Tip of Balance

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(The episode opens up one starry night in a distant village where we see a couple elders watching the sky)
Elder 1: Do you feel that?
Elder 2: Yes. It feels like a shift in the elements.
Elder 1: That can only mean one thing.
Elder 2: The end of time is soon to be upon us. We could only have mere months left.
Elder 1: Then we know what we must do.
Elder 2: We set out first thing tomorrow morning. We must warn them all before it's too late.
Elder 1: If we want to have hope for the survival of our world.

(The next scene then cuts to the village where we see Jeremy and a large group of his friends gathered together outside)
Jeremy: Alright guys!! Today's the day!!
Jennifer: Gosh Jeremy you sure are pretty excited.
Jeremy: Sorry. It's just that we haven't been welcomed back into the college for so long I guess I was kinda starting to miss it.
Zach: I know what you mean my man. So many girls I haven't gotten to flirt with in so long. Oooh just the thought of it is driving me crazy.
Bethany: Me I'm just happy to not be an outlaw anymore.
Jess: Yeah life on the run isn't all that thrilling.
Dustin: But guys now that Joey is out of the picture things should be smooth sailing for us from now on.
(At that moment Desrary and Waylon walks over towards them)
Waylon: I never thought there would ever be a time where I'd be happy to say goodbye.
Desrary: Do all of you guys really have to go?
Jessica: Aw Desrary. We just have a college semester to finish but we won't be gone forever.
Waylon: Noo don't ruin my good mood.
Jeremy: This village is still our home.
Jessica: And we'll all be back as soon as college is over. We promise.
Dakota: Speak for yourself.
Desrary: Ok I guess I can go that.
(She then tries grabbing Jessica)
Jessica: Now Desrary we talked about this.
Desrary: Right right.
(She then simply hugs Jessica)
Jessica: Good Desrary.
(She then pats her back while a bus then arrives)
Hannah: Well there's our ride guys.
Desrary: Don't worry about a thing here guys. You can count on us to keep the fort held down!!
Jeremy: Thanks Desrary. We appreciate you guys.
Jessica: Hurry Jeremy!!
Jeremy; Coming!!
(Everyone then runs onto the bus which takes off)

(The next scene then cuts to shortly afterwards as we see the bus driving down the road)
Jeremy: It won't be much longer now Jessica.
Jessica: I have to admit I actually can't wait to see my old dorm room again. It'd better be just like I left it too!!
Jeremy: After everything that happened before I thought for sure we would never be able to be college graduates.
Jessica: Things always have a weird way of working out. No matter how bad and bleak things get everything always works out.
Jeremy: That's the moral of our life.
Jessica: Sure we may have a lot of lost time to make up for but I think by now we know nothing can stand in our way.
Jeremy: And then once it's all over we'll have our whole future ahead of us.
Jessica: Reminds me of our Senior Year.
Jeremy: Only this time we'll be together.
Jessica: Aw Jeremy. And stay together.
Jeremy; Forever and ever.
(They then share a kiss)
Bethany: Hey love birds.. While I hate breaking up this love fest uhhh. We're here now.
Jeremy: Huh?
(They then see the bus beginning to park outside the college)
Jessica: Oh guess we got so distracted we didn't even notice.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as Charity opens the doors)
Charity: Alright everyone time to load out.
(At that moment everyone begins running off the bus)
Charity: My first and last time being a bus driver. I think that went really smoothly.
(She then sees Jeremy and Jessica walking past her)
Charity: Excuse me Jeremy may I speak with you privately for just a moment.
Jessica: Hmm?
Jeremy: Ok Jessica I guess I'll catch up with ya later.
Jessica: Ok.
(She then walks off the bus)
Jeremy: What is it Charity?
Charity: I just kinda wanted to remind you to be careful.
Jeremy: Careful?
Charity: While the majority of the school is willing to welcome us back with open arms there's still some who are against us. Joey supporters.
Jeremy: Oh no.
Charity: So we have to be ready for anything at all times and stay on our toes.
Jeremy; I will Charity.
Charity: And never forget you're still our leader no matter what. So you will always have a responsibly.
Jeremy: Yeah thanks for the reminder.
(He then walks off the bus)
Charity: Gosh even after that speech I still feel on edge. I just can't shake the bad feeling I've got.

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