Spiritual Quest

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(The episode begins as we see Beth busting out of the hideout)
Beth: Those idiots!! I spent at least a whole day trying to make my way back to my brother's stupid village and now I'm all the way back here at square one.
(At that moment Thompson and Micah come running outside)
Thompson: What's going on?? What's that noise?
Micah: Oh it's her again.
Beth: Out of my way idiots.
Micah: Whoa girl. Harsh.
Thompson: May we ask what's with?
Beth: No you can't.
Thompson: You're still desperate for revenge aren't you?
Beth: And if you're smart you might wanna consider staying out of my way.
Thompson: Whoa easy there.
(She then gets in Brittany's car)
Micah: Hey isn't that Brittany's car?
Beth: So what??
Micah: I'm just saying she might not appreciate you.
Beth: Don't care. Goodbye.
(She then speeds off)
Micah: Man that stubborn girl is one real piece of work isn't she?
Thompson: Even as her ally she terrifies me in many ways.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as we see Bethany in the distance spying on them)
Bethany: Someone just left which means someone must already be awake. I'm gonna have to tread really carefully here.
(At that moment her phone then begins ringing making her shriek)
Bethany: Oh you can't be serious.
(She then answers with Hope now on the other end)
Hope: Hello?
Bethany: What do you want Hope?
Hope: I was just calling to check in on you.
Bethany: I'm sorry but I don't have time to talk. I'm in the middle of something here.
Hope: Oh you're still set on that mission huh? Well Bethany please you don't have to do this. Just.
Bethany: Goodbye.
(She then hangs up)
Bethany: That's where you're wrong Hope. I do have to do this.

(The next scene then cuts to Hannah who we see treating Johnathan)
Hannah: Your vitals are looking good Mr Harmon. I'd say in a few days you should be good as new.
Johnathan: What do you mean a few days? I'm feeling great now!!
(He then tries standing up though ends up yelling in pain)
Hannah: Listen to me dude. These things shouldn't be rushed.
(At that moment Dakota and Alan then walk inside)
Dakota: Excuse us uh Ms Hannah.
Hannah: What is it?
Alan: We're just here to tell you that Jeremy is waiting for you.
Hannah: Ok thank you for telling me.
(She then walks outside and begins walking away while passing by Taylor)
Taylor: Going somewhere Hannah?
Hannah: Yeah I have to give a friend a ride somewhere. If that's ok with you.
Taylor: Of course. Do as you please.
Hannah: Well then on that note.
Taylor: You will be back though won't you?
Hannah: Yes you can count on that.
Taylor: Good cause I'll be needing your help.

(The next scene then cuts back to the terror clans hideout where we see Tabby and Laura outside)
Tabby: What time is it?
Laura: Too early in the morning for this that's for sure.
Tabby: Who do they think they are sticking us on guard duty this early anyways?
Laura: I'm not entirely sure but I'm so sleepy.
Tabby: I'm gonna go fix us some coffee real quick.
Laura: I normally hate coffee but that sounds heavenly right now.
(Tabby then walks inside while Laura yawns)
Laura: So sleepy.
(We then see Bethany sneak up on her and knock her out)
Bethany: Sorry but you were in my way.
(She then walks into the hideout)
Bethany: Getting in was the easy part. Now it's time to find Tosha and Brandie.

(The next scene then cuts to Jeremy and Jessica who are standing outside with Dustin, Christy, Zach, and Ashley)
Dustin: So you guys are gonna be gone all day again huh?
Jeremy: Yeah seems like it's one thing or another when it comes to us.
Ashley: Gosh Jeremy even though you've been back for almost a week now I still feel like we barely get to see you at all.
Jeremy: I know but after today hopefully things will finally start settling down.
Jessica: So when are we leaving anyways?
Jeremy: Just as soon as Hannah gets here.
Christy: Uh there she is.
(She then points towards Hannah walking towards them)
Jeremy: Hannah!!!
(He then runs over and hugs her)
Hannah: Good morning to you little Jeremy.
Christy: Aww. They're always so sweet together.
Zach: I wish I had a girl to love me like that!!
Jessica: And that's where I leave this conversation.
(She then walks over towards Jeremy and Hannah)
Hannah: Well I reckon Charity is waiting for us. So we shouldn't be keeping her waiting.
(She then sighs)
Jeremy: You ok Hannah?
Hannah: I'm fine. Let's just go.
(She then walks away while Jeremy and Jessica shrug in confusion at each other)

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