--Mature-- Brothers x Isekai!Reader

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Inspired by sakihik0's prompt.



This is a mature chapter, and meant for an 18+ audience. If you're younger than that, I respectfully ask that you find something else to read.

If you're older than 18, you may continue at your own discretion.

This story contains mentions of drug use, sexual assault, and sexual scenes (male to female).


I took a deep breath and strode through the doors of a gambling parlor, partially holding my breath from the cigarette smoke that wafted throughout the place. Eyeing the pachinko machines, I spotted a secluded seat that was away from where the other patrons were betting. Settling down after exchanging some money for balls, I licked my lips nervously.

This was probably the last chance I had to see any of the sextuplets that I had fallen in love with.

What I had dreamt of for so long had happened. I didn't care how, but the fact remained the same: I was 'stuck' in the world of Osomatsu-san, my absolute favorite animated TV series. A week had already passed since I woke up in this animated world, and I worked within the confines of the 'anime world' rules to transport myself to where I really wanted to be.

Akatsuka Ward in Japan.

Since then, I had been nearly hellbent on finding any of the sextuplets that shared the same face. The usual fishing hole that had been depicted in the show, passing by a not-so-sciencey looking lab that resembled one of the side characters (knowing full well that accidents tended to happen there), staying for a full day at the horse track some of the characters were known to frequent, and now visiting the gambling parlor one of the brothers frequented after staying for a cup of coffee at a coffee shop another brother worked at.

This was my last ditch effort at finding any of the characters from the show.There wasn't a deadline or anything...but I became disheartened after searching for my favorite characters for so long. I didn't want to deal with more heartbreak on top of what I knew was coming.

After all, the Osomatsu-san series made it very clear that the six main characters were head-over-heels for the female lead, Totoko.

My lips parted as a sigh escaped, timed well with the small win I claimed from the pachinko machine.

"It's not every day that I see a downtrodden woman like you sighing at a win like that," My heart froze, instantly recognizing the hidden drawl in the speaker's voice as the person swiveled into a seat next to mine, "Mind if I borrow that luck?"

"It's not luck that I've got," My mind screamed as I tried to calmly speak, every nerve in my body wanting to jump up and shout the brother's name to the point of annoyance, "I just know how to play the game."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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