Ticking Of The Doomsday Clock

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(The episode begins one night as we see Johnathan walking down through a forest)
Johnathan: Ok I've got it all figured out. Since I'm done with this whole bad guy thing it's time for me to change my ways and turn over a new leaf. I mean sure things may be a little awkward for everyone considering our colorful history. But come on they're the good guys right? That means they have to forgive me. I'm pretty sure that's how it works.
(He then hears a noise)
Johnathan: Hello? Is something there? That you Shelby? Finally changing your mind about.
(At that moment a dark figure appears before him)
Johnathan: Wait you're not Shelby!!
(He then screams in terror as the monster lunges towards him)

(The next scene then cuts to Beth who is in a building while listening to Thompson snoring)
Beth: Someone should put a button in his big mouth before I do permanently.
(She then rises up)
Beth: Ya know what am I doing sitting around here anyways? When I have other matters to attend to.
(She then prepares to leave when Tosha arrives in the room)
Tosha: Going somewhere?
Beth: I thought I might just go out for a bit. That is if it's ok with you.
Tosha: I understand your desire to get revenge but I think it would be in our best interest to stay here and keep laying low.
Beth: I think I can make my own decisions. That is unless you think you can stop me.
(They then glare at each other)
Beth: No I didn't think so.
(She marches away while Tosha then sighs)
Tosha: Felicia!!
(She then walks over towards Tosha)
Felicia: What is it master?
Tosha: Follow her and make sure she stays out of trouble.
(She then nods as she walks outside)
Tosha: That Beth is turning out to be too big of a liability.

(The next scene then cuts to the next morning where we see Jeremy, Jessica, and Bethany talking to Charles on the phone)
Jessica: So that's where she's been?
Charles: She asked me to call and inform you guys of her whereabouts. You should see her again in just a day or two
Jeremy: Can we talk to her?
Charles: I'm afraid not right now. She and her sister are out together. Catching up and making up for lost time.
Bethany: Sister?
Jessica: Cassie remember?
Bethany: Oh.
Jeremy: Well at least we know she's ok. That's one less thing to worry about.
Charles: I would love to stay and chat more but I'm afraid I have other business to attend to.
Jeremy: It was great hearing from you again. Ya know after all this time.
Charles: Likewise.
(They then hang up on each other)

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see them now outside)
Bethany: So Shelby was the one behind her disappearance.
Jessica: That fat loser just never knows when to quit does he?
Jeremy: To kidnap his own sister though.
Bethany: Hey all 3 of us have been kidnapped by that freak at one point or another so I don't think we should be surprised with how low he's willing to snoop.
Jeremy: Boy that's true.
Jessica: Still though if he's the one behind her disappearance who's to say he didn't have something to do with Hannah disappearing too?
Bethany: Hey you might actually be onto something there Jessica.
Jeremy: We have our first lead but now we just have to find Shelby and.
Bethany: Uh we may have to take a raincheck on finding him for right now.
Jeremy: What?? Why??
Bethany: Look!!
(She then points at Johnathan crawling towards them)
Jeremy: Johnathan?!
Johnathan: Help me.
(He then loses consciousness)

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as they're now joined by Christy, Abby, and Steve outside the nurses office)
Abby: By the looks of it you guys found him just in time. With how bad he was hurt you may have very well saved his life.
Christy: Gosh.
Bethany: What the heck happened to him?
Steve: We'd never seen anything like it. All those scratch marks on him.
Christy: Scratch marks.
Abby: I'll just say whatever attacked him can't possibly be of our world.
Jeremy: Is he ok?
Abby: He looked stabilized so he should be making a complete recovery.
Jeremy: I wanna talk to him about this.
(He then prepares to walk inside though Jessica stops him)
Jessica: Wait hold on Jeremy.
Jeremy: Don't worry Jessica. I'll be fine I promise.
Jessica: Ok.
(She then takes a deep breath and let's him go)
Jeremy: Now hold on I'll be right back.
(He then walks inside)
Bethany: Stay safe Jeremy. Please.

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