Ch- Love Yourself World Tour.

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We had our world tour going on since a month now. It was so exhausting. I didn't give up tho, since the army always kept me going.
When they cheered, we cheered. When we cried, they cried. We were like a whole family.
My solo song, 'All Wrong' had gotten so much love. I was really thankful.

19th October 2018,
Today, I could barely handle myself anymore. I felt like giving up but again ignored my body's feelings.
We finished our second last show in Paris, at the Accor Arena. We only had one day left in Europe and then we would head off to Asia and get a few days of rest.
I can do this. I can do this.
Plus I didn't wanna make the members and staff worried, especially after Jungkook's incident in London. Even though he was way better and dancing now, I still didn't want to tell them.

We head back to the hotel,
"Guys, I'm heading off to sleep, don't feel like eating. Night." I told the boys as I went to the bedroom.

I flopped onto my bed and dozed off to dream world.

Taehyung POV:

Muffin went to sleep without eating. She was tired out and we were also tired so we didn't say anything. After eating we all bid goodbyes to eachother and went to our bedrooms. I was sharing one with her.

I walked in to find her peacefully sleeping. She was soo cute. We all loved her as our little sister. I touched her face to remove a strand of hair but flinched. It was burning like hell.
I quickly got the thermometer from the first aid kit and checked her temperature. 103°C.

"Shit.." I ran out of the bedroom and knocked on everyone's doors. Everyone came out looking concerned.

"Taehyung-ah. You never knock on the door. What happened??' Yoongi hyung said coming upto me.
"Quinn. She is burning with a fever of 103."
"What!?! 103!!?" Jungkook squealed as he rushed to the bedroom with Jimin following suit.

All of us went in to see her twisting and turning in bed.
"Wake her up. She has to have the medicines." Jin hyung commanded.
"Quinn, Quinn. Wake up." Jimin said shaking her softly.
"H-huh?" She tried to get up but Namjoon laid her back down. "Uh uh young lady, you're not getting up."
"Oppa, what's going on?? And why is it so hot in here." She said flapping her hands.

"Because you have a freaking fever of 103°!!!" Yoongi hyung screamed.
"Fever? But I was just fine.." She suddenly sounded so weak.
"We'll talk about that in the morning. Right now take the medicines." Jin hyung said, giving her some tablets and a glass of water.
"Thank you oppa." She took the medicines.
"Everyone let's get some sleep right now. We will talk in the morning." Namjoon hyung said as everyone started slowly walking out with "Night guys." and "Take care Q."

"Taehyung. I'm fine really. This fever is fake." She said tugging in my hand.
"It's ok Muffin. Sleep for now, we still have a concert tomorrow."
She closed her eyes and slept. I went to my bed and dozed off to.

Quinn POV:
The next morning.

I woke up to the sound of voices outside. I was still feeling a little hot and weak, but some fever was not gonna stop me from performing.
I went outside a little shakily, rubbing my eyes.
"Morning boys."
"Q! You're up! How are feeling? Are you ok?" Jungkook said rushing up to me.
"I'm fine Kook. Completely fine." I said walking up to the kitchen counter.

Suddenly Jimin oppa rushed up to me and put a thermometer on my forehead. "99.7°C. That's almost a 100." His eyes were full of concern.
"I'm fine really!! The thermometer is broken."
"You're not fine Quinnie, we have to decide if you're gonna perform in the concert today." Namjoon oppa said with worry lacing his voice. The word if broke me.
"NO! no ifs. I will be performing in the concert and nothing is stopping me!" I screamed, took a piece of toast and stormed off to the bedroom.

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