||Chapter Three||

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     (Y/N) dashed as far as she could, looking for someone or something that could help her. As she did, millions of thoughts went through her head. Did that just happen? He's trying to take me! Was telling me he had been trying this for as long as he's know me actually helpful? Of course it was, I got a ten second head start out of it. At least I knew not to go with him willingly.

     The log in which she had been waiting for everyone at came into view, but no one was there. Ink and everyone else must've still been in the castle. She started to bolt for the entrance, until something blocked her from going any further.

     "Wow, you're a fast runner. You almost managed to escape! Oh well, better luck next time." Nightmare said. His arms were folded across his chest. 

     (Y/N) felt her heart drop. What was going to happen to her? 

     "W-what are you going to do to me?" she asked. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes out of fear. He looked down at her, watching her tremble in horror. Nightmare started to laugh hysterically. One of his tendrils wrapped around her waist, holding her arms down in place. He lifted her off of the ground, watching her kick and scream in midair. 

     "Oh, (Y/N)~" he said. His creepy, sadistic smile spread across his face. "I've been watching you since last year, when Ink had let you join his little clique after your friends beat you up and left you for dead. I haven't been able to take my eye off of you - you truly are remarkable. 

      "I've been trying to carry you off, trying to abduct you, trying to...kidnap you for a while now - this isn't this first time I've tried this. You probably just haven't realized it. But now...heh...my hard work has finally paid off."

      He paused to laugh more. (Y/N) shrunk with fear, her eyes widening. His laugh terrified her- it was low and echoed throughout the forest. She had only heard laughs like his in kid's movies. He lowered his tendril to where they were looking each other in the eyes. He held out his hand, reaching for a lock of her hair. He stroked it with his thumb, before putting the same hand on her cheek.

     "You're mine now~"

     (Y/N) felt herself hyperventilating. She couldn't believe it. She was being kidnapped by her best friend's evil twin. A single, hot tear rolled down her cheek.

     "Nightmare, please," she started. "I'll do anything you want, anything at all. But please, don't kidnap me. Please, just...just let me go." 

     Her throat started swelling up. She felt the waterworks coming. Tears flowed from her eyes like waterfalls. Nightmare only found pleasure in torturing her.

     "Oh, sweetheart. Tell me, why would I give up the thing I've been hunting down for so long just like that? You aren't making me feel guilty - these are the types of emotions I feed off of."

      (Y/N)'s stomach turned itself inside out. She felt butterflies fluttering inside of her, but not with excitement - rather, with fear. Nightmare started walking into his castle, (Y/N) still screaming and crying, begging for him to let her go. 

"Someone, please! Anyone, save me! Put me down, let me go, please...," she cried. He would just laugh at her.

     "You're so precious, doll. This is exactly why I want to keep you.

    Suddenly, they both heard the voices of her friends.

    "(Y/N)? (Y/N), where are you? Are you okay?"

    "(Y/N)! It's Error - what's wrong? Who do I need to murder?"


     The sounds of footsteps running down the stairs rang throughout the castle, echoing off of the cobblestone walls.

     "(Y/N)! We found Dream! We just need to know how to break his...his..." Ink paused, shocked at the picture that was staring back at him. 

     Nightmare was staring back at him, a smirk planted on his face. His inky, black tendrils were flailing about. In the one on the top left, (Y/N) was struggling, crying and screaming for help. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She was gasping for air, and she seemed exhausted from trying to break free. When she saw her friends, she looked excited, yet petrified with terror.

      "Blue, Error, Ink! Someone, please save me! Don't let him take me, please! Let go of me!"

     Ink's face grew red and hot with anger. Error started cracking his knuckles, getting prepared to fight. Blue shouted back at (Y/N), reassuring her that they would help her. 

     "Let her go, Nightmare!" shouted Error. Nightmare laughed to himself.

     "And, tell me, why should I listen to someone who abandoned everyone who had ever cared for him for my twin brother and his two other delusional friends?" Nightmare asked, folding his arms.

     "Leave him alone, Nightmare. Just put our friend down and no one has to get hurt," said Ink. 

     "Bite me."

     "Not budging? Fine. We can do this the hard way then."

     Ink grabbed his paintbrush off of his back, charging at Nightmare with the end of the handle. Nightmare just stood there, yawning. (Y/N) cheered him on, making Nightmare wrap the end of his tendril around her mouth, gagging her. Ink stabbed at him, the end of his paintbrush going straight through him. 

     "Wh...what?" said Ink. "How...How did you...?" 

     "Give up,"  Nightmare said. "Nothing can stop me, not now...

     He started to laugh his evil, maniacal laugh again. (Y/N) watched as Nightmare swatted at Ink with one of his empty tendrils, knocking him over. Error watched as he rolled up his sleeves. He sent out his strings toward Nightmare. He reached for his soul...but, he didn't have one.

     "You've got to be kidding me," he said. Nightmare laughed even harder, ripping the strings off of his body as he grabbed Error by the neck, attempting to suffocate him. Blue watched in fear. He was the only one left, and he had no choice if he wanted to save his friends. 


     "Oh, is that so?" Nightmare said, putting (Y/N) down. He melted into a puddle of goop, traveling around in the shadows. "I bet you can't find me."

     Blue looked around trying to find him, but it was hard to locate him in the shadows. Suddenly, he appeared behind Blue.

     "Blue! Look out!" shouted (Y/N). Blue turned around, Nightmare grabbing him by the arm and throwing him over his back like a sack of potatoes. Blue struggled in his grip as he used Error's strings to tie the three of them together. He tied them up, opened up a portal to the antivoid, and threw the "heroes" in, closing it back up so they couldn't escape.

     Nightmare rubbed his hands against each other, clapping the dust off of his hands. He turned to (Y/N), who was watching him in terror, tears rolling from her eyes. 

      "Heh, that was easy. Now, where was I before we were so rudely interrupted?...ah, yes. I was still explaining why I have taken you."   


    Me: *EviL lAUghTeR*      

    Nightmare: *moRe EviL lAUghTeR*

    Me: Hey, why are we laughing?

    Nightmare: I...I have no clue.

     WORD COUNT: 1220 WORDS     

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