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Trigger warning: ⚠️
End of warning: 🔚

A teenaged Kelly was in her bed, hiding underneath the covers, clutching onto her Teddy bear. This was the one day out of the year that she didn't have training. It was her birthday, and she was turning thirteen years old. Her mother came into her room seconds later. Being the daughter of the great and powerful alpha, Donna Summer, was hard for Kelly. She was not cut out for the violence and the killing. So she thought. Unfortunately, she was wrong about having the day off. Her mother led her outside to their backyard.

Donna threw her daughter onto the ground. "You thought that you could skip training this morning?"

Kelly stared at the ground. "It's my birthday, Alpha. You always let me skip on my birthday."

Donna's features softened for a second. She forgot it was her only daughter's birthday. This had been one hell of a year for her. With rogue packs getting stronger and keeping Kelly in the dark about certain things. This year has been stressful. "Not anymore. You're a teenager now. I'm giving you more responsibility because one day, this pack will be yours." She walked to the center of the mat.

"Happy birthday, Cuzzo!" Normani ran out of the house. She jumped on her first cousin, planting a kiss on her cheek. Normani was only a year younger than Kelly. Despite being cousins, they acted more like sisters.

Kelly giggled. "Thank you." She ruffled Normani's hair. That is when she noticed the new bruise on Normani's jaw. She raised an eyebrow.

"Alpha made me spar with her this morning." Normani shrugged. It was nothing new. Both children were used to the bumps and bruises.

Donna never pulled her punches when it came to her family. 'The enemy never lets up, so why should she?' was Donna's motto. A statement she lived by whenever anyone tried to spar with her. The only person who Kelly has seen defeat her mother was the beta, Serena Williams, who happened to be Normani's mother.

"Yeah. And now it's your turn, Kelly." Donna stared at her daughter.

Kelly nodded. She followed her mother's lead. The two got into their stances. Kelly never came close to beating her mother. She just hoped that today's match would end quickly.


Kelly walked to the freezer to get her ice pack. She placed it over her eye. Her cuts and bruises will heal quicker after she shifts for the first time. She couldn't wait. Instead of waiting for days for it to heal, she would only have to wait a few minutes or hours.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Normani asked, plopping onto the couch with a bag of frozen sweet peas on her jaw.

Tonight was the night that Kelly would shift for the first time. "I'm anxious. I wonder what my fur is going to look like. Would I look intimidating or like a cute little fur baby." She smiled, handing an ice pack to Normani.

"You're going to look like a cute fur baby. You don't have an intimidating bone in your body." Normani teased. "What about the other thing? Do you think that you can go through with it?"

Kelly's smile dropped. She didn't want to think about anything else. In order for her to be able to shift, she also has to kill someone or be bitten by another werewolf. In the midnight moon pack, the alpha's child must kill someone. "Yes." She answered simply, but shook her head no. They both knew that she wasn't ready, but she didn't want the alpha to hear her say no out loud. She didn't want to give the alpha another reason to hate her.

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