Chapter 8 : Halloween Tour

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"Do you not trust me because my ancestors practiced black magic ?" As we were leaving the cemetery, I needed to hear Raymond's version to feel better. According to Delilah, I was supposed to become a dark witch. It was in our family blood.

"Who told you that... Delilah ?" He stared at me, waiting for me to answer him back. But I didn't want to give her name away, yet he saw us talking, so he could already know that. I didn't nod but he could clearly see the answer in my eyes. 

"Well you're a newcomer, I don't give my trust easily. And that's not because you're supposed to be evil."  He smiled nicely, and for once I realized that in the end, Raymond seemed really kind and gentle.

"I get it, but you told me that on earth the council told you to watch over me. Right, so you must have seen that I'm not a bad girl." I wanted him to trust me, I had so many questions still stuck in my head.

"Hailey it's not about being good or bad, once the dark side claims you, it's a curse it sticks on you for a long time... like forever"I don't know why but the way he talked about it, it was almost like he knew what was the darkness.

"What do you mean." I didn't understand what the dark side was supposed to do to a normal person. And I didn't know the existence of the witches before, so I had no idea what was supposed to happen to me if the dark side took me. 

"Once a witch completes the ritual, you have to choose a side, it's what the council says, but I believe that the side chooses us. And some families are always linked to their ancestor's choice." That was really stupid, why did we have to be linked to our family choices? 

"But being on the dark side, is it... this bad? I mean Delilah, she's on the dark side, right ?" And she was nice, not like the others who didn't even dare to talk to me after class.

"yes, but we had to maintain a spell on her, or she gets crazy." That was super strange, so witches on the dark side were bound by a spell from the nice one. I wouldn't say I liked that story. Where was the freedom inside that? 

"And what about my aunt."  I guess Alice was linked to a spell too. if so that was wrong, even if they were on the dark side, maybe it wasn't that bad. Perhaps they could do good, too?

"Same thing Hailey." But according to the council and the witches, the dark side meant evil. Or crazy, like Raymond said. 

"Is that why my mom decided to leave." If our whole family was supposed to be maintained by a spell and not live truly, I understand better why my mom left eventually. Being free was something meaningful to her. 

"I don't know, I was only two when the Ryan were separate." 

"And what about me, I'm a turning to the dark side." I knew that I was asking him, but I already knew the answer, the curse was in my family. I would be darkened, too. 

"Well, we'll see that in two days. We can't see on which side you are. Even in our act, it all depends on the two other sides."

I was not reassured. I needed to know more about the dark side, I mean Delilah and Alice were nice, but how did they manage it? How did it work to be on the dark side? And how did the council maintain them by the spell? Was it hurting them too, to be not free? 

"But don't worry, the witches support each other. We won't let you down, no matter which side you'll be on." That was again not reassuring. I felt now what my mom must have felt before her own ceremony. I knew now why she wanted to leave this town. Being controlled by other did not sound that good. 

"So here are the redwood. This is where the vampire territory starts. And I guess you've been there, and you should stop immediately. Vampires and witches are dangerous from one another." Dangerous? yes, I was aware of Lisa's story about how she almost killed her ex, but she had it under control and Bishop did too. They didn't kill me, I mean for now.

"What do you mean ?" 

"Well, they're like mermaids to us. They are attracted to us and our blood turned them crazy. So our relationship is mostly toxic. That's why we avoid their contact. Or have a special ring to keep them away." He showed me his finger, with a black ring stone on it. That was amazing how a simple ring could keep vampires far away. 

"I'll give you mine. Try to always have it on you. It will keep the vampire out of your life." He put his ring on my finger, but I wanted out already. I liked the vampires, I couldn't wear such a ring. And I didn't like the fact that he wanted to control who I was seeing. 

"Raymond, my friend is a vampire."I tried to stop him and gave him his ring back. But he made me keep it in my hand. 

"I know, so you should keep the ring all the time."I didn't answer him back, I guess that I didn't need to fight against Raymond, he had already made a choice about the vampire and they were toxic according to his says.

"But then tell me did you know how vampires are able to go back on earth, as you told me that Halloween gates only open on certain dates? I don't get it, how they managed to be on earth too like me." I didn't have the answer yet, but I was sure Raymond had all the info.

"Vampires do not have the same agreement as us with the humans. And in other times, when we're close to the vampire, we've given them special rings that help them to transition from one world to another."Now everything was more logical. That's how Lisa came back to earth every day.

"But vampire feed on human blood, are they not more dangerous."I really wondered why humans made an agreement with the vampire, they were more dangerous than the witches, I mean according to the Hollywood movie?

"What no, vampire feed on emotions. Where you've seen that. Vampire feeding on human blood!" He laughed hard, I guess Hollywood was wrong on this one.

"They are useful for humans when they need to keep their emotions in control." 

"But how much did they need to feed every day ?" I wondered when Lisa would eventually want to eat my emotions. I didn't know how this worked for her. Raymond was telling me that no blood was taken. So how could they take our emotions? I had questions on this one. 

"I don't know Hailey. You should ask your friend, but anyway we're not here to have vampire class, let's focus on your world now: the witches!" I knew that this was not true, this time Raymond didn't want me to know more. He wanted me to be scared and not go back to Lisa. But that was out of my way. She was my best friend and having her here was reassuring me more than the other witches.

We continue our walk around Halloween, as I learn in the cemetery, humans wanted us out as we were too strong against them. So the Smith and Galpin thought of a new world, a world we're will be left alone. They had the idea to pass through the ocean to create this world. That's why Halloween had a big lake. This lake apparently also was the one growing our vegetables here and corn. Then Raymond told me that we had agreements with the humans for the meat, but we also had some animals in case the humans decided to break the deal.

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