10. Graduation

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Amelia's pov

I am finally graduating from university. I did it, I'm making my mom proud. Ofcourse I'm the Valedictorian, I mean I worked extremely hard for this.

It was currently 2 am and I was still trying to write my Valedictorian speech. I heard the doorbell ring so I went downstairs to see who was at the door. Everyone was already sleeping seeing as graduation was Friday. It was Monday morning  so I had 4 days to finish the speech. When I opened the door the first person I saw was Jobe. "Jobe? What are you doing here?" "Well first of all my sister is graduating and also my girlfriend is also graduating. She doesn't know I'm here though so I'm just gonna go surprise her in her room." He walked passed me and actually went up to her room.  I turned back around to see Denise and Mark. "You guys are here too?" "Did you really expect us to miss your graduation? You must be joking." "Thank you guys for coming. It means alot to me" I said with a smile. "You guys can stay in the room down the hall on your right. It's a guest bedroom." They took their bags and went down the hallway. I looked back outside to see the person who ive missed completely for the past 6 months. I threw myself into his arms. He caught me and hugged me so tight I almost couldnt breathe. I pulled back a bit, "Thank you for coming, you don't know how much this means to me." "I wouldn't miss it for the world to be honest. You've worked so hard, you literally started med school in your second year of university. You've pushed yourself so hard to be the best. You deserve everything." I looked at him with tears in my eyes and kissed him so hard. We pulled apart again and i helped him take his bags into my room. Just as we were passing Emily's room I hear her scream. "She just realized that Jobe is here" I whispered to him and we continued to my room. When we got there Jude looked around st all the papers in my room. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I'm Valedictorian." "That's amazing, but why the look on your face?" " I have no idea what to write" "How about you just take a break and go to sleep. Tomorrow or later when u get up, it will all come to you." "Okay", I nodded to him. He  went into the bathroom to take a shower. I sat down on the bed waiting for him to get out.   He came out in gray sweatpants and he was shirtless. I was just looking at his abs, totally in a daze. He jumped in bed and got under the covers. He lifted up the otherside of the covers and said, "Common, you look extremely tired. Come get some rest." I nodded and crawled beside him into the bed.

When I got up I got this burst of energy and decided to just write what came to mind. By the time I was done Jude finally woke up. I looked at the clock and realized that it was 6 in the afternoon. "Hey sleepy head, I finished my speech wanna read it?"  "Did you really just ask me if I wanted to read your speech? Ofcourse I wanna read it." He took the paper from me and read it. "Damn, this is good." Thank you so much." "Imagine this having such a smart and hot girlfriend. I honestly couldn't have asked for anything more."  I blushed at him. "We're gonna be staying here for the rest of the day. I'm just gonna go downstairs and make us a sandwich and get us some drinks" I left the room and went downstairs to see notes on the fridge. One from Denise and Mark, one from Jobe and Emily and one from Lexi and Sarah. Apparently Jobe took Emily put, same with Mark for Denise, while Sarah and Lexi went to my parents house. They all said they would be home before 11pm.

I made the food and brought it back up to my room. Jude was on his phone so I just say the food down on the bed and crawled in. We both ate, then Jude brought the dishes down. During that time I took a shower.

Graduation day☆♡☆♡☆

It was finally Graduation Day. I had the perfect outfit saved for this day, I haven't worn it before so this would be the perfect chance to wear it.

 I had the perfect outfit saved for this day, I haven't worn it before so this would be the perfect chance to wear it

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Graduation outfit ⬆️

I was the last person to be called onto the stage to collect my degree. I was so nervous. "Now the one person you've all been waiting for. Amelia Hayman." As I walked onto the stage the whole school cheered for me. Honestly I didn't know so much people knew of me. I shook the hand of my past teachers, the principal and even the chairman. I went to stand at the podium and the whole place got quiet. "Good evening everyone. I want to say thank you to everyone who believed in me, but most importantly I want to say thank you to my mother. I honestly couldn't have made it so far without her having my back through it all. I also want to say thank you to my boyfriend, we did this whole long distance relationship but never has he once ever stop supporting me. They always pushed me to be the best of what I could be. My bestfriends always saw the potential in me and we went through this journey together, when things got hard it was still just the 4 of us. Without all these people in my life I wouldn't know where I would be today......................................................And with all thay being said, just be who you are. See your dream and work hard to achieve it, no matter what the  challenges that might come in your way. Never give up. Thank you" I walked off the stage and the ceremony ended.


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sorry for not updating as often as I should. I have school and I have alot of labs doing. But I'll try to update on weekends.

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