Chapter Twelve

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I woke up the next morning bright and early I went downstairs to the kitchen

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I woke up the next morning bright and early I went downstairs to the kitchen.
As I walked into the kitchen I noticed my brother was on the phone with I'm assuming his girlfriend.
"yeah baby girl I understand little one has plans today okay well I miss you and I will see you tomorrow for lunch.... Okay by Baby girl" my brother says hanging up his phone.
"Good morning S"
"You to D. what was all that about?"
"Me and Ana yesterday had made plans for today but she forgot that little one had an event today so we rescheduled for lunch tomorrow."
"Damn that's shitty what do you got planned for today then?"
"Well I'm gonna go see our mom and baby sister since they are here visiting then take grizzo out to the dog park. what about you S what you got planned"
"I'm going to go visit some old friends then try to reconnect with on old flame"
"Alright man have a good day and don't do nothing stupid S"
"No promises D" I shout as hes going up the stairs and I hear him laughing. I drink some coffee then headed up stairs to change my clothes and do my morning routine. After I have finished I grab my keys, wallet, and phone and head straight to her house hoping she still lives there. 30 mins later I pull up to the house and get out of the car walking up to the door. I knock on the door and couple seconds later Andrew opens the door he went to go shut the door in my face but then javi came out to ask who it was
"Andrew who's at the do- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Javier yells
"You have to leave man you can't be here" Andrew interjects
"I came here to talk to Luci and try to expl-"
"You have a lot of fucking nerve showing up here on my doorstep looking for my sister. she moved out 4 1/2 years ago. you have absolutely no idea what you put her through so no you can't see her or have her number or her address and you need to leave"
"Love who's at th-" Claire stops mid sentence when she lays eyes on me.the shouts "SOPHIA YOU NEED TO SEE THIS"
"what the fuck is he doing here"Sophia exclaims
"He said he is her to explain to my sister why he left. He is going to tell me what happened before I beat his ass."
"That's not a good idea Javi" Andrew warns
"Anyone else think it's a bad idea" Javier asks but nobody says a thing then he looks at Andrew telling him.
"Andrew sorry you are out voted"
we all walk inside and go into the kitchen and start talking and I give the a short hand run down of stuff that has gone down. That's when we hear the front door open and we all started going back and forth. When heard her walk into the kitchen that's when we turned around. The secondmy eyes made contact with her person my eyes widen seeing the boy she had in her arms and I could see her physically stiffen and through clenched teeth I hear her try to speak gently to the boy.
"Teo why don't you go down stairs to the play room with all the kids and play with Gabbie and Leo for a bit. While I talk to your aunties and uncles"
"Okay momma"
"Please becareful okay Papas"
"Yes momma I pwomise to becaweful"
"Alright thank you Teo"
She waits for him to close the door to the basement where they built a huge playroom and she loses her shit.

"Javier Angel Perez! What the fuck is he doing here. Doesn't anyone know how to use a god damn phone to call and let me know that this piece of shit showed up" I angerly shouted.
"Rosie ple-" Javi attempts to say

You know what I don't care what excuse you have Javi I am Going to go grab my son and I am taking him home. By the way you better believe we are not on speaking terms and you two are my best friends you knew bet-"
"Luciana please let me ex-"
"NO! You left me and had years to explain it's to late to just pop up and expect me to just listen to whatever lame excuse you have. Damn it you couldn't even leave me a note Silviano it's to late just go. I have finally moved on and I have met someone great. Someone who makes me happy beyond belief. So please stay away from me & stay away from my family"
"Luci I know that he is mine. you can't kee-"
"First off it is Luciana to you. Secondly I can't what? I can't keep him from you. Oh I can and I will you aren't his father just a sperm donor. Just a stupid boy who got what he wanted and left me. I don't need you now and I can tell you he definitely doesn't need you either. when I needed you it was 5 years ago when I woke up alone, I needed you when I went through my senior year pregnant when everyone was talking about how lucky you were to not have to be with a slut like me, I needed you when I was in labor and we both almost died you were no where to be found. where were you for every late night feeding or diaper change, every fever, every injury, every sleepless night, all while I put myself through college. That's when I needed you that's when we needed you and you weren't there so we don't need you now that we are doing better."

She roughly wipes away here tears looking betrayed, angry, and broken. I have broken the girl I was madly in love with. Fuck I wish I could go back in time and at least left a note.
She walked away to grab our son well her son I don't really have a right to call him ours when I haven't been here for her or him. As I come out of my thoughts she walked out of the door and left. I sat down and put my head in my hands crying silently not knowing what the fuck to do. I felt someone sit near me so I look up and come face to face with Andrew. I wipe my tears.
"Man I know I fucked up bad I should of called or at least texted her. No one knows the full story and she will never allow me near my son" I shook my head and got up from my seat thanking them for trying to let me explain to her. I then left and went back to D's. When I get there D isn't here and neither is grizzo so I head to my room and knock out. When I wake up I do my daily routine and then head downstairs and as I'm walking down D is just now walking through the door.
"Aye man where you been? sleeping at the dog park to keep grizzo happy"
"Nah man my girl called. She was crying her eyes out so I had her pull over so I could meet up with her so she didn't have an accident driving in her state. Met up with her finally getting to meet her kid and spent the day with them"
"Shit what happened D is she all good now? what all did you guys do? how did it go with the kid?"
"I guess the baby daddy popped up thinking he can just come back into there life now that she's finally happy. We got ice cream and went to the park near she shop and played tag for a couple hours then came to pick grizzo up stopped to get movie snacks. when we got to her place we built a fort type thing ordered pizza and watched a movie in their home theater. Me and her had a little heart to heart then we passed out cuddled up with little one and grizzo. Man her kid is real smart, very well behaved, just all around great kid."
"Damn D she sounds like she could be the one. Is our big bad cartel boss going soft on us now?"
"Damn you S you are just a hater" We laugh
"Well i gotta shower I have plans with little mama and her kiddo"
"See you later D"

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