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May 4th, 2012

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May 4th, 2012

Kyra's POV

I groggily made my way down the stairs on the morning of my birthday, yes my birthday is on Star Wars Day.

"Happy birthday!" Calum said jumping out at me and engulfing me into a hug

"Thanks." I laughed hugging him back

"You ready for today?" Calum asked

Right, Calum and his band planned to dress up as Star Wars characters for my birthday, I was gonna be Padme, Luke was gonna be Anakin, Calum was gonna be Chewbacca, Ashton was gonna be Princess Leia, and Michael was gonna be Han Solo

I chuckled, "Yeah! But mainly because I'm excited to see--"

"Luke. I get it, you're obsessed." Calum said cutting me off

"Actually, I was gonna say I'm excited to see Ashton dressed as Princess Leia, but that works too I guess." I spoke with a shrug as I sat down at the breakfast bar "Where's mum and dad?"

"They went out on a date." I sighed sadly, I was honestly used to this by now, my mum and Calums dad, David, always went on dates.

My biological dad died in a car crash when I was younger, a few weeks after, we moved to Australia where my mum met David. My mum moved on, but I still haven't...


Me and Calum had got into our Star Wars costumes before making our way to Ashton's house

Once we arrived, we heard some music blasting and the garage was open

"Hey, guys." Calum greeted as we walked into the garage

"Oh, hey!" Michael greeted placing his guitar down, I looked around

"Where's Ash?" I asked noticing Ashton's absence

"Right here." Ashton said as he walked into the garage in his Princess Leia costume, I held back a laugh as the others started to laugh hysterically

"Lookin' good, Ash." Luke teased, I let out a snort

"Oh, shut up!" Ashton said slapping Luke in the back of the head, Luke laughed before looking towards me

"Happy birthday, Kyra." Luke smiled

"Thanks." I blushed "So, what are we doing today?" I questioned trying to change the subject, Calum wrapped his arm around my shoulders

"That my dear sister, is for you to decide." I thought for a moment before getting an idea

"We should have a Star Wars movie marathon."

"Star Wars movie marathon it is!" Michael cheered as we made our way to Ashton's lounge room

Everyone got themselves situated on the lounge as I went to the kitchen to get snacks

Once I got back, the only spot left on the lounge was next to Luke, I squeezed in between Luke and Ashton as the first movie started


Luke's POV

Half way through the 4th Star Wars movie Kyra fell asleep on my shoulder

"So, Calum I was meant to ask earlier but I forgot, what happened to Kyras dad?" Michael questioned as he turned the TV off, careful not to wake Kyra, Ashton slapped him in the back of the head as I rolled my eyes

"Ash, it's ok." Calum laughed dryly "Her father died in a car crash when she was five, then they moved to Australia and that's when her mum met my dad." Calum explained, Michael nodded in understanding

"You seem to really love her." I stated, Calum looked at his sisters sleeping figure

"Yeah, I mean she's the only real family I have because our parents are never around." Calum shrugged looking at the time "We better get going." Calum leaned over and shook Kyra awake, I watched with sympathy as they left the house...

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