𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮: 𝗥𝘂𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗶𝗱𝗲

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([Y/N] = Your Name) ([N/N] = Nickname) ([L/N] = Last Name) 

Your POV:

Jack pulled me with him, hauling me through the city, over the bridge and behind a building. He finally let go of me and we both doubled over and started gasping for air. 

"Christ, Sparrow. What.. are you.. getting me into?" I managed to stutter out, still completely out of breath.

"I.. don't know but it's g-gonna be a hell of an adventure..!" He uttered just as much out of breath as me. I regained my posture and breath as well, Jack slowly followed after. 

"Blimey, what do we do now? We have castle guards after us..!" I stressed, it was typical Jack Sparrow to do rash things like this. Typical. All these years I've known him, he has always taken his chances. God damn his luck. 

"Calm down, we're a pirates for Neptune's sake. We do what we do best!" 

"What is that exactly?" I glared at him.

"Steal, of course!"



"You're mad." I spat.

"I'm Jack Sparrow dearie, of course I'm mad, you of all people should know that by now." He retaliated, sending me a sarcastic smile.

We were sneaking in a smithy to steal new swords, since I didn't have one anymore, it sunk together with my ship, and Sparrows was getting a bit rusty. 

"There's a ma-" I tried to warn him but he silenced me with his loud hushing.

"SHH! ..There's a man sleeping over there." He pointed out the exact same thing I was going to say. I massaged my temples. This was going to be a long day..

Sparrow silently made his way over to the sleeping man in his.. Sparrow'y manor, if you know what I mean. He quickly poked the man a couple of times before turning away. He then rapidly turned back to the man and screamed him in the face.


I myself was caught a bit off guard and jumped. He then waited for a reaction but it never came, he shrugged it off and turned to the swords.

He picked out a shiny sword with a silver hilt. I looked a little closer. Some of them were obviously failures, some were bent, others almost brown. I took a hold of a very straight and balanced sword. It didn't have any kind of special design but I had never really cared for those kinds of details anyway. Yeah, this one'll do. 

Just as we were about to leave a young lad appeared, he quickly grabbed a sword and held a fighting stance.

"..I think we'll take out leave now, shall we [L/N]?" He asked, bolting for the door. I didn't follow as fast and only reached the stairs when the young boy threw his sword at Jack, almost hitting him. 

I widened my eyes and looked back at the boy, he was no beginner at this, huh? I might have to flee this one. The sleeping man would without a doubt wake up with all of this racket Jack and the boy was going to make. 

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