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1st January, 2014

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1st January, 2014

Third Person POV

The new year came quicker than Kyra thought. Ashton and Kyra broke up and didn't talk to each other for about  week before they eventually made up. Luke and Ashton also made up after their little fight about Ashton breaking Kyra's heart. Now it's 2014 and 5 Seconds of Summer were determined to make it big in the music industry.

Kyra sat on a bench in the park writing new music on her laptop as the boys played football with the occasional interruption of fans wanting selfies, Kyra laughed quietly to herself as she watched the boys almost get tackled by fans but her smile dropped when she spotted Eliana and her friends walk towards her table.

"Hey Kyra, fancy seeing you here." Eliana smirked making Kyra roll her eyes and look up at Eliana.

"It's a public park. Of course you're gonna see me here on a weekend." Kyra rolled her eyes again as she looked back at her computer.

"What're you working on? A love letter for Luke?" Eliana chuckled, Kyra bit the inside of her mouth, 'Not quite.'  Kyra thought to herself, "Oh my god. You are aren't you?" Eliana laughed along with her friends, "How pathetic." Eliana spat before walking away, Kyra sighed looking down not noticing that Luke was walking her way.

"What did she want?" Luke asked referring to Eliana as he sat beside Kyra.

"Nothing. Just to ruin my life." Kyra shrugged making Luke roll his eyes.

"What you working on?" Luke asked making Kyra's eyes widen as she went to shut her laptop but Luke quickly stopped her by grabbing the computer, "He looks so perfect." Luke read the title of the song aloud, Luke looked back over at Kyra who looked away embarrassed.

"It isn't finished yet. I might not even finish it." Kyra shrugged.

"Kyra this is great but do you mind if I change something real quick?" Luke questioned.

"Go ahead." Kyra smiled as Luke began typing into the computer.

Once he finished typing, he turned the computer back towards Kyra, "She looks so perfect."  Kyra read the new title aloud.

"That way, everyone will know the song's about you." Luke smiled before standing up and walking away leaving Kyra flustered.


2nd February, 2014

Third Persons POV

It was the day every dreaded the most, back to school. Kyra groaned loudly as she heard her alarm go off, reaching over to turn it off before walking downstairs to the kitchen and grabbing a glass of milk before getting ready for school.

Still half asleep, Kyra made her way outside to where Calum's car was parked and she got into the passengers seat before he sped down the road, well and truly waking her up.


Walking into school was like waking up from a coma. Kyra didn't recognize anyone and the school had been upgraded. The only people she recognized were her best friends who walked by her side and Eliana and Jason who were making out by the canteen, now that was definitely new.

"Well, would you look at that? The two cheats are an item now, never would've seen that coming." Michael laughed almost sarcastically as the bell rang.

Kyra rolled her eyes when she realized she had science first meaning she would have to deal with Jason, "I have science!" Kyra complained.

"If you don't wanna go, you could always wag with me." Luke offered.

"No, I can't. I have to keep my grades up so that I can go to university." Kyra sighed.

"Kyra, you're in a band. You don't need university." Luke stated.

"Fine. But just this once." Kyra finally gave in.

"Yay!" Luke cheered.

"See you guys at break." Kyra smiled before they went their separate ways.

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