A Life Well Wasted

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(The episode begins as we see Nikki walking through her facility as she comes across a metal door)
Nikki: Let's see here.
(She then presses a few buttons on it which opens the door)
Nikki: And there we go.
(She then walks inside)
Nikki: It's been wonderful having the two of you as our very special guests. But I'm afraid it's time to say goodbye because you two will.
(She then notices the cell is empty)
Nikki: What's this? They've escaped have they? Haha I don't know how far they've gone but they won't be going far.
(We then see Raymond and Tara nearby outside running)

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as we see them still running)
Raymond: That was a close one sister.
Tara: They were going to take us back to the Terror Clan weren't they?
Raymond: I believe so.
Tara: Yeah right. It'll be a cold day in heck before I ever go back there.
Raymond: We have no reason to because we have no need for them.
Tara: Not when we can make our own empire.
Raymond: They would just hold us back and mistreat us like always.
Tara: And we deserve so much better than that.
Raymond: Believe me we'll be getting much better than that too. Just wait and see.

(The next scene then cuts to Hannah who we see in a room sleeping until she hears banging on her doors and instantly wakes up)
Hannah: Ahh what's going on?
(She then answers her door and sees Alan on the other side of it)
Hannah: Alan?!
Alan: Good morning sleepy boots.
Hannah: What are you doing banging on my door this early in the morning?
Alan: Pretty sure it's my job. Taylor personally tasked with making sure you're awake early and in time.
Hannah: And he couldn't have woke me up himself?
Alan: Uh no he's very busy today.
Hannah: Right with what?
Alan: I don't know. It's not my job to wonder about him and what he's doing. It's my job to make sure you're awake.
Hannah: Of course it is.
Alan: Well I'm off now. Gotta go catch me a few more winks. Oh and good morning.
(He then walks away while she groans annoyingly)
Hannah: You can't be serious about this Taylor. Ugh this is really getting to your head.

(The next scene then cuts back to Nikki who we see talking to Brandie on the phone)
Brandie: Alright let me just make sure I understood you correctly. You lost our prisoner?
Nikki: I don't know how it's possible but yes.
Brandie: Oh that's not good at all. My sister Tosha doesn't like it whenever people aren't able to fulfill their end of the deal. And if you think her temper is bad then just wait till you see mine.
Nikki: Now now there's absolutely no reason for anyone to be getting upset. Just give me some time to track them down.
Brandie: No no I believe you've already done enough. We can take it from here and find them ourselves.
Nikki: Well if you really insist on that then.
Brandie: Goodbye. We're done with this conversation.
(She then hangs up)

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as she turns around and looks over at Tosha)
Brandie: So uhhh Tosha. Wait until you hear about this.
Tosha: I already heard everything. Tara and Raymond flew the coop.
Brandie: It seems so.
Tosha; How offensive. I always thought they loved being with us.
Brandie: I guess they weren't nearly as loyal as we thought they were.
Tosha: Well that's just too bad cause they're still in my debt. And I'm not letting them go.
(At that moment Jordan then walks into the room)
Jordan: Just say the word and we the Couch brothers will have them hunted down in no time.
Tosha: You guys aren't needed for this.
Jordan: If you say so.
(He then shrugs and walks away)
Tosha: Amb!!
(At that moment she then warps into the room)
Amb: Yes I heard you calling out for me.
Tosha: Pinpoint where the Duncan's are heading then Brandie you take Beth and Felicia out to apprehend them.
(Brandie then nods)
Amb: Of course I'll get right on it.
(She then starts using her powers to scan the area)

(The next scene then cuts back to Tara and Raymond who are on a bus)
Tara: Ok I gotta say so far so good.
Raymond: We've been doing a good job at maintaining a low profile. We just have to keep it up and we'll be able to pull this off
Tara: Where exactly are we heading though?
Raymond: We're en route to the Casey County Community College.
Tara: Uhh excuse me but what? That's not exactly laying a low profile.
Raymond: Don't sweat is sis it's all part of my plan.
Tara: What plan would that be?
Raymond: See Tosha and the others failed to take over the college so if we manage to do it ourselves we'll prove that we're better than them once and for all.
Tara: I'm not sure that this is a good idea.
Raymond: Trust me my sister it's all gonna work out. Just leave the thinking to me.
Tara: Whatever you say then I guess.

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