7. Be My Girlfriend?

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Amelia's Pov

So it's the next day and I woke up with a wicked hangover, I stayed in that bed the whole day and just sleep. I did not move until 6 in the afternoon I got up and took a shower, ordered room service and waited for it to come up. While waiting I went to check on the girls, turns out that they were all sleeping so I just left them. When my food came I brought it to my room turned on the TV and watched some movies. I then decided to go to Jude's hotel to talk to him because we kissed and I didn't know where we stood right now. I sent a message to our gc and told the girls where i would be then drove to his hotel. When I got to his room I knocked on the door and he opened it, he look a tad bit surprised to see me but invited me in nevertheless. "So, uh - um what are you doing here?" He asked and I said "Well, we kissed last night and it was a really good kiss, your such a good kisser, I literally can't get that kiss out my mind -" "Amelia your getting a bit side tracked here" I looked up at him, blushed and said, "Right, sorry, I just want to know where we stand." He laughed and said " I was gonna stop by your hotel later to ask you to be my girlfriend, but since as your here I'll ask you now.Will you Amelia Hayman be my girlfriend?" He looked so nervous, I looked up at him in shock and said" Me? Your asking me? Of all the people why me?" "Becaude your beautiful, your smart, your caring, your loving,  and because you make my hear beat 100 times faster anytime you walk into the same room I'm in."
Tears started to come out of my eyes the time he was done. "YES. yes yes yes yes yes, a million yes, ofcourse I would be your girlfriend." I jumped on him and kissed him all over his face.

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