Chapter seven.

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Niragi's POV:
I keep talking to her as she quickly pulls me in. "We have a chance." She whispers as I feel someone pull me from behind. "He's not interested, leave him alone." Oh my savior. "If he wasn't interested he'd tell me, what even are you? His dog?" She says laughing at her own joke as Chishiya calmly walks up to her grabbing a wine glass smashing it on her head kicking her onto the floor, should I stop him? Mm, nah.

Everyone gasps as she screams seeing blood run down her face, she starts crying pushing him off running outside, I should check on her. I run out seeing her sobbing with her head down. "Hey, I'm sorry about him." "Go to your stupid boyfriend.." "I was gonna do that anyway, look, leave me alone." I say turning around feeling as if she looked up thinking I'd comfort her, why do that when I can literally cuddle my baby?? Only have him on my mind.

I head back inside seeing Hatter talking to everyone, I'm guessing that was a distraction. I walk up to Kuina whispering. "Where'd he go?" "He went to his room, I think." She whispers back, I grab a bottle of wine grabbing two glasses in the same hand looking for my gun under the table him and I sat at putting it on my shoulder stepping into one of the elevators pressing the button to my floor, there's no way he'd go to his room.

The elevator doors open as I unlock my door seeing him looking out the window, I knock on the door alerting him as he slightly jumps turning around. "I'm back." "Why'd you go with her?" "Told her to leave me alone." I say closing the door open with my leg putting the stuff on the brown dresser as I lock the door. "I don't wanna go back.." "Me neither, why don't we just stay here?" "I'd love that." He says closing the window covering it with the curtains flopping onto my bed drowning himself into the white covers waiting for me to get in with him.

I get in with him facing his way as he faces way. "What's wrong?" "I'm sorry." "For what?" "Just, being overprotective." I pull him in close as we both drown into the covers. "Forgave you from the start." I whisper kissing his cheek. "Do you know what time it is?" "About like, 5:00." I say spooning him. "That fast?" "We still have seven hours left." "And I wanna spend them with you." "Alone?" "If you want." He says digging his head into my neck as we hear a knock on the door. "Who is it??" I shout. "It's mee, is Chishiya with you??" "Yeah." "Hatter wants you guys with us!" Of course he does.

I let go of him getting out of bed grabbing my gun. "Wait." He whispers. "What?" "No wine?" "Oh, yeah." "What's taking so long?" "We'll be there in a minute." I shout as she shouts back. "Okay!" I open the bottle quickly pouring it out in both of our cups.

5 minutes later

Chishiya's POV:
We finish drinking as I open the door hearing him laugh. "What?" I say stepping out. "Nothing, you look so good right now." He says dragging his gun against the floor wrapping his arm around my waist stepping into the elevator. "You better not be drunk." "I can't make promises." "What's up with people and alcohol.." "How about you and I go straight to the bar, hm?" "I'd rather not." I say as the elevator doors open.

We walk out heading back to our table seeing Kuina and Ann sitting there, we sit in the other two chairs as Kuina sighs. "Took you long enough." "Were you guys fucking or something?" "What!? Ew no!" ""Ew"?? Babe we literally cuddled? You suggested we drank wine too." "What?? No..I would never do that." I say as he puts his hand on my thigh squeezing it tightly whispering. "I'm kinda horny." "You're always horny!" I whisper back as he frowns.

He gets up letting go of me as I see him walk to the bar, he's so annoying when he does that.. "Just let him drink, he'll black out." Ann says sipping her glass of wine. "It matches us." "What?" "The wine." Kuina says kissing Ann's cheek, why can't my boyfriend do that?? I turn around seeing him talking to this table of girls as they giggle. "I love your shirt!" Well I picked it out for him..

