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We made a circle and one after another walked into the middle so the rest could tell them the symbol.
That way the first round went smoothly but in the second round someone was killed.

The person who killed that first guy joined our group and was obviously the next target.

I knew the second that blue dress girl sayed the answer wrong to that guy that you can't trust her.

You can't trust anyone in Borderland if we're being honest but for a second I thought that this group things could actually work.

Chishiya observed his surroundings, watched every person closely.
He's a smart guy but he's also a piece of shit that way we can't team up.

We sit in the cafeteria our group in front of us while they tell each other their symbols.

I hate relaying on other people but in this game I don't really have a choice.

„Your turn Murasaki." the blue dress girl said.
I'm sure she told me her name too but I didn't really cared so I didn't listened.

I stand up and walked into the middle of the circle.

„Ahhh... it's a club!" she said and it took the other players a while to agree on that.

„Mh- thank you!" I say happily but the second I turn away my smile drops.
I look at Chishiya as soon as I leave the circle only to see his eyes on me already.

He gives his head a quiet „no" shakes and goes back to eating his cookies.

I understood that they killed the last guy, they thought that he killed the first person on purpose and that he's the jack.
But what did I do?

I sat down next to Chishiya again, while all the members of the group walked away after they got their symbol.
Chishiya got his symbol before me and i know that they didn't lied to him.

„As if I would trust you Chishiya fuck off. I find someone else to tell me."
I stand up and tried to walk away but got pulled back by my wrist.

I tried shaking his hand off but he wouldn't let go off me.

That yellow shirt guy walked over again while seeing me struggling.

„They lied to you." he whispers.
„Yeah I already realised that." I answered while finally freeing my wrist.

I took a few steps before he spoke up again.
„Spade. It's a spade." the guy in the yellow T-shirt said.

I turn around again, awkwardly smiling at the guy.
But when I look at Chishiya I see him looking at the ground trying to hide his smile.


I can hear the countdown in my cell there are 10 seconds left until I need to say my answer.
The walls feel like they are closing in on me.

Relying on others didn't got me far in this world, but you don't have another chance then believing them.

„3, 2, 1"
„Spade" I said and luckily I didn't died.

My heart beat slows down again and I sink down to the ground to get my breathing under control so the other people can't see right through me when I leave this room.

I lean my head against the wall behind me, close my eyes and keep breathing in and out.

Only a few seconds in, the door opens abruptly and I open my eyes.
Chishiya leans against the doorway.

„I thought you didn't believed me and killed yourself." he said while tilting his head.
„Ah there's where you're wrong I didn't believed you. I trusted in that other guy."

Chishiya scoffed and I stand up and walked over to him.

„What are we doing here Chishiya?" I whispered, „ do you really thing we can go back when we have alle the cards?"

„Do we have another choice then to play the games?" he questioned me back.

No. No we don't but what if this isn't real? Someone is playing with us? This country or world or- i don't know, it does not makes sense and I don't know how long I have the motivation to keep going.

„You're right let's go." I say, walking through the doorway not daring to speak my mind freely.

I could hear his footsteps following me, no one else was around us because we spend so much time in my cell.

„Heart." he said from behind me and I stopped walking.

„I thought I could trust you for a second but here you are lying again." I scoff
„I'm not lying." he says while his hands are resting in his pockets.

„You can't even see my symbol, my hair is covering it."

He let's out a chuckle and walks past me:„you have that habit of yours where you jump a little while walking that way your hair swings around and your hair isn't that long, I could easily see it." he answers far before me so I walk faster to keep up with him.

„What do you mean jump?" I say my eyes growing larger:„do I always do this?"
„Only when you are in your thoughts."


„You're ready?" he asked while we were walking down the stairs to join the others in the cafeteria again.
„Ready for what?" I questioned.
„They wanted to kill you. Your revenge obviously."

Love without Borders - Chishiya ffWhere stories live. Discover now