The Worthy Savior

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(The episode begins as we see Jeremy and the girls watching as someone is approaching them)
Jessica: Whoever you are you'd better be backing off!! I know all kinds of self defense and don't think I'd be afraid to.
(We then see that the person is Charity)
Charity: Hey whoa guys calm down. I thought we were all friends now.
Jeremy: It's Charity!!
Jessica: Oh Charity sorry. You uhh caught me by surprise.
Charity: It's cool girl I get it. I did show up unannounced.
Jeremy: And we're a little on edge because.
Charity: Of the monster attack..
Jeremy: Uhh yeah actually.
Charity: I just fended one off.
Bethany: You mean they attacked you too?
Charity: They certainly did. I barely escaped with my life.
Bethany: Ditto with us.
Charity: This won't be the end of it however. We must act now before these attacks get worse.
Jeremy: What can we do?
Charity: We have to naturalize them at their source.
Jessica: Which is?
Charity: It's best to talk about this back at the college. Come on Hannah will be there waiting for us.
Jeremy: Hannah?? Really?!
Charity: We can take my helicopter there and be there in just a few minutes.
Bethany: But wait I can't just leave my car behind.
Jeremy: Ok Jessica and I will go on ahead with Charity.
Bethany: Fine fine alright.
Jeremy: Come on then guys there's no time to lose. Me and Hannah have a lot to talk about.
(The 3 of them then run off)
Bethany: I'll be alright on my own right? Everything is fine.

(The next scene then cuts to Hannah who we see talking to Brianna on the phone)
Brianna: So you have returned to the college?
Hannah: I have. After the events that just happened I realized I needed to take an active part in this.
Brianna: And I imagine your brother.
Hannah: What he knows won't hurt him. Besides it's easier to keep Jeremy safe when I'm actually here to keep an eye on him.
Brianna: He's been awfully worried about you too.
Hannah: I know. I feel so terrible about that too.
Brianna: Well you don't have to worry about anything here. We're still recovering from this attack but everyone seems like they're gonna make a full recovery.
(We then see Lily, Randall, Jenny, Desrary, Waylon, Hope, Kayla1, Kayla2, and Ciara receiving medical aid from Brandon)
Brandon: I so don't get paid enough for this.
Hannah: And how is Jennifer?
Brianna: She's still out cold but once she wakes up hopefully she'll be ok.
Hannah: We can only hope.
(At that moment she then looks up and notices a helicopter)
Hannah: Oh that must be them.
Brianna: Guess I'd better let you go then.
Hannah: I'll be in touch later girl. I promise.
(They then hang up while Hannah takes a deep breath)

(The next scene then cuts to inside the college where we see Derrick and Amber's groups gathered together)
Derrick: So Joey has escaped and is now at large huh?
Jj: Not only that but Chase is too.
Steve: It's all my fault. I should have been able to do something but.
Luke: Hey Steve man don't put all this on you.
Allen: Luke is right. What you need is a self reassuring hug.
Nicole: We haven't got time for that.
Amber: Nicole is right. Every second we waste talking is just giving him more time to escape.
Derrick: Well he won't get far. Everyone we will spread out and find him right away!!
Cody: Then I say let's get this show on the road.
(Everyone except Taylor then takes off running)
Derrick: Hey Taylor aren't you coming?
Taylor: You guys go on ahead.
(He then begins looking out the window at Hannah)
Taylor: I have somewhere else I'd rather be right now.
Derrick: Oh well ok then.
(He then leaves along with everyone else)

(The next scene then cuts back to Jeremy who we see getting out of the helicopter)
Jeremy: Hannah!!!
(He then runs over and jumps into her arms)
Hannah: Hello little buddy.
Jeremy: Oh Hannah it really is you.
Hannah: The one and only.
(Jessica and Charity then also get out of the helicopter)
Charity: I brought him here just as you requested.
Hannah: Thank you Charity.
(She then sits Jeremy down)
Hannah: Listen Jeremy about all of this.
Jeremy: Hm?
Hannah: I'm really struggling to find the right words to say this.
Jeremy: Is it about why you were hiding for the past few days?
Hannah: Bad things are happening Jeremy. Things that could mean the end of life as we know it.
Jessica: Great another one of those things.
Charity: It's back Jeremy. The Despair has returned.
Jeremy: What?!
Jessica: You mean that crazy black bird we fought when we were Seniors??
Jeremy: But that's impossible. We destroyed it.
Jessica: Jeremy sacrificed his life and everything.
(At that moment they then hear footsteps and turn around and see Taylor)
Taylor: Hey Hannah!!
Hannah: Oh it's him.
Jeremy: Taylor?
Hannah: I gotta go now guys.
Jeremy: You gotta leave us?? But I just finally found you again.
Hannah: I know little guy. Believe me there's nothing I'd love more than be with you but I have to go.
Jeremy: I.... Fine ok.
Hannah: I love you Jeremy.
(She then kisses him on the forehead and starts walking away)
Hannah: That's why I'm doing this.
(Jeremy then let's out a sad sigh)
Charity: I guess it is up to me to handle the rest of this briefing huh.
Jessica: Yeah cause you'd better believe we have a heck ton of questions about this.
Charity: Let us go inside then.
Jeremy: Ok.
(The 3 of them then start walking inside the college)

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