||Chapter Five||

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Note: In case you didn't know, Jokublog DID redesign Dream and I like to stay up to date, so he's going to be described a bit differently.

     Nightmare stumbled through the halls, the sounds of yelling and laughter becoming quieter the further away he walked. His head hung low, and he watched as his feet stepped in front of one another. He analyzed the blue, intricate patterns sewn into the black rug. Walking up a set of stairs, he thought to himself; Why am I not good enough? It's the tentacles, isn't it? Yeah, I can see why that would freak humans out. 

     On the next floor, he found the room in which the stone statue that his brother was trapped in resided. Nightmare sighed, pushing back the heavy, wooden door. As he suspected, his brother was standing in the middle of the room. 

     The expression on his face suggested that he was scared, his brow bones raised to show his worry. In his left hand, he held a wooden bow with blue lines painted on it, while his other hand was extended outward, as if he were trying to stop something, or rather, someone. 

     Nightmare put a hand over his face, staring down the statue. "Well I guess I'll have to move you somewhere else. Your friends will be coming back soon, and they know where you are."

     One of his tentacles slid around the sculpture. The heavy feeling made Nightmare break a sweat.

     "Damn...I forgot how heavy rocks are." He yanked and pulled on the stone statue, forcing it to follow behind him ever so slowly. Nightmare let go and heaved, bending over to catch his breath. Suddenly, something in the corner of his eye started glowing. He looked over at the statue, which had cracks forming in the rock. Light seeped throught the gaps, and bits of rock fell as a small figure pushed it's way out of the sculpture.

     "N-ngaaaAAAAAHHHH," shouted a high-pitched voice. It's fist broke out of the rock, sending pebbles flying everywhere. Dream lifted himself out of the statue, panting. He stretched his arms outward, groaning and grunting as he did so.

     "I see you're awake?" said Nightmare, resting his hands on his hips. Dream whipped his head around, seeing his evil twin staring back at him.

     "Nightmare? What happened?" he asked, rubbing his skull. 

     "Long story short - we fought, I won."

     "That would explain why I woke up in a prison of rock."

     "Enough with the small talk, you're not supposed to be awake yet." Nightmare wrapped his tentacle around his waist, securing his arms down to his sides. Dream struggled, trying to escape.

     "What's going on? What's happened since I've been asleep? Where are you taking me?" he asked, unamused. He was used to this by now.

     "A lot, actually. Your friends came to save you this morning, but they obviously failed. I kidnapped a girl and she hates my nonexistent guts. Horror got his nails pain-"

     "Woah - stop. Kidnapped a girl? Nightmare, you didn't," said Dream.

     "I did."

     "Where is she?" 

     "That's not important."

     "What do you want with (Y/N)? What did she ever do to you? I would understand if it was Ink or Error, but (Y/N)? We don't even let her fight."

     "I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you."

     "Ugh, whatever. So you've been up to this for a year now. How'd you only just now succeed?"

     "It's funny, actually. They thought they were being so smart, leaving her behind. But I knew they would force her to stay in the forest, so I hid there way before they even got there. When she was alone, I followed her." He paused for a moment. "She found your book."

     "The purple one with gold lining?"

     "Yeah, the picture book telling our story that Ink made for you for our birthday. She freaked when she saw you as a seven year old."


     "Shut up, it was disgusting."

     Nightmare walked into the dungeon, arguing back and forth with his brother. They kept bickering back and forth as he dropped him in a cell, shut the door and locked it with a gold skeleton key. Dream sat down on the wooden cot, talking with his brother like he wasn't a hostage. After all, he was used to this, and he didn't feel like going through the whole shabang again.

     "...where was I? Oh, yes. I followed her. She clubbed a fox with a branch to save a bird, it was pretty funny. Anyway, when she was right where I wanted her, I made my presence known and before you knew it, I had her in my grasp.            

      Dream stared up at his brother's face. "Would it kill you to at least try and be good for once?"

     "You would be glad to know I said 'please' once today, and I didn't even cringe while going so."

     "It's a first."

    Nightmare smirked. "Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I have a human girl to go talk to. See ya."






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