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After minutes of discussing we make the deal to wait another five minutes until we leave the room and go to Kuina.
From Kuinas position we can check the cameras and find Arisu and Usagi.

Chishiya leans against the door still not trusting that I would try running out as soon as he doesn't look.
And I sit on desk near the door facing Chishiya not trusting him enough to turn my back to him.

I look around the room while swinging my legs nervously under the desk and for again.
When I look at Chishiya I realise he's already looking at me

„You do that a lot." he points out.
„Do what?"

He comes closer only to pull my hand out of your hair.

„Before the gamed we teamed up for started, you did the same. You leaned against the wall and played with your hair. That's one of your habits when you begin to get nervous." he says and letting go of my hair.

I would have stand up so I don't need to look up to him that much but he's already way to close to my liking.
And instead of going farther away he comes closer and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

„You're blushing." he whispered.
I jumped up from my sitting position and shoved him away.

„I think we can leave now, a few minutes passed that's enough!" I says pushing him farther away from me and out of the way.

I moved towards the door and lay my palm and ear on the door to hear if there's someone in the corridor but I only hear Chishiya coming up behind me.

„I don't hear anyone." I whisper.
„Fine, let me go first." he replied.

„Hell nah, I'm deciding. Now back up." I say while turning around only to see him rolling his eyes.

I turn the door knob and slowly open the door to look into the corridor.
I can see some blood covered bodies on the ground but no one else.

Both of us go into the corridor and then take a small sprint.
Then I open the door and let bottom us in.

„Where is she?" I asked Chishiya who looked around worryingly.
I thought the only emotion he could feel was hatred towards people but I was wrong I guess.

„She's not here anymore." he says more to himself then me.
„We need to carry on the plan Chishiya don't lose the focuse because she's important to you." I say to which he scoffed.

„She's not important to me."
„Right what ever you say.., let's see where everyone is at." I said while moving towards the monitors

The corridors are covered in dead body's.
„They really want to kill anyone huh?" I asked myself.

„Seems like it." he says while coming up next to me.

„I can see her, I see Usagi." I say while pointing at one of the monitors.
She's also searching for Arisu by opening hundreds of doors.

„Well I guess we split now." I say while looking at Chishiya.
„You want to open doors until you find him? You're getting shot before." he answers looking at me with a straight face.

„You have your plan and I have mine. It's your decision you can also stay in here you coward." I grunted while moving past him and out of the door.

I didn't waited for an response nor did I checked the sound of footsteps before entering the corridor again.
I follow the corridor and open every door with out success.


I kept doing that until I found a locked door.
I wiggled the door knob without luck so I pressed my ear against the door only to hear loud breathing.

I tried kicking against the door multiple times until Usagi showed up.

„You're alive!" We say together.
After a quick reunion hug we turn back to the door.

„You think he's in there?" she questioned.
„Yeah this door is the only locked one and-„ I stopped talking as soon as I see hear leg kicking against the door.

„It doesn't work Usagi." I say dissatisfied.
„But it needs to!" she replied kicking the door another time.

„How about I try" a voice behind us says so we turn around real quick.

„You're the reason he's in there go away." Usagi says and I hold my heart thinking it was a member of the military, ready to shoot us. But instead it was someone way more miserable, Chishiya.

„Well, I have a pair of keys." he answers.
„Where did you get them from?" I asked looking around the corridor, ready to get betrayed again.

„Uhh you know, my old friend Niragi gave them to me-„
„Niragi?-„ I asked eyes widened.

„It doesn't matter where he got them from as long as we can open that door." Usagi says cutting me off.

If seen Chishiya and Niragi fight before that does not sit right with me but Usagi is right, we need to set priorities.
I glance at Chishiya again before following Usagi into the room.

Love without Borders - Chishiya ffWhere stories live. Discover now