Cleaning Out The Streets

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(The episode begins one early morning as we see Dustin waking up in his room)
Dustin: Well it's that time of the day again so you know what that means. It's time to start a fresh new day. If that wasn't obvious enough.. 
(He then gets up and walks outside)
Dustin: Ahh the wonders of the beautiful day.
(He then sees Shawn walking by)
Dustin: Good morning Shawn.
Shawn: Good morning Dustin
(Chaz then walks by)
Dustin: Good morning Chaz.
Chaz: Hey what's up Dustin?
Dustin: Yep everyone is really truly at peace. It's great to see everyone's spirits so high.
(We then see Chase approaching him)
Dustin: Good morning to you Mr Chase.
Chase: It won't be for much longer.
(He then pulls a taser out of his pockets)
Dustin: Hey dude what are you?
(He then uses it to shock him)
Chase: Not for you anyways.
(He then grabs Dustin and throws him over his shoulder before walking away)

(The next scene then cuts to sometime afterwards as we see Jessica, Bethany, Michael, and Jenny all hanging out at breakfast)
Michael: So like that's what's going on with you huh?
Jessica: I didn't even get to speak with him for barely a minute before his cousin ran in saying Hannah was gone.
Michael: Oh no.
Bethany: Hannah normally wouldn't be the kind of person to just up and leave us would she?
Jessica: That's what they thought too so they took off this morning and went searching for her.
Michael: My poor little Hannah. I can't bear the thought of anything bad happening to her.
Bethany: It's Hannah Michael. I'm sure she's just fine.
Jenny: The strange thing is apparently Charity is missing too.
Jessica: Charity??
Jenny: Yeah no one has seen her all morning. Or since last night for that matter.
Jessica: Charity and Hannah going missing at the same time?
Bethany: Ok I suddenly have a really bad feeling about this.
Jessica: Me too.

(The next scene then cuts to the village where we see Tricia and Gabby hanging out)
Gabby; So Tricia buddy friend pal. What do you wanna do today?
(At that moment the nearby phone begins ringing)
Tricia: Apparently answering the phone is part of the agenda.
Gabby: I got it!!
(She then dashes over and answers it)
Gabby: Hello?
Bethany: Hey Gabby. It's me Bethany.
Gabby: Hey can I help you with something?
Bethany: Have you seen any sign of Hannah around there?
Gabby: Hannah? No I can't say I have. We haven't seen her since she left with you guys yesterday
Bethany: This is so strange. She's sure not anywhere around here. We know because we've searched this place top to bottom.
Gabby: Now that you mention it Brianna and Holly have been missing all morning too. Left without even saying a word. Sarah too I think.
Bethany: I wonder if this could all be connected somehow.
Gabby: Hey if you want Tricia and I try starting a search party and see if we can find them.
Bethany: Well... Ok let us know if you figure anything out.
Gabby: You got it chief.
(They then hang up)
Gabby: Hey Tricia I know what we're gonna do today.
(We then see Tricia being held by Rachel)
Tricia: I think I already have plans for today now.
Rachel: Desrary is going crazy and I'm not sure I can handle this anymore. Please do something to help me!!
(She then runs off with her)
Gabby: Fine guess I can handle this by myself.

(The next scene then cuts back to Chase who has just locked Dustin)
Chase: Welcome to your new home.
Dustin: Hey come on man what did I ever do to you?
Chase: Honestly nothing. Between the two of us I don't have anything personal against you. But you're still an acquaintance against our enemies.
Dustin: But there's other people out there doing much worse crimes than me.
(He then points to outside as we see Joe, Robin, and Joshua breaking into people's cars)
Chase: Not my problem nor my concern. I have other priorities.
Dustin: Aw man.
Chase: But don't worry the rest of your friends will be here to join you soon enough.
(He then walks away)

(The next scene then cuts to Hannah who is arriving at a strange place with Brianna and Holly)
Hannah: This is the place.
Brianna: A strange abandoned temple looking place in the middle of a deserted forest. Not a very conventional meeting place
Hannah: I thank you guys for coming here with me.
Holly: Hey you don't have to thank us for this.
Hannah: You guys are about to learn some really big secrets about me. About everything.
Brianna: Hannah come on now. We're family.
Holly: Yeah whatever these secrets are you can bet we can handle it.
Hannah; We'll see won't we?
(They then get out of the car as we see James walk outside)
Hannah: Hello James.
James: I see you brought Brianna and Holly.
Hannah: They are part of the family so it's ok.
James: I see. In that case step inside everyone.
(They all then walk inside the temple as we see Sarah pulling up just after they close the door)
Sarah: What kind of crazy conspiracy is this?

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