9. 4th year of University

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Amelia's pov

I'm in my 4th year of university finally, I mean after I graduate I have about 3 years left of med school because during my second year of university I applied for med school and even though they don't normally do that they let me in, all because of my grades. Ofcourse I had to work twice as hard than my other classmates but it was always manageable.

Jude and I were still going strong, but I've had less phone time with him. He always made it a thing though to call me in the nights even tho I fall asleep on the calls he stays there and sleeps aswell, he is the first person i saw in the mornings.

Winter Break♡☆♡☆♡☆

It was currently winter break and I decided I wanted to spend my first Christmas in a long time in Jamaica. The girls and I all decided we would go there and stay at my parents house.  I was currently in my parents room doing my duty of annoying them.

"Hey guys" "Out" my mom groaned as she turned and tried going back to sleep. "Mom, Dad, the girls and I were thinking if we could spend Christmas at the house in Jamaica. I ofcourse would bring my sister so you guys could spend Christmas by yourself this year, give you guys a break from dealing with us kids." They both say up in the bed looked at each other having a silent conversation with their eyes. I jumped on there bed and layer down in-between the two and waited for their response. After 2 minutes they finally turned to me and said 'Yes' at the same time. I looked at both of them "Really?" They both nodded with a smile. I kissed both of them on the cheeks and ran to my sisters room waking her up.

"Wakey, wakey, get everything you want to bring to Jamaica for 2 weeks we leave tomorrow afternoon" "Ugh.... why?" "Because I just made a deal to bring you with my friends and I to Jamaica for Winter break. We will be spending Christmas there ofcourse. Leaving the parents here to relax, without any of us." I said with a smile. "Can I bring Cecilia?" "Umm, I mean if her parents are up to it yeah sure."  "Oh they will"  okayyyy, her little smile there was being at a little creepy. She was 16 and so was Cecilia. Cecilia moved from Brazil with her parents. I know her full name was Cecilia da Silva Santos. The girl was a real sweetheart if I'm being honest and they brought out the best in one another. I drove back to my house and used the microphone downstairs to wake up the girls.
I know it was a bit much but we didn't have much time to pack and get ready.

"GOOD MORNING SLEEPY HEADS, WE WILL BE ON A FLIGHT TO JAMAICA TOMORROW AFTERNOON." I turned off the microphone amd set on some music, I heard footsteps running towards me and I was tackled into the couch. "They said yes?" Sarah asked. "They said Yes!" I screamed. They all screamed and we started dancing around the living room to 'Superbass - by Nicki Minaj' I saw my phone ringing and went to pick it up. "Hello" I said while walking away into the kitchen where it was less noisy. "Hey babe, I'm coming to spend Christmas with you." "We're going to Jamaica" "I've never been to Jamaica, I'll join you. Is it OK if I bring Jobe with me, I was thinking we could give our parents a break this Christmas" "Great minds really do think alike. I was gonna tell you to bring Jobe with you and isn't it funny that we both thought of the same thing with our parents?" "When are you leaving for Jamaica?" "Tomorrow afternoon" "OK great do you would get there by Sunday Morning. I'll book a flight for tomorrow morning, it's gonna take a long time for me to get there from here. I'll ask my mom to book one for Jobe aswell." "Okay babe, I'm gonna go pack, talk to you tomorrow before your flight." We hung up and I turned to see all the girls standing in the doorway of the kitchen. "What so no I love you?" Asked Lexi. "Yall have been together for years and not once have I ever hear you say those words, I know you love him because you literally never stop talking about him. But why haven't you told him that?" "I don't know to be honest, but I plan on telling him over the holidays"
We then went up to our rooms and packed. We ordered pizza and my sister called asking if I could pick her and Cecilia up so we can all just leave the same time.  So I left and drove to my house. I walked in, "Yo" Cecilia ran to me and tackled me into a hug. "Thank you,thank you, soo much.... I've never been to the Caribbean before, this would be my first time traveling to somewhere since we migrated from Brazil." "Its ok mama, I'm glad you can come too, so that Serena doesn't have to be by herself. I mean ofcourse she has me and my friends but I mean someone her age. Anyways let's get going, I'm gonna go tell Mama and Papa we're leaving. Come along Serena we're not gonna see them again till after New Years." We hugged our parents goodbye then I drove back to my place. I showed Cecilia to her room because Serena already chose her room from the first time she came over.

Next day☆♡☆♡☆

I woke up made breakfast for everyone and we just spend the say making sure we had what we needed to packed and downstairs by the door. I called my dad's personal driver and asked him if he could take us to the airport and her agreed.
Jude had called me at 3am saying he was boarding his flight and he would call me when he was at the airport in Jamaica. I told him if he got there before us just stay in the hotel for a day and I would come and get him. Mom had given me the keys to the house yesterday when I went to say goodbye.

We were currently boarding the flight, so I texted Jude to inform him of what we were doing now.

The flight was pretty boring but when we got to Jamaica we took the a chartered taxi all the way to the house. Surprisingly Jude still had a few hours left on his flight so we all just went to bed seeing as we were tired. I got woken up when Jude called me on Instagram because his phone wouldn't work in this country. He said he arrived at the airport so I woke up and just jumped into the car in the garage and drove to the airport, it was about 3 in the morning when he called and I arrived at the airport at 4 am. I saw him and Jobe talking and I ran up to them and hugged Jobe instead of Jude. "Baby bro, whats up?" "Im good, so umm where's ur friend" "which one?" "He means Emily" "She's at the house sleeping" "Well let's get going then" he walked off and I saw Jude pouting, "Oh baby, I someone jealous I hugged their brother before them?" "No" he sid and looked away. "Awww" I pulled him into a passionate kiss then pulled away. "You know it's always the best for last" "Yeah yeah, let's go Jobe lookes like he wants to murder us right now." I laughed and pulled hin towards the car. They packed their suitcases into the trunk. Jobe sat in the back and Jude sat up front with me.  When we arrived it was 5 am and I was still tired so I showed Jobe his room and dragged Jude to mine where I went back to bed. I felt the bed dip and I was pulled into his chest. I just cuddled and fell asleep.

In the afternoon☆♡☆♡☆

Everyone was finally awake and I made lunch for them since as we missed breakfast. Jobe has literally been following Emily around since he saw her. And she is loving every minute of it. I knew she had a little crush on him, and he with her. Jude and I are going to play cupid and set the two up by new years.

Skip to New Years eve☆♡☆♡☆

It was currently 9pm and we were all getting ready to the party at my friend's house. She was hosting a New Years party and it started at 10, but we take forever to get ready so I know we're going to be late regardless.  This between Jude and I have gotten more serious, I plan on telling him I love him at 12 tonight.

At the party☆♡☆♡☆

It's currently 11:50 and Jude and I have been dancing with each other the entire night. I also have been keeping a close eye on my sister and her friend, but then Lexi and Sarah said that they would watch them so I could have some fun.

People started counting down
10.....9....8....7...6...5....4...3...2...1... it was finally New Years. I cupped Jude's face and looked into his eyes and said, "Happy New Years Jude, I love you so much" he kissed me with so much passion, he was the one to break the kiss he smiled and said "I love you too."

Love At First Sight - Jude Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now