Making Right Calls

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Chaeyun's Point of View

After all the commotion today I finally had the time for myself. In Sana's apartment I stand in the kitchen pouring myself whiskey. I cope myself with liqour and cigarettes since I don't want Sana to ever feel this types of feeling. It's heavy, the burden of our family is heavy.

My phone rang in my pockets. I drank a shot in one go and pulled my phone out. "Hello Yunji why did you call?"

"Chaeyun-nim Ms. Minatozaki is rushed in the hospita—" once i've heard the second thing she said i ran out of the apartment as fast as I could to drive my car to the hospital Yujin said they were at. My heart raced with panic i never would have wanted to here that word again. I nearly bump a car next to me but I don't care all I need right now is to go where Sana is.

As I parked my car I ran to the checking area to ask what room my girlfriend is in. Yujin saw me and called my name I followed her to Sana's room she was saying things but nothing was heard all I can feel is my heart racing my mind is blank with fear.

When we got inside the room there she was asleep with this ivy drip on her hands. I went to her with care not to wake her up. "You can go now Yujin. Sorry if i took long." I told her secretary and she nods. I sat next to Sana I put my both my hands up to my face and rub it out of frustration. A lot is running on my mind, a doctor then came inside with his checklist.

"Are you the patient's guardian?"

"Yes. I'm her girlfriend." the doctor looked at me meticulously. "Your name please?"

I told him my name. "Okay Ms. Son can I.. talk to you outside for a bit?" I nodded. I left a kiss on Sana's foreheads before I proceed outside to talk with her doctor.

Outside he asked me a couple of questions. "I hope you're comfortable with me asking you some few questions which regards to the patients health and well-being."

"Yeah go on." I replied.

He stared straight into my eyes as he questioned me. "Did Ms. Minatozaki had a past relationship with a man before you?" as he said that I immediately replied with "No."

"Are you sure about it?"

What with this question about her relationship? "Yes we've been together for a long time. He never been in relationship with men and what is this all about?" I wasn't getting any hint.

He looked at his checkboard and to me.

"What is this about?" i asked the same question.

"The patient is bearing a 3 weeks old embryo. Ms. Minatozaki is pregnant."

My world was torn apart. I continue to stare at the doctors face to see if he was telling the truth, is that why he asked me about that?
He must have seen my face went pale as he ask me to sat on the bench.

"That can't be i have a condition called 'hermaphroditism' but they never said I can impregnate."

"Which only meant now that you can, since you've proven to have both the ova and sperm. A strange case.. congratulations Ms. Son."
He tap my shoulder and left. I'm dumbfounded and unable to think of anything else. What exactly did he just said? Congratulations?

I must be crazy. I need to talk this out with Sana.

Going back into her room felt heavier . Sana is now awake but staring at her window across.

I began to call to her. "Sana."

"You know now." she says still staring from different direction far from where i am at.

"Why didn't you tell me?"...

"You didn't want a child."

"That's not the point.." I wasn't trying to make her upset but I think I just did as she began to sob. "How am I supposed to tell you? That we've created something– i've been wanting to have with you when you didn't want a baby in the first place." she wiped her tears and layed down on her side not sparing me any glances.

I reach to her from the back and kneel next to her bedside. "Darling it's not that I didn't want the baby... can you look at me and listen?" I can feel she's trying her best to suck it up. Trying her best not to let go of all those tears and soak the bed.

"Sana darling can you look at me and listen to what i'm about to say?"

Slowly, she faced my side but with a blanket covering herself. I let her. I don't want her to feel invalidated. "If you're listening I just want to tell you that i'm not against with having a child. It's just... i'm not confident with myself enough. I'm scared that i'll turn out like my dad. Y'know reckless, selfish and ignorant. I don't want our child to grow up resenting me."

She finally allowed me to see her face. Her eyes came in contact with mine. Her hand graced my fingers. "Yun-ah you're more than enough for me and also for this child inside of me. I don't want to give it up. The thing is— you haven't been able to see all of you yet. You'll never end up like your father. You won't cause you're the best person i've ever known."

I wish I could say that I felt relieved hearing her words but the fact is my doubt grew greater than myself. I hugged her and kiss her forehead maybe, just maybe, i'm making the rigjt choice.


"You need to tell me what business matter is most important than my sleep right now Chaeyun. Make this quick." Jeongyeon says in her pajamas, she dragged herself up from her slumber to the dining table where Chaeyun says to meet her cause it's quote on qoute important.

"Sana's pregnant."

"Okay Sana's pregnant what else?"

... "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?" her loud voice echoes in the dining room, sleep is totally forgotten. "Who- Who's the father?"

Chaeyun did not utter a word which led Jeongyeon guess and she gasp "YOU'RE THE FATHER?" 

"Can you not scream? I called you here because Chaeyoung isn't answering her phone and i thought you might help but you're not helping."

Jeongyeon stunned unable to speak but she tried her best to give out something a little speech maybe it could help ease Chaeyun's dissociated mind.

"Chaeyun I'm sorry I was shocked by your good news. Congratulations you're going to be a father or....mother? what's bothering you?"

"Did I made the right call?" she asked her. This time Jeongyeon felt every sincerity from Chaeyun. The look on her face showed how much she feared making a mistake. Jeongyeon fully understand what's it like for Chaeyun growing up not having to fail.

In Chaeyun's past she's been obsessed with being perfect that she forgot that she's still a human too. She has flaws and imperfections. The older thought that it's great seeing Chaeyun in a different light.

"Chaeyun you'll never understand life if you think everything needs to be where it should be."

Chaeyun turns to her with a confused stare. "Is that riddle?"

"I'm just saying you're overthinking. Not everything should be according to plan. In life there's a lot of risk to take, no one knows if 20 years from now it'll be worth or nah but at the end of the day you still took it bravely. The baby isn't the problem here Chaeyun, it's you having to accepting it."

Jeongyeon stood up and gave Chaeyun one last pat before going back to her and Nayeon's shared bedroom. She gave the woman the whole night to think about it. As she can't wait until she can gossip it to girlfriend when they wake up.

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