking off the rest of his clothes as I get inside the tub while he steps in with me.

"You're so adorable, y'know?" He says while I turn around laying down in between his legs letting him wrap his arms around me rubbing my chest with his hands. "I love you." I say tilting my head back seeing him upside down as he kisses me.

"Me too." He says smiling, it was a genuine smile, that made me smile. "Do you know when our next party is?" "We have a meeting tomorrow about it." "Oh," I say turning around closing my eyes letting him wash my hair.

He finishes turning around as I wash his, his hair is so long. "When was the last time you got a haircut?" "Last year, November something." "Fuck your hair is so goddanm long." I whisper rinsing off the soap. "Is that a bad thing?" "No, I'll be able to style it." I say hearing him laugh a bit. "You gonna style it for the party?" "Most likely." I say finishing with his hair.

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