Chapter Eight

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"Mate! Mate! Mate!" Normani's wolf chanted. 

Normani groaned and opened her eyes, blinking a few times. There was a woman in front of her that smelled like cherry blossoms. Subtle but sweet. She was rubbing Normani's leg soothingly like a mother would. 

"Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling?" The woman had a soft voice. 

Normani could tell that the woman in front of her was concerned. She ignored the sparks between them. She had never felt anything like this before. Maybe she was dreaming. She swallowed air. Her mouth was dry and her tongue felt like sandpaper. "Please tell me that you're real." Her voice came out hoarse. 

The woman in front of her giggled. "Yes, I am real." She picked up a glass of water and held it out to Normani. 

Normani just stared at her. She wasn't drinking that. She had no idea who this woman was, and why she was in her room. Where was Kelly? 

The woman held her hand up for Normani to shake. "My name is Chloe." She took a sip of the water. "It's not poisoned. I promise." 

"Mate will never hurt us!" Her wolf said  Normani took the glass from Chloe's hand. She didn't trust Chloe, but she was thirsty. Too thirsty to deny the water. She took a sip from the water. It tasted normal. She greedily drank the rest. Water spilled from the glass dripping down her face as she did. Her eyes never left Chloe. Judging from what the girl was wearing, she assumed that Chloe worked here. She had on a pair of light blue scrubs. "I am Normani." She introduced herself once she finished the glass of water. It was weird using her real name. She hasn't introduced herself as Normani in years. It almost felt like she was giving Chloe a fake name. An alias. A name that wasn't hers anymore.

Chloe looked down and tucked some hair behind her ear before her eyes met with Normani's again. "It is nice to meet you. I am glad that you are awake." She caressed Normani's cheek. She pulled her closer and connected their lips in a sweet peck. She never thought that she would find her mate. She pulled away, grinning. 

"Whoa." Normani said gazing lovely at Chloe. "What was that for, mate?"

"Sorry, we were just so worried about you." Chloe giggled. "I just committed a HIPAA violation." 

"You did?" Normani was confused for a moment by what Chloe meant; until she noticed the lab coat in the chair that had Dr. Bailey on it. "You're not my doctor, are you?" 

"Yes, I am." Chloe nodded. My wolf wouldn't let me assign you a new doctor or leave your side. 

"Well I won't tell anyone. This can be our little secret." Normani grinned. "I won't be here for long, will I?"

"No. You're just in the clinic under surveillance. You had a concussion. Can you tell me the last thing you remember?" Chloe sat in her chair with her notepad. 

Normani thought about it. "I remember kissing my friend goodbye, and telling her that she would never see me again. I remember being at a party to get my friends back. I was really nervous about it. Then we teamed up with Solange and Dinah. I beat the shit out of some people for kidnapping my cousin's ex. That is all I remember." She remembered Solange and Dinah tag teaming her. She also remembered giving both of them a black eye. If it was just one of them, she could have won. She remembered everything, but she wasn't going to tell Chloe that. For all she knew, the doctor was working for the enemy. 

"I'm sorry." Chloe blinked a few times, trying to process that her mate had her lips on another woman. 

"Technically, she kissed me first." Normani smiled. It was a good kiss too. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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