He comes back smiling sitting down holding my hand as I slap his letting him go. "Chishiya's never been this jealous before." Kuina says exposing my jealousy. "Really?" "Niragi if you don't kiss your boyfriend I swear to god." "I'm right here?" "Perfect! Now kiss." "We're not kissing." I say as he looks at me, he looks so no no, he's playing with you, just look away.. "I love you.." Oh come on! That's so not fair..fuck. "I love you too." Goddammit.

He grabs my hand as I turn back facing him as he smiles, fuck his smile is so cute! "If it makes you feel better, I told them I was taken." "We aren't official." "Then let's make it official." He says pulling a black ring matching his out of his pocket, I'm feeling so many feelings right now, the good ones.. "OH MY GOSHHHH!!" Kuina says screaming out of happiness. "So?" He says smiling as I jump on him hugging him tightly. "Yes you idiot!" I say smiling, I really don't care if anyone sees.

"I love you." He says grabbing one of my hands sliding the ring on my ring finger. "I love you too." I say hugging him tighter seeing Hatter smiling. "Look at the cute couple, by far my favorite." He says as I hide my face through his hair feeling him laugh a little.

Six hours later

Niragi's POV:
I feel so wasted right now. "Baby." "Yess?" "Are you drunk?" "I think so." He says smiling. "We have an hour left." "You look great in that shirt." "I hope you know drunk people don't lie Niragi!" Ann shouts as he slowly unbuttons two buttons on my shirt smiling. "You look so good right now.." "Chishiya." "Yess??" "Are you.." "I think, but I feel great." He says getting off me walking up to the bar tender, I don't feel like this is going to end well.

He comes back sitting next to me grabbing my hand placing it on his thigh squeezing it. "Are you more drunk than me??" "I think so, that's not a problem though, right?" He says smiling at me, I can't say no to him, he's so fucking cute. "Not at all." I say holding his hand tighter. "You gays have the rest of the morning to fuck, come on!" Kuina says pulling us up dragging us outside seeing a bunch of people. "Oh wow." "We're gonna do the fireworks soon!" One of the girls from outside squealed.

He pulls me by the arm holding onto me. "We aren't gonna get lost." "I know, just letting them know I'm with you." He says kissing my cheek. "Where exactly are we gonna go?" "Let's go near the stairs of the pool!" Kuina says grabbing Ann's hand pulling her into the mob. "I guess we'll go there." He says grabbing me tighter as we push through people as he trips someone. "Babe!" "What? It was her.." "Never mind." I say as we make it to the stairs as I sit on the concrete. "You're not gonna get in?" "You think I can?" I say tugging on my shirt. "Blame it on me, I chose it anyway." He says resting his head on my shoulder

"How many more time left?" "My guess is 36 minutes." Ann says holding Kuina's hand as she smiles. "I want another drink." He says getting up. "I'm coming with you, obviously." I say as he grabs my arm pushing past other people heading inside walking into the bar as he grabs two drinks. "One for you." He says handing me one. "And you say I'm the one obsessed with alcohol?" "It's just a few drinks." "Mhm, totally." "Wanna fuck?" "..Right now..?" "If you want." He says smiling drinking the entire shot.

I drink mine as he gets up. "Where are we going?" "Where do you wanna go?" "Let's go back outside." I say getting up as he grabs my hand pulling me outside. "Do you know what time it is?" He says yawning. "If you're tired we can go inside if you want." "No noo..I wanna watch the fireworkss." "Where's Kuina??" "We're over here!" She shouts waving her hand as we head over there. "It's almost time." Ann says smiling, she's finally happy for once.

"How much more minutes left?" He says sitting down with me. "Probably 20, either way I know who I'm kissing." She says wrapping her hand around Kuina as he rests his head on my shoulder. "Babe, if you're tired-" "No, I wanna stay." He says kissing my cheek. "If you guys don't kiss I swear." "Kuina, we'll kiss, just wait." He says tiredly wrapping his arms around me. "You're very tired." "I'm not tired for sex.." He whispers digging his head in my shoulder nudging me to hug him. "You're kinky." I whisper wrapping my right arm around him as he smiles.

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