Chapter 10 : Recurring dreams

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When I was back at the house, by chance Alice wasn't there yet. I took a shower, trying to wash myself from the vampire odor. But I guessed that wouldn't work, after all, Raymond managed to smell it on me. Alice arrived when it was dusk. She did apologize for not making me dinner, but I lied, telling her that I was not hungry anyway. She did prepare me a warm soup. It was delicious, and I did repeat to her that it was not her fault that she couldn't be here on time. After all, she had a meeting for my ritual.

Before I went to sleep she even prepared me again, this sleep tea bag of hers. The taste was like sweet orange and cinnamon. I thanked her again one last time and decided for me that it was the right time to go to bed.

It did not take me long to feel relaxed, Alice's tea was quite strong. Too bad she didn't bring them on earth before, I would have used them during my insomnia. I also felt my stress relief for my ceremony tomorrow. My ritual was earlier than my birthday. Alice didn't say much about it, keeping the suspense all to herself. I only knew that I needed to be seventeen and not eighteen to complete the transformation. A part of me was still jealous of the other teenagers, they didn't have a ritual to achieve now. They all did it before seventeen even. I felt like a child underestimated and not aware of his world.

When I fell asleep and started dreaming, I was brought back, once again, to the street of Halloween town. As always, my body started to walk to Lisa's house. By now, I could remember the path. It was my fourth time coming here.

When I arrived in front of the house, I did notice a change, a fountain was there. The decor was different, I wondered if this change was supposed to make me doubt Aidan's identity. What if Aidan was not Lisa brother's? Or their house was not Aidan's house.

My feet continued walking, the large wood door was opened. At least that didn't change. Yet another detail was added to this decor: Damian presence. I wondered if the last time I didn't see it. Or this was just a new dream? Yet he was here too, flesh and bones.

I decided to stay hidden, but close to the living room. I couldn't see the other person, but as their discussion continued, I knew that it was Aidan's voice.

"I told you to stop breathing this. You're going to be addicted" Damian seemed angry at Aidan, by chance both of them could not properly see me as their backs had been turned. Their gazes had been facing the wall next to the table.

"You know I can't. I need her." I wondered what kind of substances Aidan was taking.

"Lisa's gone be so mad. If she learned that you're plotting against her." I heard a loud breathing, I recognized that it was Aidan's. I could feel it, even if I was not in the room, he was annoyed.

"I'm not plotting. She is my formal lover." Another disturbing question was being added to my mind. He was my formal lover? I didn't know what the meaning of formal. Aidan was a vampire too. Maybe by formal, he meant in another lifetime. I was repulsed by this thought.

"Yes and Alice niece, and a witch. Aidan! Have you lost your mind?" Damian voice added all these elements as if my case was already too much to handle for Aidan.

"She's still the same, just born from another family. That was the prophecy." Damian must have seen me hidden in the corridor, as after Aidan's last sentence, he disappeared. It didn't take long for Aidan to meet my curious eyes.

"Hailey ?" I looked at him, I decided to stay away. I didn't want us to be close again. Not after I just heard of it. Strange things had been happening and I didn't like that.

"What's the prophecy? And what do you mean by formal love ?" His head didn't approve of my questions. I guessed that he preferred kisses and hugging.

"I missed you." He tried to approach me getting closer to the corridor, he wanted to touch my face. But by now, I had more control, and I took a step back from him, I was no closer to the corridor wall than the living room. I still hadn't got control of my feet. As I was not able to run right now.

"Please Aidan, stop these recurring dreams. Tell me the truth. Who are we to one another ?" I stepped back again, far away from him, hoping to keep the control I had in this dream. Yet I was still close to him and far from the front door.

"Why my love? I trust you, and you trust me" He was sad. Indeed, I didn't say something nice, it was almost like a conversation. But I needed it, I thought I had been delirious lately, dreaming about a stranger I never met or knew. And now this talk with Damian made me doubt of his true feelings for me. I was just a reincarnated lover. 

"We can't keep things like that. I'm becoming crazy. I don't even know what you want from me?" I let my eyes fall for his. I knew that this was already a bad idea. Aidan's presence was too strong for me.

"So many questions, Love." He tried approaching me again, but I was not in that mood. He saw and heard that.

Still, he continued to walk toward me, breaking all the space I tried to keep from his grip. We were closer, he took my hand in his. Gently he kissed the top, and slowly his tongue was now landing multiple kisses on my arm. I wanted to stop him. But it was so good, too good. All my questions and doubts disappeared. I always knew that we were drawn to each other, I don't know why. But he attracted me. I guessed that maybe it was due to our shared past. 

"But I'll come for you, you're not insane, Hailey" His blue eyes were envious, and his smile was malicious. I blushed immediately.

"Aidan...I want you so much" My voice was whispering as he continued driving me crazy, kissing my cheek also slowly, making my desire increase.

"Don't worry my love, I'll meet you on time, I promise"I giggled again while his kissing never stopped. This was not real, this man was not real. No man like him existed for real.

"Please meet me for real this time" I knew what would happen between us, but I don't why I act like that, never in my real life I would have sex with a stranger, a man I knew for three seconds. But here our connection was strong and so powerful. It was almost like I was another person. 

"I love you Aidan" He kissed me with all our passion being merged, I wanted him so much, closing my eyes and leaving this kiss like a roller coaster.

But once again I only wake up alone and single in my bed. 

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