Chapter Five

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Solange stared at her blank phone. She couldn't believe her sister just hung up on her. Now was not the time for her to be selfish.

"Solange, give me the phone." Tina stuck her hand out.

"She hung up." Solange covered her mouth with her hand. Damn it. How could her sister to this to her.

"What do you mean she hung up? You told her to, didn't you?" Tina snatched the phone from Solange.

'No, she heard your loud ass!' Is exactly what Solange wanted to say, but she didn't because she liked being alive... most of the time. At this very moment, she wasn't happy. Thanks to her mother, she didn't get to tell Beyoncé what would happen if she didn't come home. "No mom. I was trying to get her location when she heard your voice. Then she hung up, and I have no idea where she is. If you would have waited to speak. I probably could have gottwn a clue to where she was or what she was doing."

"Am I sensing an attitude?" Tina raised an eyebrow.

"No ma'am." Solange shook her head. Her mom was used to getting what she wanted, and Beyoncé was used to denying her mother. Beyoncé could talk back and argue because she was a dying alpha. Solange on the other hand was just her sister's beta. She was replaceable. Not like Beyoncé ever made her feel that way. She didn't have the courage to talk back to her mother, so instead she often comply. Even if it made her look weak.

'That is what I thought. You will be in your sister's place tomorrow. I will provide your outfit. I must remind you that the daughter of the fenty pack is the only person you will flirt with, and the only one you will have eyes for. We need a strong and powerful alliance. The fenty tribe can provide that for us, so don't screw this up like your sister. Am I understood?"  Tina gave Solange back her phone.

"Yes Alpha." Solange nodded. She was so screwed. How was she going to fill Beyoncé's shoes. She needed to get her older sister back, and she needed to do it before tomorrow. Solange walked to her room. She was pissed. Thanks to Beyoncé and her stupid search for Kelly, she had to go on the date. She grabbed her empty backpack, and left the room. She left the pack house. She walked to the woods, ignoring the various men and women who tried to talk to her. Everyone but her best friend Janelle got the hint that she wasn't in the mood to be bothered.

Janelle Monáe Robinson was one year older than Solange. The two of them have known each other since they were toddlers. She could tell something was wrong. "Solange." She wrapped her arm around the younger girl's waist. "What's bothering you, Sol?"

"Nothing." Solange kept walking.

Janelle sighed. "I tell you what. If you promise to tell me what is bothering you after our run, then I won't ask you again until then."

"Our run?" Solange glanced at Janelle.

Janelle nodded with a cheeky grin on her face. "You don't think that I would let you go running off on your own when you have that look in your eyes."

"What look?" Solange rolled her eyes. 

Janelle was used to Solange's attitude. She understood that in moments like this, Solange just didn't want to talk about it. She wanted to be along abd sulk, but Solange always felt better after talking about it. Janelle would force her to talk. "That look that says, 'I'm going to kill something or someone because my mama is getting my nerves.' That look." Janelle held her pinky out. "Do you promise?"

"Yes." Solange hooked her pinky finger with Janelle. Although Janelle could be persistent and annoying about her expressing her feelings, Solange was extremely grateful for her. "Thank you, Jay." She hugged her.

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