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October 31st, 2013

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October 31st, 2013

Third Person POV

Kyra looked at herself in the mirror and lightly touched her stomach, not knowing that her mother was standing at her bedroom door.

"You look amazing." Natasha smiled as Kyra looked at her through the reflection of the mirror, Kyra smiled softly at her mother before walking over to her vanity and sitting down to apply her makeup.

"Ashton's picking me up soon." Kyra stated making Nat's smile drop slightly.

"Okay." Nat nodded as she stood up to leave the room, Kyra rolled her eyes and turned towards her mum.

"That's it?" Nat stopped in her tracks and turned around, "You aren't gonna tell me that he's a bad influence and that he shouldn't pick me up? What's wrong, mum? Just last week you were at my throat because I was dating Ashton and now you're letting me go to a party with him, you're letting him pick me up." Nat was about answer but she got cut off by a knock at the door so she just shrugged and walked downstairs to answer the door.

Kyra shook her head before grabbing her phone and walking downstairs, "Bye, mum." Kyra said as she walked outside with Ashton, closing the door behind her.

"Your mum was being weirdly nice to me." Ashton pointed out as Kyra got a message from Calum.

'I'll meet you there.' The message read, Kyra replied with a thumbs up as she got into Ashtons car.

"Trust me, I know. She's been acting like that all week." Kyra answered as Ashton drove off.


Once they arrived at the dance, they met up with the other boys and walked inside.

Michael immediately walked over to the snack table as the other sat at a nearby table and started to talk.

"We've been here for 5 seconds and I already wanna leave." Luke said rolling his eyes.

"Come on! Where's your Halloween spirit?" Kyra laughed.

"I left it at home." Luke smiled sarcastically making Kyra roll her eyes as Michael walked over and sat down with platefuls of food.

"Gee, Michael. Save stuff for other people, bud." Calum said with a laugh.

"It isn't my fault that they have good food." Michael shrugged.

"Kyra, you wanna dance?" Ashton asked, Kyra nodded and stood up before following Ashton onto the dance floor.

Luke watched as Ashton and Kyra danced and laughed together and he started to feel a pit of jealously form in his stomach.

"Luke, you gotta get over her, mate." Michael said with a mouthful of food.

"Yeah, I agree. And you sitting here watching them isn't gonna help." Calum agreed.

"Well, what else am I supposed to do? I got no girlfriend. The girl of my dreams is currently dancing with one of my best mates and I'm sitting here with you guys." Luke stated with an eye roll earning offended glances from Calum  and Michael, "No offence."

"None taken." Calum and Michael both shrugged as a slow song started to play.

"Oh no. Not a slow song." Luke groaned as he watched Kyra and Ashton slow dance together.

Meanwhile, Kyra was secretly looking over Ashton's shoulder at Luke as they slow danced, going unnoticed by Ashton and Luke until Ashton pulled back and looked at Kyra with a smile.

"Kyra, I love you." Ashton said receiving no answer before noticing that Kyra was looking elsewhere, Ashton furrowed his eyebrows as he followed his girlfriends gaze.

Ashton's smile dropped when he noticed Kyra looking at Luke and he let go of Kyra, "I'm so stupid." Ashton mumbled to himself before walking outside with tears in his eyes.

"Ashton!" He heard Kyra call out to him but he kept walking until Kyra grabbed his wrist, "Ashton, what wrong? Why'd you leave?"

"Why do you think?!" Ashton shouted as he turned to fully face her, Kyra looked at him confused, "Don't act stupid, Kyra! I saw the way you were looking at Luke! Is that what you wanted to talk to me about that day I gave you the teddy bear? That you've suddenly lost feelings for me or that you never had feelings for me to begin with!"

"I don't understand..." Kyra mumbled, tears flooding in her eyes.

"Bullshit!" Ashton yelled in her face.

"Don't yell at her." Luke said sternly as he pushed Ashton slightly.

Ashton turned towards Luke and pushed him back, "Shut up! This doesn't concern you."

"Oh, come on, man! I heard the whole conversation. This fights technically about me because you can't deal with the fact that your girl was looking at another guy. Which is bullshit, by the way." Luke yelled.

Ashton looked between Kyra and Luke, "You know what? I'm done. "Ashton said shaking his head, "I'm done with you." He stated pointing at Kyra before his gaze moved towards Luke, "I'm done with you." Ashton looked over at Calum and Michael who had watched the whole fight, "I'm done with this." Ashton sobbed and he gestured to his friend group, "I'm done." Ashton shook his head before getting in his car and driving away.

"Ashton!" Kyra called out after him before turning around and crying in Luke's arms.

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