2. Meeting pt.2

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Amelia's pov

It's finally the day, GRADUATION. I can't believe I did it, the top of my class, Valedictorian, hard work really does pay off.

Time skip☆♡☆♡☆

I just finished my speech and I'm about to take my seat with everyone else.

After the ceremony I got tackled into a big hug by my besties. "Oof,  guys can't breathe, can't breathe" " Sorry,Sorry",they said. "Anyways, so I have a gift for all of you," I showed them the tickets and they all screamed, "OK, OK, no need for the excitement..... my mom and dad got the tickets for us, the flight  leaves tomorrow." "AHHHHHHHHH, tomorrow?! You didn't even give me time to pack!", said Sarah. I rolled my eyes and said, " Don't be ridiculous, there is no need to pack were gonna go shopping in England, now let's go to the dinner then get some sleep we have an early flight."  The girls then looked at each other and Emily said, "We don't know what to say or how to thank you fo-", I interrupted her and said, "DON'T EVEN, you guys are my best friends, sisters even,  me doing this is just a thank you for being there for me for all these years, so stop trying to thank me and let's just go eat some food, I'm starving" they all laughed and we went to dinner.

Time skip to after dinner☆♡☆♡☆

My mom, dad and sister left to go home after the dinner, I drove the girls home in my Chevy.

Next day☆♡☆♡☆♡☆

Oh my goodness I can't believe it's 4 am, I have 1 hour to get ready and pick up the girls to get to the airport by 6am our flight is at 6:30. I picked up my phone and called the group chat
"Good morning guys, get your asses up right now. You got 1 hour to get ready I'll be picking you up at 5:20" "ugh, why did you have to book the flight so early?" ,said Lexi, i rolled my eyes and said,"I didn't mom did, you guys know how she likes to do things early, said something about wanting us to get familiar with the place before the match."
After I said that we all said our goodbyes and got ready.
I took a shower, brushed my teeth and put my hair in some French braids.

Time skip to the airport☆♡☆♡☆

My family got up early to hug me goodbye, the girls said there family did the same too, were only staying a week in England then we think about what we're gonna do for the year to come.

The flight was taking off now and everyone was strapped up. As soon as the turbulence was over we all went back to sleep. 
The flight was for 6 hours and 45 minutes, when we got there I looked down at my phone to see my mom sending a message about the hotel she booked for the week. We took a taxi to the hotel and went up to our suite, we all went into the separate rooms in the suite and went to bed and didn't wake up until the next morning.

Time skip to the match☆♡☆♡☆

We were all dressed and  ready to go, my mom rented a car for us to use during the week and I was driving, I drove to the stadium and we all got out, bought food and then went to our seats. The game started and I saw Him.

Jude's Pov

The game started we had possession of the ball Jadon passed the ball to me and I scored it right into the goal. The match was 1-0 in the first 20 minutes if the game, getting close to half time I scored the third goal for BVB, during my celebration my eyes connected with the most beautiful set of brown eyes. It was now halftime and we were listening to coach tell us the game play for the rest of the game. The match started back and I looked back into the crowd and our eyes connected. The match went overtime by 5 minutes and we were in our last minute with 5 - 1, in the last minute I got the ball and made the goal the match ended at 6-1. We went around to get interviewed, then we got to meet some fans. She was there with her 3 friend and they were calling me and Jadon over, we went over and signed autographs I even gave her a hug and asked her for her name, Gosh I was just dying to put a name to that pretty face. "Oh my God, my name? My name is Amelia it's nice to meet you", she said. "My name is Jude, I guess you would have know that tho seen as you called us over by name, ha", I said.  "Uhh, here I want you to have something", I took of my shirt and gave it to her, she accepted it then her friends said they were tired and wanted to leave so we parted ways there. After I got back to the hotel with the boys I could not just stop thinking about her, I posted something on Instagram before the match and the last notification was the she liked the post, I quickly clicked on her account just to make sure it was her then dm'ed her, I know she is probably sleeping by now so I'll just wait until tomorrow before I get a reply from her.

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