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(Pretend Luke doesn't have a lip ring in the GIF above)

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(Pretend Luke doesn't have a lip ring in the GIF above)

May 10th, 2012

Luke's POV

I was on my way back from delivering a note to a class cause I was on office duty with Michael, when I heard Jason's voice, I quickly hid behind a wall before he could see me

"You like Kyra Hood?" One of Jason's friends asked, I'm pretty sure his name is Chris.

"Nah, Justin challenged me to a bet, if I can't get with her by the end of this week, I owe him ten bucks, so I'm gonna invite her over to mine on Sunday, kiss her, get my money, then dump her in front of everyone at school." Jason laughed obnoxiously as I clenched fists as I walked back to the office


"Michael!" I whisper shouted as I took a seat across from Michael in the office

"Luke!" Michael replied matching my energy, I rolled my eyes

"I gotta tell you something about Jason." I said quickly

"Can it wait? I'm trying to write a song." Michael said gesturing to the notebook and pen in his hands, I leaned over and snatched the pen and notebook out of his grasp

"No, it can't wait." Michael rolled his eyes and leaned forward

"I'm all ears."

"Jason. He's going to humiliate Kyra on Monday." I explained simply, Michael sighed

"Luke, buddy, I know you're still upset about her ignoring you but you can't take this out on Jason--"

"Mikey!" I shouted cutting off my best friend "You aren't listening to me. I heard Jason telling Chris that Kyra's just a bet, and he's gonna kiss her on Sunday then break her heart on Monday in front of everyone." I took a deep breath as I finished my sentence "Someone needs to tell her.."

"You know who I think should tell her?" Michael questioned

"Calum, she'll listen to him." I stated with a nod

"No, I was thinking maybe--"

"Oh yeah, probably Ashton, I think he'd have a softer approach." I said cutting off Michael


"You think you should do it? I don't think so man, you're too...how do I say this? Scary?" Michael groaned as I cut him off again

"You!" Michael shouted making me jump back in shock "You're the one that heard the conversation between Jason and Chris, therefore, you have to tell her."

"I don't know, mate. I mean, we aren't exactly on speaking terms at the moment." I replied sheepishly

"Exactly, that's why you need to confront Jason at lunch today, he'll admit what he did, Kyra will run up to you and be all like 'Omg, Luke you're my hero!' and you'll be all like 'It's my job, to protect you.' you'll kiss her then, boom, happily ever after." Michael explained horribly

"Yeah, I don't think that's how it works in the real world, mate." I chuckled

"Hi, Kyra Hood left her lunch at home this morning so I just wanted to drop it off." The familiar voice of Kyra's mum spoke, me and Michael shared a glance

"Great, we'll get it to her straight away." The office lady responded, I stood up from my seat

"I'll go get her." I offered

"That would be wonderful, thank you, Luke." The office lady said before typing into her computer "Ok, she's in room G203." I nodded as I took the note that the office lady had written out

"Don't fuck up." I heard Michael call out to me, I flipped him off as I left the office


Once I reached room G203, I took a deep breath before on the door, a few seconds later the teacher answered, I looked around the room and my eyes fell on Kyra's, I immediately looked away after seeing her cold glare

"Kyra Hood, you need to go to the office." Kyra's teacher said, I saw Kyra tilt her head in confusion before she stood up

We started to make our way to the office, I wanted to tell her what I heard but the words wouldn't come out, the walk to the office was awkward, I snuck a few glances at Kyra but we didn't say one word to each other

Once we made it to the office, Kyra walked up to the front desk as I down next to Michael

"Kyra, hey!" The office lady greeted kindly "Your mother just wanted me to give you this." The office lady handed Kyra a brown paper bag, her lunch.

"Thanks, but why did you have to send Luke to my classroom to tell me this? I mean, my mum could've just messaged me." Kyra stated as she grabbed the bag

"Yes, but Luke overheard our conversation and offered to go and get you." The office lady explained, Kyra turned towards me, Michael sunk down in his seat and put his hoodie on

"Why?" Kyra asked me

"I uh..." I trailed off looking at Michael

Michael shrugged, Kyra rolled her eyes "you know what? I don't even care." She said before turning back to the office lady "thank you." Kyra glared at me before leaving the office

"Dude, what the fuck was that? You didn't tell her did you?" Michael asked me as Kyra left the room

"I tried, but I couldn't." I replied

"Dude, do you want her to get heartbroken?" Michael rhetorically asked

"Of course not, what kinda question is that?" I answered

"That was a rhetorical question but you've gotta tell her sooner or later." Michael mentioned with a shrug, and it was true I had to tell her...

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