Walking A Heroes Path

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(The episode begins as we see Shelby talking to Toshas gang)
Tosha: I see. And you're speaking the truth?
Shelby: Of course I am. I would never lie to my dearest friend.
Cr: So my cousin a chosen one gifted with unstoppable power?
Smither: Just like his old girlfriend Makayla Williams.
Shelby: And all this power could be yours.
Tosha: As long as we drain his DNA and the energy?
Shelby: Precisely
Tosha: Hahaha of course!! With power like this we would be unstoppable.
Joseph: What a mistake we made forgetting about you and leaving you behind in that dump huh?
Shelby: All good. It's all water under the bridge.
Tosha: Then I think we know what we're going to do. Why don't we pay him a nice visit?
Shelby: He's at his going away party they're throwing for him. All you have to do is follow me and I can take you there no problem.
Beth: Let me just make sure we're clear on this. He's my kill. And no one better steal from me.
Jordan: Of course not beautiful. We would never.
(She then glares as she walks ahead)
Smither: If she thinks she's gonna hog all the power for hersel then she's gonna have another thing coming.
(Everyone else then begins leaving too)

(The next scene then cuts to the village where we see Luke and JJ talking to Steve and Chris)
JJ: That was a great party.
Luke: Yeah man I haven't had the opportunity to have fun and cut loose like that in a long time.
JJ: I wish we could stay longer but I'm afraid we can't. Derrick is really on edge right now and wants us to get back to hunting for Joey as soon as possible.
Chris: Hey I understand boys. That's why I'm glad to be under Amber's payroll.
Luke: Hey man you implying anything about my girlfriend?!
Chris: No I'm not!! Nothing like that!!
JJ: Luke chill out.
Luke: I got my ears on you Gilpin.
Chris: Duly noted.
Steve: I'd go with you if I could but Charity and James want me to be the ones to pilot Jeremy and the other passengers there to ensure they get there safely.
JJ: It's cool man we get it.
(At that moment Derrick and Andrew pull up in a nearby car)
JJ: Well there's our ride so we'd better get.
Chris: Have a safe trip.
(They then shake hands as JJ and Luke then get back into the car)
Steve: And there they go.
Chris: Yeah. And think it's time for us to get back to the party.
(They then start walking back to the village)

(The next scene then cuts to Jeremy and the others who are all gathered together at a huge table)
Randall: Oh man guys that cake really hit the spot.
Stewart: It sure did!! I never tasted anything so good.
Lily: Please remind me why I'm sitting beside this disgusting guy again.
Kandice: Lily be nice.
Lily: Fine.
Abby: Let's take a minute to remember why we're here.
Tricia: To..
(She then starts tearing up)
Tricia: Say goodbye to our very amazing friend Jeremy.
Jeremy: Tricia.
Tricia: I'm sorry. I know I should be stronger than what I am but I can't help it.
Olivia: It's ok Tricia. We all feel the same way.
Jeremy: You guys..
Jessica: You mean so much to us Jeremy. In so many different ways.
Lacie; You make our life so full of joy and other stuff. It won't be the same without you Jeremy.
Jeremy: Guys there's something I want to say..
Holly: So then say it.
Jeremy: I just don't really know how to say it. I uhh.
(He then begins hesitating)
Bethany: Jeremy are you ok?
Jeremy: I think I need a few minutes..
(He then gets up and starts walking away)
Jessica: Jeremy?
Jennifer: Don't worry I'll go talk to him. You wanna come too Brianna?
Brianna: Yeah.
(They then get up and then look over at Hannah)
Jennifer: What you not coming Hannah?
Hannah: Huh?
Jennifer: He needs his whole family here to help him.
Brianna: And it's not whole without you.
Hannah: I guess you're right.
(She then also stands up)
Hannah; Come on then let's go.
(They then also start walking away)

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see Jeremy now in his house sighing sadly while Jennifer and the others walk in)
Jennifer: Figured we'd find you here.
Jeremy: Oh hey guys.
Brianna: The party isn't over yet ya know? We still got some time.
Jeremy: I know guys I know. I'm just not good at saying goodbye.
Jennifer: I understand. No one ever is.
Brianna: I know what it's like. When I was cut off from you guys for years the sadness felt like it was killing me. But there's no reason to be sad Jeremy.
Jeremy: There isn't?
Brianna: Because this isn't going going to be goodbye. We'll see each other again I know we will.
Jennifer: And no matter how far apart we seem to be we really won't be because we're in each other's hearts full time.
Brianna: And you have Charity and James who'll be there with you. Plus me you little squirt.
Jennifer: And as soon as Sarah is fixed up you can count on me being there too my dude.
(She then puts her hand on his shoulders)
Jennifer: And I want you to know how proud I am of you. I always knew you would be destined for something great.
Brianna: Whatever comes next just know we'll be there.
Jennifer: And always will be.
Jeremy: You guys!!
(He then hugs them)
Hannah: And Jeremy I uhh.
Jeremy: It's ok Hannah you don't have to say anything.
(He then hugs her too)
Jeremy: I already know how you feel.
Hannah: I see.
Jeremy: Well then come on guys. Let's get back outside. Everyone else is probably waiting for us.

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