||Chapter Six||

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     (Y/N) sat in her bed, her knees tucked under folded arms. She watched as the sky started to get dark, as it was getting late. She wiped away a couple of tears with one of her hands. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

     "(Y/N)? Don't worry, I'm here to help," she heard Cross say. (Y/N) didn't really know a whole lot about him, but he apparently has some beef with the Star Sanses. 

      "What do you want?" she asked. 

      "Please, just let me in," he replied. He paused for a moment. "I have scones."

      Slowly, she made her way over to the door. She unlocked it, pulling it open to reveal Cross holding a plate of scones, just like he said he was. (Y/N) sighed, and let him in before closing the door again.

     "Did Nightmare feel bad and said you up with a plate of food?" she said, taking the plate from Cross.

     "No, he didn't even eat dinner himself. He got so upset that he just walked out of the dining hall without saying a word."

     "So, why are you here then?" 

     "I want to help you escape." (Y/N) choked on a bit of her scone.

     "These are has hard as rocks," she said, banging the scone on her nightstand.

     "Fell made them, they were destined to be terrible from the start," he said. "But, seriously, you don't want to be here. I couldn't care less if you escaped. Everyone is so proud of Nightmare for finally getting his han-...well, tentacles on you, but I just don't care."

     (Y/N) looked behind Cross. "Where's your little friend?"

     "I'm right here," said Chara, who was standing in front of the door. "Cross, I've decided you're not as insane as I thought you were, and I came to help."

     "Splendid," Cross said sarcastically. "Here's the plan - At one forty-two a.m., I will come get you, and we will run into the woods as far as possible until no one will notice me opening a portal for you to go back into the Doodle Sphere."

     Chara crossed their arms over their chest. "What about the wolves that come out at night?"

     Cross smirked, tossing his knife around in his hand. "This knife isn't just for show, y'know."

     "Amazing, but how do you plan on getting around holes in pitch blackness?"

     "Well, geez, Chara. I'll bring a flashlight."

     "But, with such a bright light, we might be noticed," said (Y/N), who was trying to find a way to eat her dinner without breaking her teeth.

     "Nightmare's a heavy sleeper, and I highly doubt anyone else will notice. They're all too stupid to notice."

     "You really thought this through, didn't you?"

     "Aw, you noticed?" he said, rolling his eyes. "So, what do you say, sweetheart? Wanna go back to your friends, or would you rather take your chances with the walking tarpit?"

      (Y/N)'s mind was boggled. "Well, er...I-"

     "Glad to hear it!" interrupted Cross. He walked towards the door, opening it and walking out before poking his head in one last time.

     "Remember, one forty-two. Don't forget it."


     At one forty, (Y/N) was sitting on her bed, twiddling her thumbs and watching the clock. She could feel her stomach being tied in knots with nervousness. Two minutes later, there was a knock at the door.

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