Chapter Four

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(A/N: I honestly did not expect for y'all to like this book this much, but I am really glad that you do. Thank you for 80 votes.)

Two hours passed and nothing happened. Beyoncé was sitting outside of Normani's and Kelly's house. She was trying to get enough courage to knock on their door. She was outnumbered, but not out skilled. She could handle them both easily. However, she didn't want to hurt either of them. She wanted them to come peacefully. She wanted it to be their choice. She knew that if she tried to force Kelly to come, it would not be right. However, she needed her. She needed Kelly. Now that she was twenty four and still without her Luna, the headaches began to get worse, leading to blackouts. It was getting harder for her to lead. At this rate, she would go crazy by the end of the year. Not that she would allow herself to. She would kill herself before she put anyone she loved in danger.

Beyoncé's phone rang, and she answered it immediately, seeing that it was her favorite sister. "Talk to me." She already had a feeling how this conversation was going to go.

"Bey." Solange's voice was on the other side of the line. She didn't sound happy.

Beyoncé rolled her eyes. "Spit it out, Solo!"

Solange started to talk. "Mom is looking for you. She isn't happy that you left. You need to get back now."

Beyoncé closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. It wasn't good news. It was never good news whenever Solange called her. She thought that she was going to get yelled at for leaving. She didn't expect for her mother to notice that she had left so quickly. "How? How did she know that I slipped away? Did you tell her?"

"No! I don't know, but she looks pissed." Solange whispered. "Really pissed. Where are you?"

Beyoncé shook her head. "I'm busy, Solange. Stall her for a few days." She needed time to think about her next move. She had found Kelly, but she didn't know how to get Kelly to trust her again. Kelly could easily reject her as a mate, sealing both of their fates. Beyoncé would die, and Kelly would be rid of her forever.

"No can do. She has someone flying in from Barbados to meet with you about a possible arranged marriage." Solange informed her of what was going on in her absence. 

"No!" Beyonce slammed her hand against the steering wheel. "I told her that I wasn't going to do that."

"Yeah. She heard and still doesn't care." Solange was nervous about what Beyoncé would do.

"Solo, who are you on the phone with? Is that your sister?" Their mother, Tina, asked.

"No ma'am!" Solange panicked.

"Yes it is!" Tina walked towards Solange. "Give me the phone. Let me speak with her."

"Bye Solo." Beyonce hung up the phone. She turned her phone off. She didn't want to talk to her mother.

Four months ago.

Normani pulled the mask over her head. She clicked her flashlight on and off. Kelly was right beside her with a map of the strip club in her hand. "Are you sure that this is a good idea?"

Kelly led them down the hall. "Yes. We will be fine. We need the money. Our funds are running low."

"We could just get a job." Normani huffed. "You know I hate robbing though." It required too much work and things always went wrong.

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