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„The game is cleared congrats." we hear from our phone, the big hall completely empty now.

„What are you going to do now?" Chishiya asked me.
„I don't know I think I just follow Arisu and Usagi around."
„Like a lost puppy." he said teasingly

I scoff:„What about the cards?"

He pulls all the cards out of his sweater pocket.
I look down to where all the phones laid only to see the heart ten.

„The cards are for no use to you, if you don't have all of them." I point out
He tilts his head:„That's why I'm going to take the heart ten with me."

Without wasting more time he takes a step around me and goes in direction stairs.
I look over the railing, 2 meters high I would guess, If I'm able to swing myself over the railing and-

„Who cares." I mumble to myself.
I climb the railing and let myself drop to my feet.

Only when I reach the table Chishiya comes into sight still no one else around us.
He halts for a second, realisation hitting.

When he's a few feet away I speak up again.

„You didn't thought I would give the card to you, did you?" I snickered.
„Just give me the card Murasaki."

„You don't deserve them. You wouldn't have them in the first place if it weren't for Arisu."
I could see his fists clenching at his sides.

„Uhh, did I hit an insecure spot of yours?" I asked teasingly.
He takes step in my direction while I walk backwards, the fire still spreading.

„You get on my nerves Murasaki." he said annoyed.
I still walk backwards my eyes drifting around because we are now in a corridor.

„Just give me the damn card Murasaki."
„Or what?"
„I swear to god that damn stubborn woman." he cursed to himself

„How about you give me your cards?"
„As If I would do that." he scoffed

It took a while until my back hit a wall at the end of countless corridors.
Looking around I couldn't hear the fire alarm anymore nor could I see fire, smoke or dead body's.

„Where are we?" I wispert to myself
„We are at the extension of the main building." Chishiya answers still coming my way.

He comes to a stop a few inches away from me which causes my breath to hitch.
„Give me the card." he demands.
„What If I don't want to." I say my answer almost sounding like a whisper.

I could swear I saw his eyes shifting to my mouth for a milisecond.
His behaviour causes me to pull my lip in between my teeth.

„Give me the card Murasaki." his voice comes out husky.

When his hands come in my direction I think he wants to take the card away so I press my back into the wall even more.
Instead of taking the card, he runs his thumb over my button lip.

I shudder and as soon as his finger vanished his lips crushed on mine.
My eyes widened for a second before I closed my eyes completely and kissed him back.

After a few seconds he pulls away again and I feel some kind of loss.
We hold eye contact for a second only for him to crash his lips on mine again.

This time the kiss lasts longer and his hands sneaked around my waist.
He pulled away only to look around the corridor.

While I tried to catch my breath he pulled me on my wrist after him into the next room.
Seems like another bedroom.

Smut warning :)

And without a second thought I kicked the door close behind me.
He pushed me back against the door and I sucked in a breath.
My lips went straight to his neck and I sucked and nipped on it.

His breath came out faster.
„Jump" he demanded and I obeyed.

My legs wrapped around his torso.
And his hands went around my waist.

While I started kissing him again he walked us backwards to the bed.
He dropped me on the bed.

„This fucking bikini." he gritted, grabbing the bikini bottoms and yanking it down my legs.
He grasped my thighs, parted them, then climbed on the bed to kneel between them.

He undid the top part of the bikini and started sucking on my breast.
I close my eyes and moan, squirming under him and arching my back to get closer to him.

„You like your breast kissed, huh?"
I couldn't bring myself to answer when he started to kiss his way down my torso.

I leaned on my arms watching him, and as he pressed his face between my thighs, my head fell back.
He started licking my clit and I fisted the sheets under me.

It was so wrong.
Sleeping with your enemy, knowing that as soon as this moment is over he would sacrifice you for his own good again.

But the thirst I feel for this man right now is way stronger then every other hatred feeling towards him.

I needed him.

„Chishiya...stop." I breath.
But Chishiya gripped on to my thighs harder.

I yanked on his hair which causes him to look up at me.
As if he could read my facial features he knew I need something different from him.

He crawled over me, licking and nipping my stomach and breasts again.
He then braced his hands on either sides of my head and I slide my hands down his abs.

I come to an halt on his waisteband and pull his swimming bottoms down until it's low enough for him to kick them out.
I cupped his erection and when I looked up into his eyes they were lazy and dark.

I guid his cock to my entrance.
As soon as his cock slides deep inside me I'm gasping and shuddering.

He doesn't give me any time to recover and all I do is breathing hard while he fucks me.
He pants while laying down on his forearm only to start sucking on my neck again.

I hold on to his shoulders, my nails digging deep into his flesh.

He then bites my bottom lip again and I curl my toes feeling myself getting closer.

Nothing in the world has ever felt so good.
I'm almost there.

„Jesus Murasaki!" he cries out and grabs my shoulders.
I couldn't say anything even if I wanted to because he pounds into me so hard.

We both came while I cried out his name and he breathed heavily into my ear.

This was my first time writing smut + english isn't my first language so yeah uhm don't judge me :)

Love without Borders - Chishiya ffWhere stories live. Discover now