Chapter Eight

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That day started something for me and Silviano. We spent everyday talking any chance we got wether it was texting, phone calls, or in person at school or when we were with our friends. maybe a month later when summer break started we admitted we had our feelings towards one another and started going on little dates all through out summer. We had decided to hang out at his house and thats when I learned that he had a little sister who is named Isabel that I get along with pretty well. I also found out he has an older brother who I don't know much about besides the fact that he lives in Miami. His parents are really nice his mom reminds me of my own so much that I do envy him just a bit missing my parents. On new years he asked me to be his girlfriend and of course my heart did about 100 cart wheels inside my chest making me all giddy and of course I told him yes.

I turned 17 Last month and for my birthday Silviano took me to a really fancy restaurant where we had this amazing dinner. After that dinner he took me on a walk to an ice cream parlor for dessert while on our walk there he stopped me and gave me this gorgeous necklace that was an infinity loop with our names engraved on it. I'm in love with him and I know I know I'm a child I'm only 17 I don't know what love is but I know this I love him. He has been my absolute rock for the last almost year. We have been talking about moving in together after I turn 18. He graduates this June and he will already be starting his second year at UCLA when I start college. He will already have an aparment and I want to go to law school out there. Of course Javi doesn't like that idea even if I was 25 he said. He might not like it but Claire and Sophia are more than excited that me and Silviano are getting serious.
Oh my today is graduation day for Silvi. I'm so excited for my Babe as a graduation gift I have a whole trip planned for us in July to go to Hawaii with Sophia and Andrew. I am also taking him to a beautiful hotel tonight and I can't wait cause I have something romantic planned out for us. That being said I jump out of bed and text my wonderful boyfriend

L: Good morning Sleepy head time to wake up I'll be there in an hour I have things planned for us.
S: Good Morning Baby girl I'm up see you in an hour Love

I smiled and put my phone away and jumped in the shower I got dressed into this gorgeous yellow sundress. I do my hair care routine then do a half up half down look.

Luciana's Dress and Hair

I packed my overnight bag with the candles, rose petals, the lingerie set I bought in his favorite color, I then packed all my necessities

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I packed my overnight bag with the candles, rose petals, the lingerie set I bought in his favorite color, I then packed all my necessities. I grab my purse, my keys and the envelope with the tickets to Hawaii and headed out the door. 10 minutes later I am pulling up to his house as his mom and sister come out to greet me.
"Luci" Isabel squeals as I walk to the door
"Hi Isa and hi Mariana" I greet the with hugs.
"Silvi is upstairs still getting ready" Isabel says
"Thank you Isabel now I'm gonna go get him and kick his butt we both had an hour to get ready and I'm hear on time with hair and makeup done" I laugh and head up stairs.
When I get upstairs I about pissed myself when Silviano came out of nowhere and yanked me to him and started kissing me. I push away and laugh.
"You sir are an ass
He quirks a eyebrow "Why is that"
"because you not only scared the shit out of me but I'm 100% sure you set me up and used your sister to do so"
"Then you are correct I am an ass"
I chuckled "Lets go"
We said our byes head out first went to breakfast at the little diner that he loves then we pick up Soph and Drew then we head to the shopping center where I bought him a gold bracelet with our names engraved also relationship start date. Aroud 2:30 we headed back to my house to have his surprise graduation party before graduation at 5:00. When we get there everyone shouts ot "SURPRISE" there is his mom, dad, sister, our friends, some of his other friends and my brother with his girlfriend. The party was great. We all went to his graduation together after the ceremony we all met up to take pictures with him when everyone was done I grabbed his hand and led him to the car and gave him a kiss and told him I would pick him up from dinner with his family. We went our separate ways which gave me enough time to prep his surprise. Hour and half later I picked him up and blind folded him. When we got to our room I removed my dress and I removed the blindfolded.

Hotel Room

Her lingerie set

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Her lingerie set

"Holy Shit""Do you like it?""Do I like it? Baby girl I love and damn you look so damn hot in that color""Well thank you babe""You are very welcome is this why you have been so secretive lately baby girl""Of course"(I can't write smut for the life ...

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"Holy Shit"
"Do you like it?"
"Do I like it? Baby girl I love and damn you look so damn hot in that color"
"Well thank you babe"
"You are very welcome is this why you have been so secretive lately baby girl"
"Of course"
(I can't write smut for the life of me so imagine it)
We made love and it was everything I imagined it would be with him. I roll over and grab my gifts for him out of the night stand.
"here you go baby"
"What is this?"
"Open it love"
He opens the gift and his jaw just drops
"No fucking way a whole month in Hawaii with the 4 of us that's going to be so much fun. Babe this bracelet is amazing I love it"
"Well I love you Silviano"
"Say it again"
"I love you Silviano"
"And I love you to Luciana"
We made love once again and went to bed. It was the best night of my life and I couldn't wait to spend more time with the man I loved and the man who loved me back. Or so I thought Until I woke up the next morning he was gone and not answering my calls or text.

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