Fighting Fire With Allen

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(The episode begins as we see Jeremy in a room writing a letter)
Jeremy: Let's see. To round this off I think I wanna.
(At that moment he then hears knocking on the door)
Jeremy: Come in!!
(At that moment Hannah and Holly open the door)
Holly: Hello Jeremy.
Jeremy: Oh Hannah and Holly.
Hannah: My brother sent us to come get you. It's time for us to turn in and go to bed.
Jeremy: Right I'll be right there in just a moment.
Holly: Whatcha writing if we may ask?
Jeremy; Oh just a letter to Jessica.
Holly: Aww your sweet little girlfriend.
Jeremy: I just haven't seen her since I left to come out.
Hannah: You must really miss her huh?
Jeremy: Every day of my life.
Holly: Aw this is actually making me really sad.
Hannah: Tell ya what take all the time you need to finish up then join us when you're ready.
Jeremy: Thank you for being so understanding guys.
Hannah: See ya soon.
(They then walk outside)
Hannah: I tell ya if there's one thing I have a soft spot for it's true love like what Jeremy and Jessica have.
Holly: Let's just hope Mr Taylor doesn't get the same idea of sending you letters right?
Hannah: Ugh Holly I don't even want to be reminded of him.

(The next scene then cuts to Taylor's paradise where we see Steph and Virginia laying down on the floor)
Virginia: Another night on the cold ground.
Steph: I have to wonder if staying down here out of the public eye is really worth it.
Virginia: No one even notices me anyways so it makes no difference.
Steph: I guess so huh?
(We then see Taylor in his room with Tim)
Tim: Taylor man you gotta get a grip.
Taylor: Leave me be.
Tim: Seriously you've been sitting here feeling sorry for yourself for days now. Get a hold of yourself.
Taylor: What's the point of continuing any further? I did this whole thing just to impress and please Hannah. But if she rejected it then.
Tim: Look I don't care what she did ok? You still got a really good thing going on here.
Taylor: No one else thinks so.
Tim: Listen to me.
Taylor: It's getting too late Tim. Please just leave me alone.
(Tim then starts growling angrily as he walks outside and slams the door shut)

(The next scene then cuts to the Couch brothers who we see outside Jeremy's hideout)
Eli: Is this really the place?
Joseph: This is the spot where the eco locator led us so it must be.
Eli: Then guess you'd better check in with the boss lady.
Joseph: Yeah yeah I'm doing that.
(He then pulls a phone out and calls someone)
Tosha: Hello?
Joseph: It's Joseph.
Tosha: So you found him?
Joseph: You bet I did. That tracking device we placed on him really came in clutch.
Tosha: Now listen to me. Do whatever it takes to get him outside then bring him back here.
Joseph: You talk like you're expecting this to be a challenge.
Tosha: Don't get overly cocky. Just do what I say.
Joseph: Yeah yeah don't get yourself in a twist. Joseph out.
(He then hangs up)
Joseph: Eli why don't you be a good brother and go get the car warmed up. I'll be along to join you in just a second.
Eli: Yes sir.
(He then runs off while Joseph pulls a tape recorder out of his pocket)
Joseph: This should do the trick.
(He then turns it on which plays a recording of someone yelling for help)

The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as we see Jeremy run outside)
Jeremy: Hello is anyone out here? Hannah? Holly? Anyone?
(He's then greeted with silence)
Jeremy: Must have been some kind of wild animal or something running around?
(He then shrugs)
Jeremy: It's so quiet out here at the palace guess I'm not used to just idle noises like that.
(While walking away however he then ends up bumping into Joseph)
Joseph: So this is the so-called hidden palace I've heard so much about.
Jeremy: Joseph?!
Joseph: Hello there Mr Wethington. Been awhile hasn't it?
Jeremy: What are you doing here?
Joseph: Your poor precious little sister misses you so so much.
Jeremy: Yeah I'm so sure.
Joseph: I just can't bear to see that sad look on her pretty face so I thought the logical thing would be to reunite the two of you. Ya know to keep you two together for when the prophecy comes to pass.
Jeremy: Charity!! Help!!
(Before he can run however Joseph quickly grabs him)
Joseph: Of course you always must make this difficult don't you?
(He then puts on a mask)
Jeremy: What are you?
Joseph: Goodnight
(He then drops a ball which begins releasing sleep gas that makes Jeremy faint)
Joseph: See that's one of my best traits. I do things the easy way.

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⏰ Last updated: 17 hours ago ⏰

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