Surrogate Mother 2

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Scene Two: The camera pans to the interior of the new J Spot Sports Bar built in Miami. Inside we see the shell of the new restaurant similar to the one in Los Angeles (Joan and William's first initial restaurant). Joan is sitting at a counter set up covered in color swatches, sample tiles, and other interior decoration motifs. We see William and Joan reviewing the decoration items on the counter. 

William: (looking at swatches) We are not changing anything, right?

Joan: (uninterested) Nope. 

William: (sits on a stool and looks at Joan) Then why are we even looking through this stuff?

Joan: (sighs) Formality, I guess. (still going through the swatches)

William: (moves the swatches) Joan, stop. Tell me what's up.

Joan: (sits on the stool) I should not have done this trip right now.

William: (sighs) Joan, we had to take care of this.

Joan: (looks at William) You could've done this with Monica.

William: You know Monica is never part of this part of the planning. (moves his hands around dramatically) This part is us. 

Joan: (laughs a bit) Yeah, yeah... (getting right to it) Aaron and I had a fight.

William: (sarcastic) Really? Because you guys never argue...

Joan: (annoyed) Stop it! (pause) He's mad at me because how dare I even consider carrying a child for Lynn...

William: (shocked) Wait, what now?!

Joan: (annoyed) You really do not listen to me, William! I told you on the flight over here that Lynn is looking for a surrogate mother to carry her baby...

William: Yeah, but you conveniently left out the part about YOU carrying a child for her. Are you really thinking about doing that?

Joan: (shrugs) I don't know... just a thought... and I probably should not have mentioned it to Aaron...

William: (sarcastically) YOU THINK?! Joan, why do you do that? 

Joan: (confused) Do what?

William: You know, try and save everyone.

Joan: (still confused) Wait what?

William: (as a matter of fact) You are a fifty-year-old successful woman, happily married, mother of a thirteen-year-old... you do not need to carry a baby for your hoe'ish friend. 

Joan: (upset) William, Lynn is not "hoe'ish"... (William looks at Joan like "really??") Well, not anymore...

William: (sighs) Joan... please stop this thought process now. Let Lynn figure this out on her own. There are other options that do not involve you and your wickity old womb. 

Joan:  (in defense) I don't have a wickity old womb! You better watch yourself. And what kind of word is "wickity" anyway? (laughs)

William: Yeah, as In wickity wickity wack. (laughs)

Both William and Joan laugh. William stops to think for a moment and then walks over to Joan.

William: (sighs) Woman, do not let your bootleg friend break up your recently rectified marriage. 

Joan: Shut up, William!

William: Woman, I'm serious... Do not make this your problem. Lynn has money now and she can figure this out...

Joan: (thinking) How about Monica? Do you think she would do it?

William: (turning to walk out of the restaurant) Woman, you crazy! Let's go.

That camera pans to William as he begins to walk out of the restaurant with Joan in tow. Joan continues to try and convince William about Monica.

Joan: (walking out behind William) So do you think you can talk to Monica?

William: (begins to sing to drown out Joan's line of questioning) "Can I get to the yams? Sweet yams. Show me the way. 'Cause I got bills to pay."

Joan: (ignoring William) So seriously... 

The camera pans to both William and Joan exiting the restaurant as he continues to sing ignoring Joan's questions. 

End Scene

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