Surrogate Mother 4

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Scene Four: The camera pans to Joan's kitchen where Joan sits drinking wine and having a plate of cheese and crackers. The camera then pans over to Aaron entering the kitchen. At first, Aaron walks straight to the fridge to get something without saying too much, and then he looks over at Joan.

Joan: (looking over at Aaron) Hey.

Aaron: (looks over at Joan and then opens the fridge) Hey.

Joan: (rolling her eyes) So are you going to keep ignoring me? I mean, I went away this weekend for an overnight to Miami. I came back on Sunday and went to Lynn's house, but still nothing. Here we are on Monday night and you are still not really talking to me. We need to process this, babe.

Aaron: (grabs a bottle of water and sits at the table with Joan) You are right. Let's process how you were considering carrying a child for Lynn without talking to me about it. Let's process that, Joan.

The camera pans to Karolyn entering the kitchen on Aaron's phrase "carrying a child for Lynn without talking to me about it..."

Karolyn: (shocked) Wait, what?! By carrying you mean like holding the baby once it's born, right?! (hurries over to the table where her parents sit)

Aaron: (looks over at Joan) Well, babe... why don't you explain to our child what I meant by  (doing air quotes) "carrying."

Joan: (stuttering a bit) Well... Uhm... what your daddy means...

Karolyn: (looks at her mother and then at her father) Wait, I'm sensing some tension, and now that I think about it... Daddy, did you mean carrying a child as in an unborn child in mommy's belly? (looks over at Joan and back at her father) Wait, you mean you were considering being her surrogate?!

Joan: (surprised) Wait! How did you know all of this?

Karolyn: (arms folded) Mommy, Shayna and I talk about everything. I know that Cousin Mia is going to be the surrogate carrier for Auntie Lynn. What I don't know is why you would ever consider carrying another child when you have a geriatric womb, mommy! That makes no kinda sense. (walks away shaking her head side to side) Um, Um, Um... 

Joan: (speaks to Karolyn on the way out) Girl, go to your room. Anything that goes on in your mommy's womb is mommy's business!

Karolyn: (exiting the kitchen) Yeah, yeah, yeah... (heading out of the kitchen - off camera) Talk it out, parentals! Let's get back on track!! Pronto!

Joan: (yelling to Karolyn) Somebody cruising to lose that cell phone! 

Karolyn: (yelling from the other room) Love you guys!

Both Joan and Aaron chuckle and then look at one another seriously.

Aaron: (still sitting across from Joan) So let's get back on track, Joan. So? (pause)

Joan: (sighs) Ok... You were right, to be upset...

Aaron: (sits back smugly) Really?

Joan: (sighs) Yes, babe. I know, technically, I would not have been able to carry a child for Lynn. I think maybe that is why I never said anything to you. I think... I was just flattered that she would ask or even consider me. (beat) I mean, here I am, a fifty-year-old woman, mother of a thirteen-year-old... (reaches out for Aaron's hands) with a wonderful husband. I got carried away...

Aaron: (holding Joan's hands) I'm sorry. I think my mind raced. I went down the rabbit hole and just the thought of you carrying a child that was NOT produced by me... (shakes his head) Woo... No. I didn't like it. (shaking his head again)

Joan: (holding and rubbing Aaron's hands) So... do you want to make another baby?

Aaron: (slightly chuckles - still holding hands) Are you serious?

Joan: (leans in to come closer to Aaron across the table) Maybe...

Aaron: (leans in to come closer to Joan) Baby, you are fifty years old, but you have the body of a 25-year-old. If you want to make a baby, let's make a baby. 

Joan: (leans in and kisses Aaron) I love you for evening considering or entertaining the idea, but... I'm fifty. You're fifty-three... we would be nuts to even consider it...

Aaron: (sits back with a sigh of relief) Whew! Thank goodness you feel that way! 'Cause, yeah, we would be nuts! 

Joan: (slightly taken aback) So wait... you were not serious about having a baby?

Aaron: (stumbling over his words) Well, I... wait a minute. Are YOU serious about having a baby? You can't be, right?

Joan: (sitting back - sad tone) I'm not serious... I'd be crazy. But... (stands up and reaches out her hand to indicate Aaron should stand up too) we can have a nice time trying to MAKE a baby. (wraps her arms around Aaron)

Aaron: (holding Joan) Oh! You are so right. We can have a really nice time indeed! 

The camera pans over to see Aaron and Joan kissing passionately.

Joan: (stops kissing - holds Aaron's hand) So let's go... 

The camera pans to Joan and Aaron walking out of the kitchen hand and hand. Joan and Aaron bypass Karolyn on her way back into the kitchen.

Karolyn: (looks at her parents up and down as she walks back into the kitchen and her parents walk out) Don't go making any babies, now.

Both Joan and Aaron answer simultaneously from off-camera as they have completely walked out of the kitchen.

Joan & Aaron: (from off camera) We won't! 

The camera pans back to Karolyn shaking her head from side to side and laughing as she opens the fridge. 

End Scene

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