Chapter Three

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Kelly and Normani were now in some country bumpkin ass town in the deep south. They needed a change in scenery. Usually, they were in big cities. The duo were working at a diner to support themselves. The owner, Octavia Spencer, was a nice woman who agreed to pay them cash.

"Order up!" Kelly rang the bell for Normani who was the waitress.

Normani grabbed the plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and grits. She placed it in front of the young couple who were clearly drunk.

I stumbled upon one tall and beautiful woman. She had long black hair that stopped at the hem of her booty shorts. She was wearing a fitted t-shirt that said God's favorite.

Normani could not deny that the woman was hot as fuck. "Kelly. Woman at three o'clock."

"Damn." Kelly whispered. "Who is she?"

They didn't see a lot of black people in this town. They thought that they had met just about everyone, but it turned out they didn't.

The woman sat at the counter. She groaned and dropped her head into the counter.

Normani frowned. "You look like you've had a long night, Miss. Can I get you anything?"

The woman groaned again. She didn't bother to lift her head up. "Can you give me a new pack?"

Normani laughed softly. She knew that feeling all too well. She used to feel the same exact way, but now she has Kelly. "I cannot, but I can get you some coffee."

"That sounds perfect. Thank you." The woman gave Normani a thumbs up.

The woman finally lifted her head up and she gasped. "Normani!"

"Who?" Normani looked behind her.

"Oh my god!" The woman screamed. "The pack has been looking for you and Kelly. I can't believe that I found you."

"You didn't find anyone besides Kory." Normani pointed at her name tag.

"But? You even smell like her, and your cook is Kelly." The woman made eye contact with Kelly who was glaring at her.

Kelly decided to push past the fakeness. "Who sent you?"

The woman scoffed. "No need to look at me like that. I'm on yall side. I should have left a long time ago too."

"Who are you?" Normani dropped the act.

The woman frowned. "You don't recognize me, do you?"

"No." Both Normani and Kelly shook their heads.

"Megan Pete." Megan smiled.

Normani looked at Kelly and they both shrugged. "Yeah, that's not ringing any bells."

"Dr. Pete's daughter." Megan clarified.

Normani looked at Kelly. "Dr. Pete had children?"

Kelly shrugged. "Apparently so. Who would have thought?"

"Not me." Normani giggled. "She was always so secretive."

"She really was. Who was her husband?" Kelly asked Normani.

Normani tapped her chin with her index finger. "You know that is a very good question. I have never seen her with anyone."

Kelly gasped and covered her mouth. "Maybe he died?"

Normani gasped. "Oh no! I hope not. It sucks growing up without ever meeting your father." She frowned. "Especially when he is dead."

"Oh no. Don't cry." Kelly wrapped her arms around Normani. "It's okay." She rubbed Normani's back.

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