Chapter 4 : Reunion

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A strong noise made me stop what I was doing. For one hour now, I tried to search my aunt's house. I opened every door that was not closed. But I did not find anything except beds or clothes, while the other rooms were locked. In the kitchen, nothing was hidden too, except spices or tea bags, and in the living room, nothing too. I eventually take a look outside to see Halloween street but it seems that everyone was asleep and only the streetlights were on. From now on, I was trying to open the drawer in the living room. Yet it was not working too and I guessed my aunt was expecting a visitor as the noise of a door banging continued on and on. I decided to open it as the noise didn't stop.

In front of me was a blond man, I was surprised, indeed he did not look like a weird creature, this guy seemed normal. We were close now, but weirdly, I felt like I almost knew him already. His blue eyes were scrutinizing me.

« And you are ... ?» I cut the silence, while he finally decided to look me in the eyes.

« My name is James but you can call me Bishop, everyone calls me like that. You must be Alice's niece, right?» I nodded but I didn't know what to tell him, I didn't think he was a witch too.

« Yeah but she is not here for the moment, but I can give your message if you like.» He smiled at me, and push harder on the door, I guessed nobody could pull him back. 

« Well, I'm not really here for Alice. I knew that her niece was in town, and I wanted to see how beautiful she was .»This felt really awkward as he seemed to have twice my age. He even looked like a real predator ready to kill me anytime. I didn't trust him for sure, I felt like I opened the door to the big bad wolf.

« I'm just joking Hailey, Lisa sent me here, she wanted to see her friend.» I felt finally reassured when he talked about Lisa, I wonder if we were talking about my friend from California or someone else.

« Lisa Montallac? Is she here ?» He nodded, as he let himself get closure to the stupid drawer I had tried to open before.

«Is she a witch too ?» He giggled as if that wasn't possible. I wondered what Lisa was. And how she did manage to be in Halloween if the gate only open on a certain date? She must have broken the law too. 

« No, no really, we're something else. But maybe you can come with me? I will tell you more about us, and Lisa is expecting you in our house.» He got back to the front door, waiting for me to follow him, even if wanted to, I hesitated for one second, as my aunt told me to wait there. However, I wanted to see Halloween, I mean if the council brought me back to California I needed to see this world before I leave it forever and forget about it.

« So what species Lisa is ? » I let myself go out of my aunt's house, outside it was dark again, as yesterday, I missed for one second the sunlight.

« I think she might want to tell her herself. She doesn't like that we tell the surprise. » As we walk down the street I could see that most of the houses were almost all similar, Victorian style, only the color was different. And instead of having a mailbox, they had this pumpkin shining bright with a flame inside of it. I wondered why nobody was out, it was dark but I mean it's not like this all the land was full of witches they had nothing to fear right?

We keep walking for a long moment. Leaving the alley of houses, until we reached a forest. it was strange but inside it, no bird sound seemed to be heard they were no noises, and it was calm. Yet it was not a scary wood, it was just pine trees, normal pine trees.

They were no special path designed to follow in this place, I guess Bishop knew it all by heart. The only thing specific from this wood was the floor, it was covered by red vivid leaves from the tree, and it was almost as if they were lighting when we walk on it. I have never seen that before. We then took a left turn, no real road was traced. And finally through the trees, in a halo of light, a house was standing by. It was indeed well hidden, I don't think I could have found it, if Bishop wasn't here. He opened the large wooden door and let me enter first. This house was not the same as the one in Halloween.

The inside seemed cold, the wood floor was pretty old and unvarnished. A staircase made of white stone was near the corridor and the main door. But we did not take it, we continue walking through the main corridor until a light appeared, and there were two doors wide open. A red velvet sofa was standing in the room and a small shelf was filled with books, old books. A marble table was taking up the rest of the space, next to the sofa. And through all this, was Lisa. I wasn't dreaming, she was here in Halloween.

« Hailey, I'm so happy that you're here. » Lisa didn't wait long before hugging me. Everything now seemed logical, of why she didn't call me back after class. She wasn't on earth, literally.

« So it's true, you're definitely a witch. I would never have believed in that»

« Well, for now, I'm still human. But anyway, what you're doing here ? Are you a witch too  ?» She giggled as her friend did before. I thought that they were witches such as me. I didn't know what the joke was around this sentence. 

« No, I'm not. We're nothing alike, I think in your world they call us "vampires". It's sort of who I am but not entirely like in these Hollywood movies. » Really a vampire, I felt like I was in one of these tv shows or movies. The only part missing was her trying to bite me

« Why you didn't come directly to my aunt's house ?» I didn't understand why she sent Bishop, she could have come, it's not like she wasn't able to walk there.

« Lisa is punished. She is not allowed to be on witches' grounds. » James answered me before Lisa even said a word. But I gazed at her, I needed more info on this one.

« Well, I guess I better tell you that now, A long time ago, I almost kill a witch. My formal lover and the witches didn't react well. So I must stay out of their territory for now. » I understand better now, why she didn't come searching for me, the witches seemed to be very cold with the ones who were not like them.  

« But don't worry, I'll never hurt you. I handle myself now. And you are still my best friend.»She smiled sadly, I could see in her eyes that she regretted what happened to her formal lover. But thanks to Bishop and her, I understand why I didn't see Lisa a lot in the human world. First, she was a vampire and then she also needed to be in Halloween. One thing still got in my mind, if the travel between the gate of Halloween and my human world were timed, how did Lisa manage to pass the security?

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