||Chapter Two||

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     (Y/N) put her head in her hands, making her cheeks smush upwards. She was still thinking to herself about what Ink had said. She wished he would have told her sooner. At least then she wouldn't have been as mad about not getting to fight all of the time. 

     Suddenly, the sound of a twig snapping behind her interrupted her train of thought. She swiftly whipped her head around, looking behind her. She could've sworn she saw something staring back at her for a split second, before it vanished into thin air. It had one, glowing blue eye, and a bright, pearly white smile. She couldn't see the owner of the features, as the rest of the creature blended in with the shadows. 

     (Y/N) just shrugged, hopping off of the hollowed log. She decided Ink wouldn't mind if she explored a bit, at least if she didn't roam too deep into the woods. She started walking around a bit, seeing a bunch of tall, oak trees that towered over, their leaves creating a beautiful, lush green canopy over her head. Streams of light peered through openings in the leafy ceiling, striking the ground.

     Sticks and leaves crunched under feet as she wandered through the forest. Squirrels and other woodland creatures watched her as she walked. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming, and (Y/N) was enjoying herself, seeing all of the beautiful things the forest held inside of itself. That's when a small, high-pitched type of panicked squawking sounded through the air, making her jump. 

     She looked around, squinting her eyes and looking for the source of the sound. That's when she noticed a fox with a muddy, red coat cornering a baby bird. The fox snarled at the bird, baring it's teeth as it tried to fly away, but it did not know how. (Y/N) reacted quickly, picking up a thick, hefty broken tree branch. She swung at the fox, sending it flying towards at tree stump, knocking it unconscious. 

     Taking a deep breath, (Y/N) kneeled down and picked up the poor, baby bird and placed it back in it's nest with it's mother. She started to giggle to herself. 

     "Geez, I'm glad I was there to help you. Who knows what could have happened if I wasn't."

     Before (Y/N) could turn around and walk away, the bird's mother flew onto her shoulder, pecking her cheek as if she was giving her a kiss. She laughed again.

     "Why, you're quite welcome."

     She turned away, noticing a strange tree in the distance. It was big and wide, with a large amount of leaves creating an umbrella effect. (Y/N) walked under the tree, seeing the leaves were formed to look like a little room was hidden in the leaves. Determined, she climbed up into the small, room-like area, noticing little holes had been carved into two of the thicker branches, looking like small beds. To prove this theory, one had a golden yellow blanket tucked into it. The other one had an indigo-purple like color hanging out of it sloppily.

     The leaf walls had fruits hanging from them. On one side, the fruits were gold, and glittering in the sunlight. The other fruits on the other side were black, but were also sparkly. The shimmery effect made the glitter seem like stars in a beautiful night sky.

     "That's weird," said (Y/N). "How are the fruits still growing when they aren't hanging from branches? This isn't scientifically possible. Or any type of possible, for that matter."

     She started to climb down the tree, when she noticed a lump under the first bed's yellow covers. She pulled back the blanket, revealing a storybook. Picking it up, she felt the leathery texture of the book rubbing against her fingers. The book was violet, but the stitches that seemed to be holding the book together were gold. There were no words on the front, just a golden tree embroidered on the front.

     Flipping the first page, she saw a picture of two brothers, one of them seeming awfully familiar. She squinted her eyes, looking closely at the skeleton. He wore a golden crown on his head, a matching cape and boots, and a blue suit. His belt had a DS engraved in the buckle, and the cape was held around his neck with a pink pin, which had a white star on it.

     "Holy crap - it's a baby Dream!" (Y/N) whispered to herself. She found herself staring at him - he was just way to adorable in the picture. Finally, she was able to lay her focus on the other brother - the one she didn't recognize. He seemed very depressed, as he held one of the black fruits in the palm of his hand. He was staring at it with sad eyes. 

     (Y/N) flipped the page, seeing another picture of the same brothers, except the second brother was staring up at the golden fruits on Dream's side of the tree with envy. On the next page, he was getting ready to take a bite of his fruit. Dream was now staring at him with horror in his eyes. He seemed to be trying to prove that maybe his fruits weren't all that bad.

     She flipped through a couple of pages, looking at all of the pictures. Suddenly, she noticed a page with an inky black skeleton on it. He had a blue eye and a blindingly white smile, just like (Y/N) had seen in the shadows of the forest. One of her brows raised in confusion. Why did Nightmare suddenly appear out of nowhere? That's when it hit her. She looked back at a few pages, where ink was pouring out of the second brother's eyesockets and mouth. The next one showed the same Ink, wrapping around his body, enveloping him inside. 

     The second brother was Nightmare.

     (Y/N) slammed the boom shut. "Of course they're twins! It's been obvious since the start!" she yelled at herself. "Their names even correspond with one another!"

      She climbed out of the tree, staring back up at it's luscious leaves and it's gorgeous fruits. That's when she realized how long she had been exploring - Ink, Blue and Error surely should have coming back to find her right about now. She turned around starting to walk back toward their meeting place. That's when she heard his voice.

     "Are you lost or something?" it asked. (Y/N) looked over in the direction it came from, but no one was there. She felt herself walking faster, trying to get away from whatever the heck that was.

     "I asked you a question," the voice said again. This time, she started running. She bolted through the bushes,not even caring about the cuts and scrapes the twigs were giving her legs. Suddenly, something dropped down from a tree branch, making her stop abruptly.

     "How rude," said the figure. "I'm trying to help you, I'm concerned for your safety, and yet you still ignore me.

     She looked up, seeing the same glowing blue eye and white smile that had haunted her earlier. She froze in shock, realizing Nightmare had been trying to get her attention this entire time. (Y/N)'s tongue felt like it was swelling up in her mouth - she couldn't say a single word.

     "Aw, let me guess - you're speechless. Most people are when they see me." He chuckled deeply to himself. "So you're the human girl I've been seeing in the middle of the fights I've been having with my brother recently. That's hilarious. Are you two a thing or something?"

     (Y/N) just shook her head. She took a few steps backwards, trying to keep her distance. Who knew what this guy was going to do with her? Nightmare's smile widened, but in a way that sent shivers up her back. 

    "Perfect." (Y/N) cleared her throat, trying to get the right words out of her mouth. What should she say? That's when she remembered that he had been trying to kidnap her for the past year. 

    "I-I know what you're trying t-to do," she said, taking another step backward. But, she didn't see the boulder behind her, and she fell backward. Nightmare watched in amusement. 

    "Oh, you do now? Well then I guess I won't have to spell it out for ya. Since you're so clever, I'll give you a ten second head start. Let's start...now."


     This book is way too fun to write, so I'm just gonna write more chapters until I run out of ideas.


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