before you go on...

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  Hey y'all! If this is your first time clicking in this book, thank you so much for reading! 

  The first rendition of this story was written back when I was thirteen and in the eighth grade, and that version would be this one. To give you an idea of how long I've been here, I am now eighteen and a college first year. I began rewriting this story again later that year, but ultimately decided to discontinue updating the story as I didn't feel there was a sense of direction or an ending coming to mind. 

  If you have been following my account, you've probably noticed that I began rewriting this story a second time, being the third version of this story. If you are interested, I would highly recommend exiting this story and reading the new one, as I now feel I know where to guide the story and have an idea for a solid conclusion. Not only that, but my writing skills have improved tenfold and I feel that this newer book exemplifies that. 

  As of right now, I am about to start on chapter six of the story, so if you decide to start reading this about the time this part is uploaded, you will have a new chapter to be looking forward to soon.

  If you still want to read the original version, by all means do so! I just thought you'd like to know that there is a better option on my account for you.

  That's all for now! Happy reading :)

Lurking in the Shadows ||NIGHTMARE SANS X READER||Where stories live. Discover now