Chapter 6 : Sweet dreams

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It was cold and dark again. I was walking through the street. And as always in these dreams, it was not my actual street, like in California. But by now, I recognized where I was. I was not lost anymore. I knew it was the street from Halloween. As weird as this sounded, my body was completely controlled by something else, and I could not stop myself from walking forward.

Yet, this dream was different from the other one. In this dream, the red eye guy would have appeared before. But he was not there anymore. And my feet still uncontrolled were walking through the redwood now. This dream was different from the other, he would have stopped before and closed my eyes.

From now on, I know where I was going, I knew it was Lisa's house. I had taken the same path as Bishop, and now in a pale halo was Lisa's house. The door was already opened as if someone was waiting for me. My feet, still not controlled by myself, continued walking, entering the house. And then, here he was, sitting on the sofa, at the same place I seated earlier in the afternoon with Lisa.

"Hailey. You finally came." I don't know why but seeing him this close and finally having his whole face and body in high definition made me happy. I knew immediately that he was the guy who took me to Halloween, the one who haunted my dream. His red eyes were now more blue-tainted.

"Who are you ?" I smile happily, finally being able to see him and not this blur, it seemed that I knew him forever. As I walk into the living room I was now able to control my feet, I was sort of released before I couldn't control myself.

"I'm the man of your dream of course" I giggled, sitting close to him on the sofa. Being around him made me crazy. As if it was a dream becoming reality. I was never able to see him. I knew his red eyes, but I never saw his body, his face.

"No but what's your name? Where you're from? And why do you keep haunting my dreams ?"

"So many questions, Love." As we were close, he took my hand in his. Gently he kissed the top of my hand, and slowly his tongue was now landing multiple kisses on my arm. I wanted to stop him. But it was so good, too good. I always knew that we were drawn to each other, I don't know why. But he attracted me.

"But you can call me Aidan when we'll make love" His eyes were malicious and his smile was dirty, so much horny. I blushed immediately. Who was this dude? And why I felt safe in front such of a predator.

"Aidan... Who are you." My voice was whispering as he continued driving me crazy kissing my cheek also slowly, making my desire increase.

"I've told you, Hailey, I'm the man of your dream." I giggled again, this was definitely not real, this man was not real. No man would have possibly said that to me.

"Please don't stop this one." I know what would happen between us, but I don't why I act like that, never in my real life I would have sex with a stranger, a man I knew for three seconds. But here our connection was strong and so powerful.

"It won't love. I promise." He kissed me with all our passion being merged, I wanted him so much, closing my eyes and leaving this kiss like a roller coaster. But then a big noise woke me up. And again it was now just a dream.

Damn you, Aidan, and your fake promise. I punch my fist into the blanket, knowing that my horny dream was over. Even if, at least, I knew his face now, and I had a name, the search could start. Or maybe I was just becoming insane.

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