Maiden Of The Apocalypse

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(The episode begins one night as we see Shelby and Johnathan standing outside the college)
Shelby: So yeah man isn't it amazing? Unlimited power at our fingertips. All our enemies would bow down before us. With our unstoppable might the world would be ours.
Johnathan: That does sound really intriguing.
Shelby: So what do ya say? Are you with me?
Johnathan: I'm sorry man but no. Life has taught me that the more ambitious your ambitions get the more it hurts when they inevitably come crashing down.
Shelby: Ugh still on this depressing junk aren't ya?
Johnathan: It's only the truth Shelby. The sooner you realize that evil people like us aren't meant to have dreams the better it'll be for all of us.
Shelby: Ya know what? Fine I don't need your help!! I'll go out and get the power all on my own. And whenever I do don't think I'll be sharing it with you!!
(He then stomps off)
Shelby: Yeah ok you just have a nice day here in self pity. Loser!!

(The next scene then cuts to the village where we see Olivia sitting outside looking up at the stars)
Olivia: The night sky. So peaceful. So beautiful. What a beautiful world we live in
(At that moment someone then taps her shoulder making her gasp and jump up)
Olivia: Who was that?!
(She then notices it was just Tricia and Gabby)
Gabby: Whoa Olivia calm down. It's just us.
Olivia: Oh Tricia and Gabby.
Tricia: Sorry we didn't mean to scare you.
Olivia: No it's ok. I was just kinda lost in my own thoughts daydreaming.
Gabby: In the middle of night?
Olivia: Yes.
Tricia: Still missing Jeremy and all the others.
Olivia: No. Well yes but it's not just that I have other things on my mind too.
Gabby: Well we were about to have a get together and we were just wondering if you were interested in coming inside with us.
Olivia: Ya know maybe it would be a good way to get my head on straight.
Tricia: Then come on girl. The others are waiting.
(The 3 of them then begin walking away)

(The next scene then cuts back to the college where we see Alex and Bolin walking inside the building)
Alex: What a fun wild night huh?
Bolin: You were onto something there Alex. Nothing beats a good ol late night Summer drive.
Alex: And the best thing is we won't be getting in trouble. Nope we'll be in and out before anyone even notices we were even gone.
Bolin: Well I don't think we'd get in trouble for anything but.
Alex: Shh it's much cooler thinking that we will be.
Bolin: Ok fair enough.
(As they're walking inside however the lights turn off while we see Shelby hiding in a nearby bush)
Shelby: My ticket towards sneaking in.
(He then laughs evilly as he creeps inside)
Shelby: Breaking and entering here is way easier without that Joey calling the shots. Hahaha no one suspects a thing.
(At that moment we then see Brandon staring at him)
Brandon: Halt!! Intruder intruder!!!
(Shelby then immediately punches and knocks him out)
Shelby: Shutup you idiot before you blow my cover.
(He then kicks him aside as he continues walking)
Shelby: If anyone asks he's just sleeping.

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see him walking down the hallway)
Shelby: Let's see now I just need to find a perfect target to abduct. Someone pure of heart or whatever.
(He then stops in front of Bethany's room)
Shelby: Bethany? Nah can't be her cause when I need to make her suffer by seeing what she could have had if she didn't reject our love all those years ago.
(He then stops in front of Jessica's room)
Shelby: Jessica?
(He then listens closely as we he hears Jessica talking on the phone with Ciara)
Ciara: Thanks for calling me jessica. Ugh you won't believe how boring life is without you here.
Shelby: No can't be her. Too many witnesses.
(He then looks at Jeremy's room)
Shelby: Oh no definitely not him. I'm going to spend every moment of the rest of my life tormenting and torturing him. I'm gonna relish it. I'm gonna enjoy it. I'm gonna.
(At that moment he then laughs evilly with Chaz walking out of his room)
Chaz: Hey what's so funny out here?
(He then immediately punches and knocks him out)
Shelby: Ok I need to decide on someone though because there's getting to be wayyy too many witnesses.
(He then looks at Jess's room)
Shelby: Oh yeah she'll do the trick just fine.
(He then smirks evilly)
Shelby: My dear ol step sister.

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