𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟴: 𝗖𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀, 𝗽𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗹𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗸𝗻𝗶𝘃𝗲𝘀

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([Y/N] = Your Name) ([N/N] = Nickname) ([L/N] = Last Name) 

Jack's POV:

[Y/N] and I were boarding The Black Pearl, while I was able to walk free, [L/N] was bound, his hands tied together behind his back. He looked like he was about to boil over, but not in the normal, loud way. [Y/N] had always had this different kind of anger, it was silent, but powerful and would engulf you in an endless void forever. It was that kind of anger where his eyes just said it all, I think this was the definition of the term 'if eyes could kill'. It had been a while since I had seen him like that. 

"Throw [L/N] in the cell." Barbossa demanded. [Y/N] didn't even seem surprised. I looked from Hector, to [N/N], to Barbossa's crew. Two extra crew members approached [Y/N] with two tears of cloths. First they blindfolded him with the first cloth and then gagged him with the second scrap of cloth.

"Is that really.. necessary..?" I asked Barbossa still keeping an eye on [Y/N]. 

"Mind your own business,  you backwater pirate." He replied rudely, as [L/N] was pushed down to the cells. 



"So you expect to leave me standing on some beach, with nothing but a name and your word that it's the one I need, and watch you sail away in my ship? " Barbossa chuckled, thinking I was being ridiculous.

"No. I expect to leave you standing on some beach with absolutely no name at all, watching me sail away in  my  ship and then I'll shout the name back to you. Savvy?" I countered.

"But that still leaves us with the problem of me standing on some beach with not but a name and your word that it's the one I need." Hector kept arguing.

I picked up an apple from the fruit bowl in front of me, "Of the two of us, I'm the only one who hasn't committed mutiny, therefore it'll be my word we'll be trusting." I told him and gave a fake smile, "All though, I suppose I should be thanking you, because in fact, if you hadn't betrayed me and left me to die, I'd have a fair share of that curse, same as you." I mocked him, while eating a bite of an apple, something that he wasn't able to do. To make it better I even offered him one.

He did a sarcastic smile to me. 

"Captain, we're coming up on The Interceptor." One of Barbossa's crew members interrupted. 

I followed them up on deck and watched as The Black Pearl gained on The Interceptor. 'The Caribbean's fastest ship'.. right. 

I followed Barbossa up to the steering wheel, he was looking in his telescope, which I, of course, got in the way of.

"I'm having a thought here, Barbossa. What say, we have a truce, I scurry over to The Interceptor and I negotiate the return of your medallion, eh? What say you to that?" I tried to persuade him.

"Now you see Jack, that's exactly the attitude that lost you The Pearl." My smile quickly faded, "People are easy to search when they're dead." He told me as he slammed his monocular together. 

"Lock him in the brig." Barbossa ordered, I suddenly felt a heavy hand on my shoulder. The hand yanked me down the stairs and all the way down to the cells. "Easy with the goods, mate." I warned him jokingly, he didn't seem like he got it. 

He aggressively opened the cage and pushed me inside, I let out a small yelp. There was water in here to my ankles. "Apparently there's a leak." I shouted after him. Damn, I'm all out of ideas. 

I looked around in the cell. It was then that I realized that I wasn't alone. There he was, [Y/N], slumped over, blindfolded, bound and gagged. Wow, they really went hard on him, huh?

I kneeled beside him, "[Y/N], it's me, Jack." I spoke, [L/N] raised his head slightly, indicating that he could hear me. I carefully brought my hands around his head and untied his blindfold. His hair was surprisingly soft. 

"There, better?" I asked, he just gave me those piercing eyes, "Oh, right. The rest." I added, "Uh, excuse me for a second, I just need to.." I leaned in and reached behind his back and unbound his hands as well as his gag. It was only when I was done that I realized I was way up in his personal space. Our faces mere centimeters apart.

"Sorry.." I blurted and moved away. [Y/N] ignored me and just rubbed his wrists, they probably tied them too hard. 

Then he looked around the cell, he found a hole in the hull. He peeked through. 

"They're catching up." Was the only thing he said. 

"The Interceptor's do-" He got cut off by the sudden turn in the boat. We both whirled around in the cell, since we were both standing in the middle of the cage there was nothing for us to grab on other than.. well, each other. As an instinct I quickly took a hold of [Y/N]'s arm, and he of my waist. Though, it didn't help much, we would both end up falling over, head first into the gross water. I squeezed my eyes closed and prepared for impact.

We both let out a grunt as we hit the floor boards. We opened our eyes and [Y/N] quickly squirmed away from my grasp and hastily sat upright. 

I crawled over to the small peeking hole but when canons sounded I was rapidly pushed aside by [Y/N] as a cannonball passed right through the rotten planks. Saved.

"Stop blowin' holes in my ship!" I shouted.

A small flask floated around in all the debris, I speedily grabbed it, opened it and tried to drink of it, but, of course, it was empty. [Y/N] shook his head at me, I just gave him a pointed glare back. 

I got up and realized that the door had sprung open, both [L/N] and I shared a look of relief. We hastily escaped the gross quarters that they call a prison and snuck up on deck. 

I could already hear the faint screams and pistol shots. I looked up and what I saw was, at the very least, unexpected. The Interceptor's mast was raining down on us like some kind of twisted fallen angel. 

"DUCK!" I cried out. Just barely missing the mast. 

"That was close. Too close." [Y/N] commented, panting hard. I could still hear Barbossa screaming orders everywhere. 




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