Chapter Six

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Solange stood next to her mother in her suit as vehicles parked in their driveway. She straightened out her outfit and stood taller. This was so unlike her. Beyoncé was the diplomatic one. She was the less diplomatic one. She worked best planning strategies to protect the pack. She was going to kick Beyoncé's ass once she found her. So far she had heard no news from Dinah or Bianca.

"Don't embarrass us." Tina mind linked to her daughter. She walked away to greet the Fenty packs alpha. The alpha was a large man. Around six foot ten with the slim build of an runner. He wore a suit concealed most of the long jagged scar on his arm. His bushy black beard his most of his face. 

Solange walked two steps behind her mother. It was proper. Her mother was of higher rank than she was despite not being the alpha anymore. The doors to the car opened. Solange could smell something sweet. It was strong and overpowering all of the other scents. "Mate." Her wolf yelled. She looked around to see if she could put a face to the scent.

The fenty alpha and his daughter walked to meet Solange and Tina halfway. The man bowed his head. "It is an honor to meet you. I've heard many stories about the powerful Knowles bloodline. I can hardly believe that I am meeting you in person. This is my daughter, Robyn Rihanna Fenty. She will be quite the Luna one day. Excellent. I hope that it is a part of the pack. I know that she would be in good hands here."

Tina nodded her head out of respect. "Thank you, Alpha Fenty. It is my pleasure to have you here. Thank you for traveling all of this way. This is my daughter Solange. "

Robyn bowed her head. "I go by Rihanna."

"Solange." The beta dipped her head quickly. Though the fenty girl looked beautiful, She wasn't interested in her. Next to step out of the car was the person Solange was searching for. Solange couldn't get a good look at the girl's face. She could see that the girl was taller than her and skinny with bruises and cuts on her arms. Solange's heart broke into pieces. She wondered how she got those marks until she saw the collar around her neck, signaling that she was an omega. Solange blood began to boil. How dare they abuse an omega? In fact, how dare they hurt her mate. She was going to save her mate one way or another. She wished that she could see her face. She had long brown hair and bangs that covered her eyes as she stared at the ground. "You! Omega with the collar." She saw her mate flinch.

"I am so sorry for the Beta's behavior. She is usually not like this." Tina apologized to the fenty alpha. "Solange, what are you doing?" She stared at her daughter. This is not what they planned. This was not how things worked.

Solange ignored her mother. "What is your name?"

The omega continued to be silent as she stared at the ground. "Tenitra." She said barely above a whisper.

"I can't hear you." That was a lie. Solange could  hear her perfectly. "Come here."

Tenitra stood still. She had to wait for the Alpha's permission. He gave it to her through the mindlink. She walked closer to Solange, leaving plenty of space between them. She didn't want to mess up again. She knew that she would be punished for catching the attention of the beta.

Solange took several steps forward, so they were face to face. "Look at me." She said softly. The omega was shaking like a leaf now that she was close. She gently grabbed Tenitra's chin, forcing her to lift her head up. She smiled, seeing two beautiful brown eyes staring back at her. The girl looked to be in her early twenties. "Do you know what we are, Tenitra?"

Tenitra nodded her head.

Solange caressed Tenitra's cheek. She watched as the omega closed her eyes, and leaned into her touch. "Do you understand what must happen now?"

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