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April 25th, 2014

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April 25th, 2014

Third Person POV

"Kyra, hurry up!" Calum called out. The band have been in Columbia for about a day and they were already sick of Kyra. She was acting differently. Really differently.

"I'm coming!" Kyra yelled as she walked towards the front door of their hotel room, her eyes trained on her phone.

"What you looking at?" Michael questioned making Kyra turn her phone off quickly and look up at the boys.

"Nothing." She replied quickly.

"Okay. I'm going to take this." Luke said snatching Kyra's phone away from her, Kyra groaned as Luke wrapped his arm around her shoulders and walked her out the door.


"Where are we?" Kyra asked as she looked around the large warehouse they stood in, "Are you kidnapping me?" Kyra joked.

"We aren't." Calum shook his head.

"But we might." A strong british accent spoke from behind her making her jaw drop as she turned around.

"No fucking way!" Kyra screamed running up to Harry and engulfing him in a hug, Luke bit the inside of his lip to hide his jealously as Kyra spoke to the boys of One Direction, "What are you guys doing here?"

"Well, we called your friend Luke over there..." Niall started making Kyra turn towards Luke, "...and kindly asked if you guys, 5 Seconds of Summer, could open for us." Niall smiled.

"What?!" Kyra asked in shock, "So, you're telling me that we're going to be traveling around the world with One Direction?" Kyra asked earning a nod from Ashton, "No way! This is going to be awesome!!!"


-Later that night-

"Nervous?" Luke asked as she walked into Kyra's dressing room.

"No. What's there to be nervous about? I'm just going to be singing in front of millions of people. Singing songs that I've written." Kyra rambled with shaking hands.

"Kyra." Luke said grabbing her shoulders, "You're going to do great. I'll be there with you every step of the way. Literally." Luke chuckled, his smiled cheering Kyra up as her breathing slowed done before Ashton walked in.

"There you guys are! We on in a minute." Ashton exclaimed before leaving the room, Luke looked at Kyra.

"You ready?" Luke asked holding out his hand for Kyra to take.

"Ready." Kyra nodded before they ran into the backstage area where the others were waiting.

Kyra took a deep breath as they were welcomed onto the stage, Kyra sighed before following Luke onto the stage.

"Hello, Columbia!" Luke greeted followed by a loud eruption of cheers, "For those of you who don't know us, we are 5 Seconds of Summer. My name is Luke Hemmings, to my right we have the beautiful, Kyra Hood, behind me on the drums we have, Ashton Irwin, beside Kyra we have our amazing bassist, Calum Hood, and last but definitely not least we have our lead guitarist, Michael Clifford!" Luke introduced before turning towards Kyra and nodding his head, Kyra took a deep breath before starting to sing 'Out of my limit'.


(This is kind of a shit chapter but I wanted to update bc it's Calum's birthday today so enjoy this shitty chapter :))) 

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