Chapter 2 : Reunion

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I woke up with a strong noise of voices, I recognized one of the voices as my aunt from Alaska. She seemed close to the room I was left in. I was lying down on the bed. I wonder where I was and why nobody left a light in this room.

« She can't stay in Halloween..» Noises from two voices were coming through the door closed, yet, a man seemed to speak louder.

« Yeah... well, guess what, now she's awake you can ask her.» The noise stopped and the door that was closed before opened. I discovered my aunt and a young man by her side. It was the man from the beach last night. I mean not the one who took me back here, but the one who told me to go back home.

« Hailey you're awake? How you're feeling?» Alice was close to me now, she lighted a candle with her hand. Her hand? I wondered if I was completely awake now, that was not possible or maybe I didn't see the lighter in her hand. I really wondered where we were. I knew that Alice lived in Alaska, but I couldn't have done the trip in one night, or maybe I did sleep more than one night. I also wondered where the other man of my dream was. It was he who took me after my little trip to the beach.

«I'm okay, at least I think so.» The guy from the beach looked at me as if answers were on my face. I had to say that even if he looked rude, he had a doll face, and was definitely charming.

« Alice, if you don't tell her... I would do it He glanced at my aunt, was he almost threatening her?

"Alright, alright... I will tell her Raymond.» Raymond, what a strange name, I never heard this kind of name. I supposed that we were maybe in another country. Maybe Raymond was a typical name here?

« Alice...are we in Alaska? » Raymond giggled with his doll face, I just wanted to punch him even more. He was so rude.

« How... can I say that without choking you.» She sat close by the bed, next to me.

«You're in Halloween. Not in Alaska. That's what Raymond tried to tell you.» I didn't understand what she really meant. Halloween for me was only a party, and my mom swore to me that her sister lived in Alaska.

«You're a witch, Sherlock. » Raymond left a grunt of annoyance as if I was an idiot and that was totally logical. My aunt looked at him irritated, I guessed she also didn't expect him to tell the truth like that.

« Raymond... you could have been more patient with Hailey...»

« What would be the point of that? She needs to face the truth. She needs to know who she is. And hiding the truth as her mother did, it's stupid. She is a witch, like her whole family. » Alice nodded positively, I guessed that they weren't lying, they would have no interest in that. I could have been shocked, but everything seemed logical now. I had seen my aunt do some stuff before, almost not human. And I also wonder how I got here, on Halloween.

"But wait for a second, if I'm a witch why I don't have any power.»

« They're a rite of passage, it's before turning eighteen. And in all cases, any witch can't use their power on earth.»

« But if I don't have any power, then how did I get here?» Raymond looked at Alice suspiciously and then at me. He thought that we were hiding something. Indeed, I didn't want to tell anybody about my little reunion with the red eyes guy.

« That's what I wanted you to tell me. The gate for Halloween is closed all year, it only opens on certain dates. So it seems that someone broke the rule and got you back here.» I looked at Alice, wondering if she had any idea. But she seemed to be in the blur, so as Raymond.

«I'm sorry but I don't have any memories. I remembered being on the beach, you're speaking with me, and then I fall asleep.» It's true that I lied regarding the other guy in the parking lot close to the beach. Yet, I wasn't even sure if this was real. And I didn't want to make up false stories. So it was half of a lie. Yet, I still feel better about keeping that to myself or for Alice, and not for Raymond. I only knew him for one minute and he was so impatient and ill-mannered.

« You were in California, What were you doing there ?» Alice seemed to be surprised by Raymond's presence in California. And she could be, if the gate opened only on a certain date, he should have been in Halloween and not in California.

« The council felt something wrong with Hailey, and they ask me to look after her. But I didn't take her back on Halloween. It's someone else who broke the law. And if humans know it, we could be at war. Do you understand Alice !» Raymond didn't stay long after our small discussion, I guessed he heard enough and I didn't have anything left to tell him. He was mad, I could still hear him shouting, followed by Alice's footsteps in the house. I could even hear the front door banging hard.

After that, Alice came back into the room she had left me. I was already out of bed, awake, and I didn't need any more sleep. Besides, Raymond's screams made me now completely conscious. I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday on the beach, at least nobody took them away while I was asleep.

« So I think that I need more explanations.» She nodded, agreeing with me. It was time for some family history for me.

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