Chapter Seven

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Kelly and Normani went to the ball. There were a lot of people around. They needed to find Megan, Cardi, and Beyoncé. Kelly still had no idea how Beyoncé was being held prisoner by a human. Maybe she wasn't as strong as she thought.

"I need something to drink." Normani said, looking at Kelly. She didn't do well in big crowds like this. Where there was a crowd, danger was certainly around the corner. In this case, the danger was Dwayne. They had to stay one step ahead of him because they didn't have the money.

"I will walk with you." Kelly followed close behind Normani. There was no way she was doing this completely sober. There was a high possibility that she would see Beyoncé again, and she was not prepared for that. Who knows what crazy tricks the alpha had planned.


Beyoncé tugged at the collar around her neck. "This is stupid! Why do I have to wear this shit."

"Because you will look more convincing that you are here against your will." Bianca fixed her sister's shirt, so it wouldn't be crooked.

Bianca and Dinah mind linked Beyoncé, and Beyoncé told them where she was. She would only leave with them if they agreed to help her out with her plan.

Beyonce grunted and rolled her eyes. "I would much rather-"

"Rather not lie to Kelly the first time yall speak to each other face to face in years?" Bianca raised an eyebrow. They both knew this was wrong.

Beyoncé huffed. "She might not show up." She grumbled. That was the most likely choice. Kelly hated her, but that di

"Hey!" Dinah cheered. "Let's go dance and flirt with girls."

"Sounds great!" Bianca smiled, flipping her hair behind her.

Solange walked into the room. "What are y'all doing in here?"

"Solo! You made it." Beyoncé hugged her sister. Her sister brought a date.

Solange smiled. "This is my mate. Her name is Michelle."

The sisters greeted Michelle. They had no time to ask questions. They had to get into their places, so they could fake rescue Beyoncé. Beyoncé felt a tinge of jealousy. She just hoped everything would go as planned.

Bianca didn't dress up just to kick some ass. She wanted to dance too. "Let's go, Dinah. I want to dance before the real party begins."

"And talk to girls? I'll be your wing woman." Dinah grinned. She was an excellent wing woman.

"Eh No thank you." Bianca laughed walking out of the room.

"Hey!" Dinah hit Solange's arm. "Why not me? I am a good wing woman."

"No offense, but you got no game." Solange pulled Michelle towards the dance floor. "Good luck!" She yelled over her shoulder.

Dinah rolled her eyes. "I'm a good wing woman. Not that it matters anymore. Everyone is finding their mates."


Normani was searching the crowd when she felt a pair of eyes on her. She looked in the direction, and she saw someone who looked similar to Beyoncé. It was Solange.

"What is she doing here?" Kelly asked, staring at Solange.

"Something tells me that we are about to find out." Normani finished her drink as the beta and three other people walked towards her.

"I assume you are here for Beyoncé?" Kelly asked. It was a rhetorical question. She already knew the answer to.

"Y'all get her, and we will get our friends." Normani chimed in.

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